Parliament passed Jammu and Kashmir Reservation and Reorganisation (Amendment) Bills

Parliament passed Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bill, 2023, and Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Amendment) Bill, 2023.

  • J&K Reorganisation Bill modifies the 2019 Act, increasing total legislative assembly seats from 83 to 90.
  • The Bill reserves seven seats for Scheduled Castes, nine for Scheduled Tribes, and allows nomination of two members from Kashmiri migrant community.
  • J&K Reservation Bill amends the J&K Reservation Act, replacing “weak and underprivileged classes” with “other backward classes.”
  • Home Minister Amit Shah asserted Supreme Court’s validation of Article 370 abrogation, stating it curbed separatism and terrorism.

Q: According to the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Amendment) Bill, 2023, who can be nominated by the Lieutenant Governor to the Legislative Assembly?

a. Residents with long-term political experience
b. Up to two members from the Kashmiri migrant community
c. Any Indian citizen residing in Jammu and Kashmir
d. Members of recognized political parties only

Ans : b. Up to two members from the Kashmiri migrant community

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