World Geography GK MCQ Questions Answers in English for Competitive Exams. Important questions selected from previous year exam questions papers of SSC, UPSC and other examinations.
World Geography MCQ
Q.1: Which of the following countries has the longest underground tunnel?
(A) Germany
(B) Switzerland
(C) Spain
(D) France
Q.2: Which of the following holds over 50% of the world’s coal reserves?
(A) USA, Russia, and China
(B) China, India, and Russia
(C) India, Russia, and the USA
(D) China, India, and the USA
Q.3: The Panama Canal was constructed in
(A) 1869 AD
(B) 1980 AD
(C) 1905 AD
(D) 1914 AD
Q.4: Which is the hottest place on Earth?
(A) Death Valley-California
(B) El Azizia-Libya
(C) Jacobabad-Pakistan
(D) Atacama-Peru
Q.5: What was the name of the cyclone that caused devastation in Bangladesh?
(A) Shary
(B) Sidr
(C) Wendy
(D) Erin
Q.6: What is the longest mountain range on Earth?
(A) Andes Mountains
(B) Mid-Atlantic Ridge
(C) Western Cordillera
(D) Himalayan Range
Q.7: The Sunda Trench is located in:
(A) Indian Ocean
(B) Pacific Ocean
(C) Atlantic Ocean
(D) Gulf of Mexico
Q.8: Which of the following is an abiotic factor?
(A) Mites
(B) Humidity
(C) Insects
(D) Rodents
Q.9: The lake created by the Aswan Dam in Africa is:
(A) Chad
(B) Victoria
(C) Nasser
(D) Tanganyika
Q.10: The temperate grasslands of North America are called
(A) Pampas
(B) Downs
(C) Steppes
(D) Prairies
Q.11: The Panama Canal differs from the Suez Canal as it has:
(A) A lock system
(B) A shorter route
(C) A busier route
(D) A less busy route
Q.12: Llanos grasslands are found in:
(A) Guiana Highlands
(B) Brazilian Highlands
(C) Argentina
(D) Chile
Q.13: Approximately what percentage of the world’s land area is tropical rainforest?
(A) 2 percent
(B) 7 percent
(C) 10 percent
(D) 15 percent
Q.14: Which continent is located in both the Northern-Southern and Eastern-Western hemispheres?
(A) Australia
(B) Africa
(C) Europe
(D) South America
Q.15: The Sahara is located in which part of Africa?
(A) Eastern
(B) Western
(C) Northern
(D) Southern
Q.16: The longest river in the world is:
(A) Ganges
(B) Nile
(C) Brahmaputra
(D) Amazon
Q.17: Which city is the capital of the desert country Mali?
(A) Damascus
(B) Bamako
(C) Adrar
(D) Ankara
Q.18: Peshawar is near:
(A) Karakoram Pass
(B) Zoji La Pass
(C) Namika-La Pass
(D) Khyber Pass
Q.19: The highest airport (4411 meters above sea level) is:
(A) Daocheng Yading Airport
(B) Heathrow Airport
(C) Kathmandu Airport
(D) Bangda Airport
Q.20: ‘Yosemite’ is:
(A) A river
(B) A peak
(C) A waterfall
(D) A dam
Q.21: Which strait separates Australia and Tasmania?
(A) Bass
(B) Bab-el-Mandeb
(C) Palk
(D) Bering
Q.22: The world’s largest coral reef is found off the coast of:
(A) Brazil
(B) Australia
(C) Sri Lanka
(D) Cuba
Q.23: The longest river in Europe is:
(A) Rhine
(B) Rhone
(C) Danube
(D) Volga
Q.24: Asia and North America are separated by:
(A) Bass Strait
(B) Dover Strait
(C) Bering Strait
(D) Cook Strait
Q.25: The Grand Canyon is located on which river?
(A) Colorado
(B) Columbia
(C) Ohio
(D) Mississippi
Q.26: On September 23, when day and night are of equal length worldwide, it is called:
(A) Autumnal Equinox
(B) Celestial Equinox
(C) Winter Equinox
(D) Spring Equinox
Q.27: The region famous for various types of wine and champagne is:
(A) Eastern Europe
(B) Western Europe
(C) Mediterranean
(D) Grasslands
Q.28: The river with the largest water flow in the world is:
(A) Huang-Ho
(B) Amazon
(C) Zaire
(D) Nile
Q.29: The world’s largest delta is:
(A) Sundarbans
(B) Amazon Basin
(C) Greenland
(D) Congo Basin
Q.30: The canal connecting the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean is:
(A) Suez
(B) Malacca
(C) Panama
(D) Gibraltar
Q.31: The strait connecting the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea is:
(A) Panama Strait
(B) Suez Strait
(C) Palk Strait
(D) Bering Strait
Q.32: The temperate grasslands of South America are called:
(A) Prairies
(B) Pampas
(C) Downs
(D) Steppes
Q.33: Volcanic activity is most common in:
(A) Hawaii
(B) Japan
(C) Columbia
(D) New Zealand
Q.34: The world’s largest freshwater lake is:
(A) Lake Victoria
(B) Lake Michigan
(C) Lake Balkhash
(D) Lake Superior
Q.35: Which of the following volcanoes is located in Mexico?
(A) Colima
(B) Purace
(C) Semeru
(D) Etna
Q.36: In July 2007, the highest peak of Halmahera Island, Mount Gamkonora Volcano, erupted in which country?
(A) Japan
(B) Indonesia
(C) Russia
(D) France
Q.37: The Black Forest is found in:
(A) France
(B) Germany
(C) Czechoslovakia
(D) Romania
Q.38: Greenland, the world’s largest island, is an integral part of:
(A) Norway
(B) North America
(C) Denmark
(D) Canada
Q.39: Kangaroos, platypuses, and koala bears are wildlife native to:
(A) Australia
(B) South America
(C) Europe
(D) Africa
Q.40: Which of the following regions has no rainfall at any time of the year?
(A) Central Europe
(B) Central North America
(C) Polar region
(D) Sub-Saharan region
Q.41: The world’s tallest gravity dam is:
(A) Beas Dam
(B) Nangal Dam
(C) Bhakra Dam
(D) Hirakud Dam
Q.42: “The climate is extreme, rainfall is scanty, and the people used to be nomadic herders.” This statement is true for which region?
(A) African Savannah
(B) Central Asian Steppes
(C) Siberian Tundra
(D) North American Prairies
Q.43: The world’s largest desert is:
(A) Arabian
(B) Kalahari
(C) Sahara
(D) Thar
Q.44: Which two countries are connected by an underwater tunnel?
(A) England and Spain
(B) Malaysia and Singapore
(C) England and Belgium
(D) France and England
Q.45: The world’s largest archipelago country is:
(A) Philippines
(B) Indonesia
(C) Sweden
(D) Greenland
Q.46: Which of the following is a landlocked sea?
(A) Timor Sea
(B) Arafura Sea
(C) Greenland Sea
(D) Aral Sea
Q.47: Where is the Normandy beach located?
(A) France
(B) Netherlands
(C) Spain
(D) Belgium
Q.48: ‘Dykes’ are specifically constructed in:
(A) Norway
(B) Holland
(C) France
(D) United Kingdom
Q.49: Colorado in America is famous for this landform _______________
(A) Grand Canyon
(B) Grand Craters
(C) Great Valleys
(D) Great Basin
Q.50: The largest island in the world is:
(A) New Guinea
(B) Madagascar
(C) Greenland
(D) Iceland