UAE wins Presidency of World Meteorological Organization.

  • Dr. Abdullah Al Mandous, a meteorologist from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has been elected as the new President of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) for a four-year term from 2023 to 2027.
  • The WMO is an official body within the United Nations system that focuses on weather, climate, hydrological and related environmental sectors.
  • Dr. Abdullah Al Mandous emerged as the official candidate of the UAE and won 95 votes among delegates from 193 member states and territories of the WMO.
  • The election took place during the 19th session of the World Meteorological Congress (Cg-19) held in Geneva, Switzerland from 22nd May to 2nd June He will succeed Prof Gerhard Adrian from the German Meteorological Service, who served as WMO President since June 2019.
  • Under the leadership of Dr. Al Mandous, the upcoming 77th Executive Council Session (EC-77) of the WMO will be chaired by the UAE in Geneva from 5 to 6 June.

Qns : Who has been elected as the new President of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) for a four-year term from 2023 to 2027?

(A) Godwin Obasi
(B) Albert Martis
(C) Dr. Abdullah Al Mandous
(D) David Arthur Davies

Ans : (C) Dr. Abdullah Al Mandous

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