Vigilance Awareness Week 2023 from October 30 to November 5, 2023

The Central Vigilance Commission is observing Vigilance Awareness Week 2023 from October 30 to November 5, 2023.

  1. The purpose of Vigilance Awareness Week is to raise awareness about the importance of integrity and ethics in public life.
  2. The theme for Vigilance Awareness Week 2023 is “Say no to corruption; Commit to the Nation.”
  3. The week commenced with the administration of the integrity pledge by Central Vigilance Commissioner Praveen Kumar Srivastava and Vigilance Commissioner Arvinda Kumar to officials at Satarkata Bhawan in New Delhi.
  4. The Commission had encouraged the participation of all Central Government authorities and organizations in a three-month campaign on preventive vigilance activities from August 16 to November 15.
  5. To promote public participation and disseminate information on vigilance matters, the Commission has launched a quiz on vigilance matters.
  6. The Commission is issuing three publications: “Best Practices in Vigilance Administration,” “Increasing transparency through the use of technology,” and “Public Procurement: Challenges and Way Forward” to showcase effective and innovative initiatives undertaken by different organizations.
  7. The Commission is seeking the participation of all citizens in promoting transparency and accountability in public administration.

Q.: What is the theme for Vigilance Awareness Week 2023?

a) Fight for Justice
b) Say no to bureaucracy
c) Say no to corruption; Commit to the Nation
d) Celebrating Transparency

Ans : c) Say no to corruption; Commit to the Nation

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