India supports UNGA’s ceasefire resolution in West Asia

  • India supports UNGA’s ceasefire resolution in West Asia, voting in favor on 12 Dec 2023.
  • Draft resolution demands immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Israel-Hamas conflict and unconditional release of hostages.
  • UN General Assembly, comprising 193 members, adopts the resolution at an Emergency Special Session.
  • Voting results: 153 countries in favor, 10 against (including the US, Israel, and Austria), 23 abstentions (including Argentina, Ukraine, and Germany).

Q: What did the draft resolution in the UNGA’s Emergency Session demand regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict?

  • a) Military intervention
  • b) Immediate humanitarian ceasefire
  • c) Expansion of hostilities
  • d) Recognition of new borders

Ans : b) Immediate humanitarian ceasefire

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