Conservative Popular Party (PP) won the national elections in Spain

The conservative Popular Party (PP) won the national elections in Spain on 23 July 2023. But it did not achieve the desired significant victory to remove Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez from office.

  1. The PP, led by candidate Alberto Núñez Feijóo, performed below the expectations of most campaign polls.
  2. The Socialist party, led by Pedro Sánchez, finished second, but they celebrated the outcome as a victory because their combined forces, along with allied parties, gained slightly more seats than the PP and the far-right.
  3. The bloc likely to support Sánchez totaled 172 seats, while the right bloc led by Feijóo had 170 seats.
  4. The election results are expected to lead to weeks of political jockeying and uncertainty over the future leadership of the country.
  5. The next prime minister will be voted on once lawmakers are installed in the new Congress of Deputies.
  6. With 98% of votes counted, the PP is on track for 136 seats, and even with the far-right Vox party’s expected 33 seats and one seat from an allied party, the PP would still be seven seats short of an absolute majority.

Q.: In the recent national elections in Spain, which party emerged as the winner?
A) Socialist Party
B) Far-right Vox party
C) Popular Party (PP)
D) Conservative Party

Ans : C) Popular Party (PP)

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