India becomes World’s Third-Largest Domestic Aviation Market

India has become the world’s third-largest domestic aviation market, after the U.S. and China. This ranking is based on data from aviation analytics firm Official Airline Guide (OAG).

India’s domestic airline capacity doubled in the last 10 years, from 7.9 million seats in April 2014 to 15.5 million in April 2024. India replaced Brazil as the third-largest market; Brazil is now fourth with 9.7 million seats, followed by Indonesia in fifth with 9.2 million seats. India posted the highest annual average capacity growth rate among the top five countries at 6.9%, followed by China at 6.3% and the US at 2.4%.

IndiGo and Air India, which have over 1,000 planes on order, account for 90% of domestic seats in India. Low-cost carriers (LCCs) dominate Indian domestic capacity, accounting for 78.4% in April 2024. Comparatively, LCCs account for 68.4% of domestic capacity in Indonesia, 62.4% in Brazil, 36.7% in the US, and 13.2% in China.

Q: Which country did India surpass to become the third-largest domestic aviation market?

A) Indonesia
B) Germany
C) Brazil
D) Japan

Ans : C) Brazil
India has become the world’s third-largest domestic aviation market, after the U.S. and China.

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