Indian-American Shohini Sinha Appointed Special Agent in Charge of FBI’s Salt Lake City Field Office for Counter-Terrorism Expertise

Shohini Sinha, an Indian-American, has been appointed as the special agent in charge of the FBI’s field office in Salt Lake City in the US state of Utah.

  1. Sinha has a notable background in counter-terrorism investigations and has been recognized for her exceptional track record in this field.
  2. She previously served as the executive special assistant to the Director at FBI Headquarters in Washington DC before her current appointment.
  3. Sinha joined the FBI as a special agent in 2001 and was promoted to supervisory special agent in 2009, working in the Counterterrorism Division in Washington, DC.
  4. In 2021, she was selected to serve as the executive special assistant to the FBI Director, further highlighting her leadership qualities and outstanding performance.

Question: In which area has Indian-American Shohini Sinha been appointed as the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI?

A) Washington DC
B) New York City
C) Salt Lake City, Utah
D) Los Angeles, California

Answer: C) Salt Lake City, Utah

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