Mission Digital Mahila” launched in two-days Women 20 meeting in Jaipur

Two-days Women 20 meeting organizes under G-20 in Jaipur from 13 to 14 April 2023. During the meeting Mission Digital Mahila” launches to empower women.

  1. Elaborate discussions were made on topics related to gender equality and women empowerment on the first day of the two-day Women 20 meeting organized under G-20 in Jaipur.
  2. Three sessions were organized in the meeting, which focused on financial empowerment of women, digital and financial literacy, climate change, and a sustainable future.
  3. “Mission Digital Mahila” was launched in the meeting to empower women through financial and business literacy and digital proficiency, and to increase their access to digital and financial tools and the local ecosystem so they can start their own enterprises and expand their businesses.
  4. Despite an almost equal population of women in the country, the participation of women in the labor force is just 22 percent, while globally it is 49 percent.
  5. Three out of four women in the age group of 15 to 59 years in the country are out of the labor force.
  6. Increasing women’s participation in the labor force will also increase the GDP.

Question : When was “Mission Digital Mahila” launched?

a) During the Two-day Women 20 meeting in Jaipur
b) During the G-20 Summit in Jaipur
c) During the UN General Assembly in New York
d) During the World Economic Forum in Davos

Ans : a) During the Two-day Women 20 meeting in Jaipur

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