India and the UK will jointly set up an India-UK ‘Net Zero’ Innovation Virtual Centre.

  • India and the UK (United Kingdom) will jointly create an India-UK “net zero” innovation virtual centre.
  • This was announced by Science and Technology Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh at the India-UK Science and Innovation Council meeting in the presence of United Kingdom Minister George Freeman.
  • India-UK “NET Zero” Innovation Virtual Centre which will provide a platform to bring stakeholders from both countries together to work in some of the focus areas including Decarbonization of manufacturing process & transport systems and Green Hydrogen as renewable source.
  • The Government of India has launched several major initiatives such as the National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber ​​Physical Systems (ICPS); Quantum Computing and Communications; Launched several major initiatives such as supercomputing, electric mobility, green hydrogen, etc., which provide new opportunities for collaboration.
  • India is fast marching towards becoming an economic powerhouse driven by its extraordinary technology and innovation.

Qns : What is the focus of the India-UK “NET Zero” Innovation Virtual Centre?

(A) Artificial intelligence and machine learning
(B) Advanced materials science
(C) Decarbonization of manufacturing process & transport systems
(D) Biotechnology and genetic engineering

Ans : (C) Decarbonization of manufacturing process & transport systems

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