World Earth Day, observed on April 22

World Earth Day, observed annually on April 22, is a global event dedicated to environmental protection.

Origins and Purpose:

  • The first Earth Day was organized on April 22, 1970, by EARTHDAY.ORG (formerly Earth Day Network).
  • It mobilized millions of Americans from diverse backgrounds, marking the birth of the modern environmental movement.
  • Earth Day aims to raise awareness, inspire action, and advocate for a sustainable future.
  • Earth Day is now celebrated in over 193 countries, involving more than 1 billion people.
  • It serves as a reminder of our responsibility to protect Earth’s natural resources for future generations.

2024 Theme: Planet vs. Plastics:

Theme for Earth Day 2024 is “Planet vs. Plastics.” The goal is to end plastics for human and planetary health by demanding a 60% reduction in plastic production by 2040.

Q: Which day is celebrated as World Earth Day?

A) 21 August
B) 22 April
C) 21 December
D) 22 May

Ans : B) 22 April

Q: What was the theme of World Earth Day 2024?

A) End Plastic Pollution
B) Ecosystem Restoration
C) Time for Nature
D) Planet vs. Plastics

Ans : D) Planet vs. Plastics

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