Supreme Court of India joining the National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) platform

The Chief Justice of India, DY Chandrachud, announced that the Supreme Court of India will join the National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) platform to track case pendency.

  1. Inclusion in the NJDG is expected to bring transparency and accountability to the judiciary by making details of pending civil and criminal cases easily accessible.
  2. The NJDG is a database covering orders, judgments, and case details from thousands of District and Subordinate Courts and High Courts across India.
  3. The Supreme Court will now upload its cases in real-time to the NJDG, which was previously collecting data only up to the high court level.

Q.: What is the main purpose of the Supreme Court of India joining the National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG)?

A. To improve its internal data management
B. To enhance transparency and accountability in the judiciary
C. To automate court proceedings
D. To streamline administrative tasks

Ans : B. To enhance transparency and accountability in the judiciary

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