PM Modi lead inaugural session of second Voice of Global South Summit

Prime Minister Narendra Modi led the second ‘Voice of Global South Summit’ on November 17, 2023. India hosted the Summit in a virtual format.

  1. Theme:
    • The theme of the inaugural Leaders’ Session was “Together, for Everyone’s Growth, with Everyone’s Trust,” and that of the Concluding Leaders’ Session was “Global South: Together for One Future.”
  2. Sessions and Participants:
    • In addition to the inaugural session, there were four parallel Ministerial sessions by Ministers of External Affairs, Education, Finance, and Environment.
    • The Summit included afternoon sessions with four more parallel Ministerial discussions.
  3. Discussion Topics:
    • External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi mentioned that global challenges, including the Israel and Palestine issue, may be discussed during the summit.
  4. Focus of the Summit:
    • The Summit aimed to share key outcomes achieved in various G20 meetings during India’s Presidency.
    • It served as a platform for discussions on sustaining momentum toward a more inclusive, representative, and progressive world order.
  5. Previous Summit and India’s G20 Presidency:
    • India hosted the inaugural Voice of Global South Summit in January of the same year in a virtual format.
    • Throughout its G20 Presidency, India emphasized the importance of addressing concerns and priorities of the Global South in finding solutions to global challenges.

Q.: Who led the second ‘Voice of Global South Summit’ on November 17, 2023?

a) Angela Merkel
b) Narendra Modi
c) Xi Jinping
d) Joe Biden

Ans : b) Narendra Modi

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