G20 Film Festival from August 16 to September 3, 2023, in New Delhi

The G20 Film Festival is a cultural event that showcases the diversity and creativity of the G20 countries through cinema. It is organized by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of India, in collaboration with the Directorate of Film Festivals, as part of the G20 Summit 2023 from August 16 to September 3, 2023, in New Delhi, India.

The G20 Film Festival feature 16 award-winning films from different genres and languages, such as Pather Panchali by Satyajit Ray (India), We are Still Here by Warwick Thornton (Australia), Ana by Charles McDougall (Argentina), and The Cathedral by Ali Asgari (Iran) . The festival aims to reflect the soft power of India and the other G20 nations, as well as to promote dialogue and understanding among different cultures and societies .

Q.: Where is the G20 Film Festival being held?

a) Mumbai, India
b) Tokyo, Japan
c) New Delhi, India
d) Beijing, China

Ans : c) New Delhi, India

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