India launched ‘Operation Karuna’ to help cyclone-hit Myanmar.

  • India launched ‘Operation Karuna’ to assist Myanmar devastated by Cyclone Mocha. Three Indian Navy ships carrying relief material reached Yangon on 18 May and the fourth ship arrived on 19 May.
  • The ships are carrying emergency food supplies, tents, essential medicines, water pumps, portable generators, clothing, hygiene and sanitation items, etc.
  • Medical supplies include antibiotics, anti-infectives, anti-histamines, bronchodilators, pro-kinetics, eye drops, intravenous fluids and miscellaneous drugs useful for water-borne and epidemic diseases.
  • Cyclone ‘Moka’ has wreaked havoc from Myanmar to Bangladesh. Thousands of homes were destroyed in this powerful storm. Hundreds of people were injured and many people lost their lives.
  • The strongest cyclone that came after 41 years in 1982 has left a trail of devastation behind it.

Qns : What is the name of the operation launched by India to assist Myanmar after Cyclone Mocha?
(A) Operation Blue Star
(B) Operation Karuna
(C) Operation Cyclone
(D) Operation Vijay

Answer : (B) Operation Karuna

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