Bharat Net: Connecting Six Lakh Villages with High-Speed Broadband

The government has allocated one lakh 39 thousand 579 crore rupees to extend Bharat Net in six lakh 40 thousand villages across the country on 5 August 2023.

  1. The extension project of Bharat Net is expected to be achieved in nearly two years.
  2. The decision for the extension project was taken after the success of a pilot project in 60 thousand Gram Panchayat villages across the country, which was completed in eight months.
  3. During the pilot project, Bharat Net reached 1.94 lakh villages, and currently, 5 lakh 67 thousand households have active Bharat Net connections.
  4. The extension program is expected to create nearly two lakh 50 thousand jobs.
  5. Bharat Net is one of the world’s largest rural broadband connectivity programs, built under the Make in India initiative, and implemented by Central PSUs including Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited.

Question: Which of the following statements is true about Bharat Net?

A) Bharat Net is one of the world’s largest urban broadband connectivity programs.
B) Bharat Net is one of the world’s largest rural broadband connectivity programs.
C) Bharat Net is one of the world’s largest satellite communication initiatives.
D) Bharat Net is one of the world’s largest social welfare schemes.

Answer: B) Bharat Net is one of the world’s largest rural broadband connectivity programs.

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