6th Indian Ocean Conference to begin in Dhaka.

  • Bangladesh will host the 6th Indian Ocean Conference (IOC) to be held in Dhaka from 12-13 May. High-level government delegations and think tanks from around 25 countries are expected to participate in the IOC.
  • D-Eight is an organization for development cooperation between Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey.
  • It will provide a common platform to discuss possibilities of regional cooperation with the objective of security and economic growth for all in the region.
  • It is an attempt to bring together all important countries and major maritime partners of the region on a single platform. During the conference, discussions will also be held on strengthening cooperation between the countries of the Indian Ocean.
  • The 6th edition of the conference was organized by the India Foundation, Ministry of External Affairs, Bangladesh and S.K. Organized in collaboration with the Rajaratnam School of International Studies. Discussed possibilities of regional cooperation for Security and Growth for All (SAGAR) in the region.

Qns : Which country is hosting the 6th Indian Ocean Conference?

(A) India
(B) Bangladesh
(C) Indonesia
(D) Pakistan

Answer : (B) Bangladesh

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