Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the popular messaging application Telegram, was recently arrested by French police at Le Bourget Airport, located north of Paris. Durov, who is 39 years old, was detained after his private jet landed at the airport.
The arrest was made under a warrant related to various offences connected to Telegram. The investigation focuses on allegations that Telegram has not taken sufficient steps to curb criminal activities on its platform, including drug trafficking, child sexual content, and fraud. Telegram has previously denied these allegations, asserting that its moderation practices are within industry standards.
Durov, who holds dual citizenship in the United Arab Emirates and France, founded Telegram in 2013. The app is known for its strong emphasis on privacy and security, which has made it popular worldwide, especially in Russia, Ukraine, and former Soviet Union states.
Q.: Who is the founder and CEO of Telegram?
A) Mark Zuckerberg
B) Jack Dorsey
C) Pavel Durov
D) Sundar Pichai
Ans : C) Pavel Durov
Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the popular messaging application Telegram, was recently arrested by French police at Le Bourget Airport.