China has blocked the proposal to declare 26/11 attack accused Sajid Mir as a global terrorist.

  • On 20th June, China blocked at the United Nations a proposal to designate Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist Sajid Mir, wanted for his involvement in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, as a global terrorist.
  • Beijing blocked the proposal that was moved by the US and India to blacklist Mir as a global terrorist under the 1267 Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee of the United Nations Security Council. The proposal also provides for confiscation of their assets, travel ban and arms embargo.
  • In September 2022, China blocked the proposal to nominate Mir in the UN.
  • Mir is one of India’s most wanted terrorists and the US has put a $5 million bounty on his head for his role in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. Mir was sentenced in June by an anti-terrorism court in Pakistan to more than 15 years in prison in a terror-financing case.

Qns : Which country blocked the proposal to designate Sajid Mir as a global terrorist at the United Nations on 20th June?
(A) China
(B) United States
(C) Pakistan
(D) India
Ans : (A) China

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