India to provide relief assistance of one million dollars to Papua New Guinea in wake of volcanic eruption

  1. India has announced immediate relief assistance of one million dollars to Papua New Guinea in response to a volcanic eruption on November 20th.
  2. The eruption of Mount Ulawun in Papua New Guinea led to the evacuation of over 26 thousand people and created urgent humanitarian needs.
  3. New Delhi extended the relief assistance to support relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction efforts in Papua New Guinea, considering it a close friend and development partner under the Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation.
  4. The External Affairs Ministry expressed sympathy to the Government and people of Papua New Guinea for the damage and destruction caused by the volcanic eruption.

Q: What type of natural disaster prompted India to provide immediate relief assistance to Papua New Guinea?

a. Earthquake
b. Tsunami
c. Volcanic eruption
d. Cyclone

Answer: c. Volcanic eruption

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