Defence Minister Rajnath Singh Launches NCC Integrated Software and Announces MoU with State Bank of India for Cadets’ Benefits

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh launched an NCC Integrated Software in New Delhi on July 7, 2023. The software is a single-window interactive platform designed on the entry-to-exit model for NCC cadets. The software aims to digitalize the entire process from cadet enrollment to alumni registration. It will enable the seamless issuance of certificates and the creation of an all-India database of NCC cadets for employment purposes.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between NCC and the State Bank of India during the event. The MoU aims to open zero balance accounts for all NCC cadets, providing them with debit card, cheque book, and passbook facilities. Approximately five lakh cadets will benefit from this MoU annually.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh believes that the software and MoU will provide quick access to NCC information nationwide and benefit current and future cadets.

Q.: What is the purpose of the NCC Integrated Software launched in July 2023?
a) To provide debit card facilities to NCC cadets
b) To digitalize the entire process from enrollment to alumni registration
c) To establish an all-India database of Defense Ministry personnel
d) To promote physical fitness among NCC cadets

Ans : b) To digitalize the entire process from enrollment to alumni registration

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