North India’s first Skin Bank was inaugurated at Safdarjung Hospital in New Delhi.

  • North India’s first Skin Bank has been inaugurated at Safdarjung Hospital in New Delhi on 20th June.
  • It is a bank where deceased donors can donate their skin which will be helpful in the treatment of burns. Skin can be donated within six hours of death and after processing can be used for burn and trauma patients.
  • 7-10 million people suffer burn injuries in India every year, making it the second most common cause of injury after road accidents.
  • Patients with skin infections, skin cancer treatments such as Mohs surgery, skin ulcers, and slow-healing or large wounds may benefit from skin grafting.
  • There are 16 skin banks in the country – a facility where skin from dead persons can be donated – seven in Maharashtra, four in Chennai, three in Karnataka and one each in Madhya Pradesh and Odisha.

Qns : Where was North India’s first Skin Bank inaugurated on 20th June 2023?
(A) Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
(B) AIIMS, New Delhi
(C) Rajiv Gandhi Hospital, New Delhi
(D) Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Ans : (A) Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi

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