ASEAN-India Maritime Exercise – Sea Phase of 2023.

  • The first ASEAN-India Maritime Exercise (AIME-2023) successfully concluded on 8 May, 2023 in the South China Sea.
  • Around 1400 personnel from nine ships participated in the sea phase of this multilateral naval exercise.
  • Indigenously designed and built ships – destroyer INS Delhi and stealth frigate INS Satpura, maritime patrol aircraft P8I and integrated helicopters – carried out exercises with ASEAN naval ships from Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
  • The two-day sea phase featured a wide spectrum of maritime developments including maneuvers, cross deck landing by helicopters, development of seamanship and other maritime operations.
  • Apart from honing skills in the maritime domain, the exercise enhanced interoperability and demonstrated the capability of the Indian and ASEAN Navies to work as a unified force to promote peace, stability and security in the region.

Qns : Which Indian naval ships participated in the AIME-2023?

(A) INS Kolkata and INS Viraat
(B) INS Delhi and INS Satpura
(C) INS Vikrant and INS Jalashwa
(D) INS Chennai and INS Tarkash

Answer : (B) INS Delhi and INS Satpura

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