Bhartiya Bhasha Utsav: 75 Days of Indian Language Celebration starts in Lucknow

A 75-day-long event celebrating Indian languages, known as Bhartiya Bhasha Utsav, commenced on September 28, 2023, in Lucknow.

  1. Participants: The event features the participation of Padma Shree awardees and representatives from various Indian languages.
  2. Program Highlights: The festival includes a Multi-language conference called Bahubhashi Sangoshthi and a play based on the epic Ramayana.
  3. Duration: Bhartiya Bhasha Utsav will run from September 28 to December 11, which coincides with the birthday of the famous Tamil poet Subrahmanyam Bharti, celebrated as Indian Languages Day.
  4. Government Initiative: Central government has initiated the celebration of Indian languages for 75 days as part of The Indian Languages Festival. Numerous programs will be organized throughout the state to celebrate various Indian languages.

Q.: Who is participating in the Bhartiya Bhasha Utsav, commenced on September 28, 2023, in Lucknow?

a) Bollywood actors
b) Padma Shree awardees and representatives of Indian languages
c) International diplomats
d) Scientists and researchers

Ans : b) Padma Shree awardees and representatives of Indian languages

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