Iran-Israel Tensions: Iran launched attack on Israel, deploying more than 300 drones and missiles

Iran-Israel Tensions: In recent days, tensions between Iran and Israel have escalated, causing global concern.

Iran’s Retaliation:

  • On April 13, 2024, Iran launched an unprecedented attack on Israel, deploying more than 300 drones and missiles.
  • Israel’s preparedness, Defence Forces (IDF) with a defense coalition of international partners shot down 99% Of Missiles, Drones From Iranian attack.
  • This assault was in retaliation for an Israeli strike on an Iranian diplomatic compound in Damascus, Syria, on April 1.

International Response:

  • President Biden condemned Iran’s attack and reaffirmed the United States’ “ironclad” commitment to Israeli security.
  • Other allies, including Germany, Canada, France, and Britain, expressed support for Israel while expressing concerns that Tehran’s actions could further destabilize the Middle East.

Q: What triggered Iran’s recent attack on Israel?

A. Israeli strike on an Iranian consulate in Damascus
B. Iran’s secret pursuit of nuclear weapons
C. Iran’s support for Hezbollah
D. Israel’s interference in Syria’s civil war

Ans : A. Israeli strike on an Iranian consulate in Damascus

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