The Cabinet approved setting up of Universal Postal Union Regional Office at New Delhi.

  • The Cabinet on 31 May approved the setting up of Regional Office of Universal Postal Union, UPU at New Delhi. Its objective is to enter into an agreement with the UPU and initiate the development cooperation and technical assistance activities of the UPU in the region.
  • The ratification enables India to play an active role in multilateral organizations in the postal sector with emphasis on South-South and triangular cooperation. India will provide a field project expert, staff and office set up for the regional office of UPU.
  • Projects on capacity building and training, improvement in efficiency and quality of postal services, enhancement of postal technology, e-commerce and trade promotion etc. will be formulated and implemented by this office in coordination with UPU.
  • This initiative will help in expanding India’s diplomatic footprint and strengthen ties with other countries especially in the Asia-Pacific region and enhance India’s presence in global postal fora.

Qns : What is the full form of UPU?
(A) Universal Postal Union
(B) United Postal Union
(C) Universal Primary Services
(D) Universal Products Union
Ans : (A) Universal Postal Union

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