Band comprising 45 girls from North East to participate in NCC Republic Day Camp 2024

  1. 45 girls from the North East are participating in the National Cadet Corps (NCC) Republic Day Camp 2024.
  2. The girls, aged 13 to 15, will showcase the rich cultural heritage of the North East.
  3. This marks the first time a band of girls from the North East is participating in the camp.
  4. The NCC Republic Day Camp has a total of 2,274 cadets, including 907 girls, from across the country.
  5. The month-long camp aims to expose cadets to the rich traditions of the nation and strengthen their value system.
  6. There are 122 cadets from Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh, as well as 177 from the North East.
  7. Cadets and officers from 25 friendly countries under the Youth Exchange Programme (YEP) are also participating.
  8. The Director General of NCC, Lt Gen Gurbirpal Singh, highlighted the camp’s goal of promoting national integration and unity in diversity through cultural exchange programs.

Q: What is the full form of NCC?

a. National Cadet Council
b. National Cadet Corps
c. North Cultural Convention
d. National Cadre Committee

Ans : b. National Cadet Corps

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