Hajj, one of the largest religious gatherings in the world, began in Saudi Arabia

The annual Hajj pilgrimage, one of the largest religious gatherings in the world, officially began in Saudi Arabia on Friday (14 June 2024). Two million Muslim pilgrims embarked on their spiritual journey. After circling the Kaaba, Islam’s holiest site, and converging on a vast tent camp in the nearby desert, the pilgrims engage in a day and night of prayer. 

Nearly 1.75 lakh pilgrims from India are participating in the Haj rituals. Out of the Indian pilgrims, 1,40,020 have traveled through the Haj Committee, and about 35,000 through private operators. Over 5,000 Indian women are participating in the pilgrimage without a Mehram (male guardian).

Q.: Where does the Hajj, an annual Muslim pilgrimage take place?

A) Jerusalem
B) Mecca
C) Medina
D) Cairo

Correct Answer: B

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