India’s Resolution for Memorial Wall Honoring Fallen Peacekeepers Adopted by UN General Assembly

The UN General Assembly has adopted a Resolution to establish a Memorial Wall for fallen Peacekeepers, led by India on 15 June 2023.

The Resolution received 190 co-sponsorships, highlighting faith in India’s contributions. India’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj, introduced the draft resolution, which was adopted by consensus.

The Memorial Wall will symbolize the UN’s commitment to peacekeeping and honor the sacrifices of fallen peacekeepers.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed happiness and gratitude for the widespread support and record number of co-sponsorships.

Question : Who led the adoption of the Resolution to establish a Memorial Wall for fallen Peacekeepers in the UN General Assembly?
a) United States
b) India
c) United Kingdom
d) China

Answer: b) India

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