Guinness record for simultaneous mass Surya Namaskar at 108 places in Gujarat

  • Gujarat set a Guinness record for simultaneous mass Surya Namaskar at 108 places on the first day of 2024.
  • Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and Minister for Home Affairs Harsh Sanghavi attended the state-level event at the Modhera Sun Temple.
  • Over 2500 people participated in the state-level function at the Modhera Sun Temple.
  • The mass Surya Namaskar was performed at 108 places, including 51 historic sites in Gujarat.
  • A month-long Mega Surya Namaskar Competition was organized by the Gujarat State Yog Board and the state government to promote the practice.

Q: Which Indian state set a Guinness record for performing mass Surya Namaskar simultaneously at 108 places on the first day of 2024?

a) Maharashtra
b) Gujarat
c) Rajasthan
d) Karnataka

Ans : b) Gujarat

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