The Bharatpol portal is a new initiative developed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in India. It was launched by Union Home Minister Amit Shah on January 7, 2025. The portal aims to streamline international cooperation in criminal investigations by enabling real-time information sharing among Indian law enforcement agencies and their international counterparts through Interpol.
Key features of the Bharatpol portal
Real-time information sharing: Facilitates faster access to international police assistance.
Streamlined requests: Simplifies the process of requesting international assistance, including the issuance of Red Notices and other color-coded notices.
Enhanced efficiency: Helps field-level police officers deal with crimes and security challenges more effectively.
Common platform: Brings all stakeholders on a single platform for better coordination.
The development of Bharatpol was necessitated by the growing footprint of transnational crimes, such as cyber-crime, financial crimes, online radicalization, organized crimes, drug trafficking, and human trafficking. The portal is expected to significantly enhance India’s efforts in combating these crimes by providing easier and faster access to international assistance.