World’s first portable hospital ‘Aarogya Maitri Aid Cube’ unveiled in Gurugram

The World’s first portable hospital, ‘Aarogya Maitri Aid Cube’ was unveiled on 2 December 2023 in Gurugram. Designed indigenously under the Project ‘BHISHM’, the modular trauma management and aid system is made up of 72 detachable mini-cubes, each being a specialized station for emergency response and humanitarian efforts.

This portable hospital can handle bullet injuries, burns, head, spinal and chest injuries, minor surgeries, fractures and major bleeding. It can treat as many as 200 patients. These cubes are light and portable, and can be rapidly deployed anywhere, from airdrops to ground transportation.

Q: The world’s first portable hospital, ‘Aarogya Maitri Aid Cube,’ was unveiled on 2nd December 2023 in which city?

a) Mumbai
b) Gurugram
c) New Delhi
d) Bangalore

Answer: b) Gurugram

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