European Union (EU) and India conducted their first joint naval exercise in the Gulf of Guinea

India and the European Union (EU) conducted a joint naval exercise in the Gulf of Guinea to enhance maritime security cooperation in the region.

  1. The exercise took place on October 24, 2023, following the third meeting of the EU-India Maritime Security Dialogue on October 5, 2023, in Brussels.
  2. The participating vessels included the Indian Navy’s INS Sumedha and three ships from EU Member States: Italian Navy Ship ITS Foscari, French Navy Ship FS Ventôse, and Spanish Navy Ship Tornado.
  3. The exercise involved various tactical maneuvers in international waters off the coast of Ghana, including a boarding exercise, a flying exercise using helicopters from the French and Indian ships, and personnel transfers between the ships.
  4. After the exercise, a knowledge sharing session occurred in Accra, Ghana, aimed at improving operational knowledge and strengthening ties between Ghanaian officials and representatives from India, the EU, and EU Member States missions to Ghana.
  5. These activities emphasized the commitment of India and the EU to support coastal states and the Yaoundé Architecture in ensuring maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea.
  6. The joint efforts highlighted the extensive cooperation between the EU and India in maritime security and their determination to uphold the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Q.: Which Indian Navy vessel participated in the joint exercise with European Union (EU) in the Gulf of Guinea on October 24, 2023?

a) INS Sumedha
b) INS Foscari
c) INS Ventôse
d) INS Tornado

Ans : a) INS Sumedha

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