Tri-Service Conference  ‘Parivartan Chintan’ held in New Delhi on April 8, 2024

Parivartan Chintan: A Tri-Service Conference held in New Delhi on April 8, 2024, aimed at fostering new ideas, initiatives, and reforms for Jointness and Integration efforts.

Chaired by Chief of Defence Staff, General Anil Chauhan, the conference brought together heads of all Tri-Services Institutions, the Department of Military Affairs, Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff, and the three Services.

Discussions involved officers from diverse service backgrounds, contributing their understanding and experience to recommend measures for achieving the desired “Joint and Integrated” end state swiftly.

The Indian Armed Forces are undergoing transformative changes to prepare for future wars, with initiatives promoting Jointness and Integration amid modifications in structures to facilitate Tri-Service multi-domain operations.

Q: What was the main objective of the Parivartan Chintan Tri-Service Conference held on April 8, 2024?

a) Review ongoing military operations
b) Generate new ideas and reforms for Jointness and Integration efforts
c) Discuss budget allocations for the armed forces
d) Address internal conflicts within the military

Ans : b) Generate new ideas and reforms for Jointness and Integration efforts

Q: Who is the Chief of Defence Staff of India?

a) General Bipin Rawat
b) Admiral Karambir Singh
c) Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria
d) General Anil Chauhan

Ans : d) General Anil Chauhan

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