World Wetlands Day : February 2nd

World Wetlands Day is celebrated annually on February 2nd. It’s a day to raise awareness about the vital role of wetlands in our environment and to promote their conservation and sustainable use.

The theme for World Wetlands Day 2024 is “Wetlands and Human Wellbeing.”

India marked World Wetlands Day 2024 by adding five new wetlands to its list of Ramsar sites, bringing the total count to 80. These newly designated sites are:

  • Karaivetti Bird Sanctuary and Longwood Shola Reserve Forest (Tamil Nadu)
  • Ankasamudra Bird Conservation Reserve, Aghanashini Estuary, and Magadi Kere Conservation Reserve (Karnataka)

Q: What is the theme of World Wetlands Day 2024?

A) Wetlands and Climate Change
B) Wetlands and Sustainable Use
C) Wetlands and Human Wellbeing
D) Wetlands and Economic Development

Ans : C) Wetlands and Human Wellbeing

Q: How many Ramsar sites does India have after adding 5 new ones in 2024?

A) 75
B) 80
C) 85
D) 90

Ans : B) 80

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