Namo Bharat Train from Sahibabad RRTS Station to New Ashok Nagar RRTS Station inaugurated on January 5, 2025, by PM Narendra Modi. It is part of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS. The route is 13 km long, from Sahibabad to New Ashok Nagar.
Key Features
Speed: 160 km/hr
Travel Time: 40 minutes (New Ashok Nagar to Meerut South)
Frequency: Every 15 minutes
Fare: ₹150 (Standard), ₹225 (Premium)
Stations: 11 operational, 2 upcoming (Sarai Kale Khan, Jangpura)
Connectivity: Connects with the Blue and Pink Metro lines, Anand Vihar railway station, and inter-state bus terminals