Indian Parliament Passes Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023

On August 9, 2023, the Indian Parliament passed the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023, with approval from both the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha.

  • The Bill focuses on processing digital personal data while respecting individuals’ right to protect their data and the lawful need for data processing.
  • Personal data can be processed based on individual consent and for specific legitimate purposes.
  • The Data Protection Board of India will be established under the Bill to handle personal data breaches and impose penalties.
  • Penalties for breaches will be determined based on breach factors like nature, gravity, duration, and type of affected personal data.
  • Individuals have the right to correct, complete, update, and erase their personal data if previously consented.
  • The Bill resulted from thorough consultations with stakeholders and covers aspects like storage limits, data safeguarding, and accountability.
  • The Data Protection Board will be independent and comprise experts in the field.
  • The Bill uses inclusive language (“she” and “her” instead of “he” and “his”).
  • The language of the Bill is designed to be understandable to the general public.
  • The Bill does not undermine the provisions of the RTI (Right to Information) Act.

Q.: What is the main focus of the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023?

a) Regulating social media platforms
b) Ensuring free access to digital services
c) Protecting individuals’ personal data and enabling lawful data processing
d) Promoting digital entrepreneurship

Ans : c) Protecting individuals’ personal data and enabling lawful data processing

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