Armed Forces Flag Day : December 7

Armed Forces Flag Day in India, observed annually on December 7 since 1949, pays tribute to the soldiers and veterans of the armed forces. The day highlights the courage, dedication, and professionalism of armed forces personnel, acknowledging their role in safeguarding the nation from both external and internal threats.

The historical significance of Armed Forces Flag Day dates back to August 28, 1949, when the Ministry of Defence designated it as a day for remembrance and fundraising. The concept involves distributing small flags to the public and collecting donations. The funds collected contribute to the rehabilitation of battle casualties, welfare of serving personnel and their families, and resettlement and welfare of ex-servicemen and their families.

Q: When is Armed Forces Flag Day observed annually in India?

a. November 11
b. December 7
c. January 1
d. March 15

Ans : b. December 7

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