July 2024

Sensex closes above 80,000 for first time, Nifty at 24,302

On July 4, 2024, India’s benchmark Sensex achieved a historic milestone by closing above the 80,000 mark for the first time. The Sensex closed at a new record high of 80,049.67 points, marking a 0.08 percent increase. Similarly, the Nifty 50 index ended at 24,302 points, up 0.06 percent.

The Sensex, also known as the S&P BSE Sensex, is India’s premier stock market index. It represents the performance of the 30 largest and most actively traded companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

The NIFTY, officially known as the Nifty 50, is India’s broader stock market index. It comprises 50 of the most actively traded and liquid stocks listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE)

Q: What does the Sensex represent?

A) The performance of the top 50 companies listed on the NSE.
B) The performance of the top 30 companies listed on the BSE.
C) The performance of the top 100 companies listed on the BSE.
D) The performance of all companies listed on the NSE.

Ans : B) The performance of the top 30 companies listed on the BSE.
The Sensex, also known as the S&P BSE Sensex, is India’s premier stock market index. It represents the performance of the 30 largest and most actively traded companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

Q: Which index achieved a historic milestone by closing above 80,000 for the first time in July 2024?

A) Nifty 50
B) Sensex
C) Nifty Pharma
D) Nifty IT

Ans : B) Sensex
On July 4, 2024, India’s benchmark Sensex achieved a historic milestone by closing above the 80,000 mark for the first time.

Keir Starmer of Labour Party is set to become Britain’s next Prime Minister

Keir Starmer is set to become Britain’s next Prime Minister. Labour Party won a massive majority in the parliamentary election held on July 4, 2024.

Labour party won around 400 seats in the 650-seat parliament. This election result would end 14 years of Conservative-led government.

Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party is suffered historic losses.

Voters are punishing the Conservatives for a cost-of-living crisis and years of instability and in-fighting, with five different prime ministers since 2016.

Q: Who is set to become Britain’s next Prime Minister following the parliamentary election on July 4, 2024?

a) Rishi Sunak
b) Boris Johnson
c) Keir Starmer
d) Jeremy Corbyn

c) Keir Starmer
Keir Starmer is set to become Britain’s next Prime Minister. Labour Party is projected to win a massive majority in the parliamentary election on July 4, 2024.

Hemant Soren, took oath as the Chief Minister of Jharkhand

Hemant Soren, Executive President of Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM), took oath as the Chief Minister of Jharkhand on July 4, 2024.

This is Hemant Soren’s third term as Chief Minister. Soren was recently released on bail by the high court in an alleged money laundering case.

Champai Soren resigned as Jharkhand’s 12th Chief Minister, who had taken office on January 31, after Hemant Soren’s arrest by the Enforcement Directorate.

Q: Who took oath as the Chief Minister of Jharkhand on July 4, 2024?

a) Champai Soren
b) CP Radhakrishnan
c) Hemant Soren
d) Raghubar Das

Ans : c) Hemant Soren
Hemant Soren, Executive President of Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM), took oath as the Chief Minister of Jharkhand on July 4, 2024.

First in India GK in Hindi

First in India, General Knowledge (GK) in Hindi for Competitive Exams. List of First Appointments, First lady, and Technical achievements are compiled below.

भारत की पहली नियुक्तियाँ

पहले राष्ट्रपतिडॉo राजेन्द्र प्रसाद
पहले उपराष्ट्रपतिडॉo एस० राधाकृष्णन
पहले प्रधानमंत्रीपंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरु
पहले गृह मंत्रीवल्लभभाई पटेल
पहले रेल मंत्रीजॉन मथाई
पहले रक्षा मंत्रीसरदार बलदेव सिंह
पहले वित्त मंत्रीआर० षणमुगम चेट्टी
पहले विदेश मंत्रीजवाहरलाल नेहरु
पहले गवर्नर जनरल (भारतीय)सी राजगोपालाचारी
पहले गवर्नर जनरललॉर्ड माउन्टबेटन
भारत के पहले मुख्य न्यायाधीशहरिलाल जे कानिया
पहले मुख्य निर्वाचन आयुक्तसुकुमार सेन
पहले मुख्य सूचना आयुक्तवजाहत हबीबुल्ला
पहले केंद्रीय सतर्कता आयुक्तएन० श्रीनिवास राव
लोकसभा के पहले अध्यक्षजी० वी० मावलंकर
पहले मंत्रीमंडल सचीवएन० आर० पिल्लै
पहले थल सेना अध्यक्षजनरल राजेन्द्र सिंह जी
पहले वायु सेना अध्यक्षएयर मार्शल थॉमस एल्महशर्ट
पहले नौ सेना अध्यक्षवाइस एडमिरल आर० डी0 कटारी

भारत की प्रथम तकनिकी उपलब्धियाँ

भारत में प्रसारण की शुरुआत1927
ऑल इंडिया रेडियो की स्थापना1936
टेलीविजन की शुरुआत1959
रंगीन टीवी की शुरुआत1982
रेलवे की शुरुआत1853, 16 अप्रैल
पहली इलेक्ट्रिक ट्रेन1925, 23 फरवरी
डाक टिकट का पहला अंक1825, 25 मार्च
सबसे पहली टेलीग्राफ लाइन1851 (कलकत्ता और डायमंड हार्बर)
पहला अख़बार1781 जनवरी 29 हिक्की कलकत्ता गजेट
पहले परमाणु पावर स्टेशन तारापुर में कमीशन1969
पहला परमाणु परिक्षण किया1974, 18 मई
पहला उपग्रह1975, 19 अप्रैल
इंटरनेट भारत आया1995, 15 अगस्त (बीएसएनएल द्वारा प्रदान की)
पहली हवाई डाक भारत तथा विश्व में (बम्रौली से इलाहाबाद 6 मील)1911
भारत के पहले स्वदेश निर्मित पनडुब्बीशल्की
भारत के पहले अखबारी कागज कारखाना स्थापितनेपानगर (म. प्र.)

भारत में प्रथम महिला

भारत रत्न से सम्मानित होने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलाश्रीमती इंदिरा गाँधी
एक भारतीय राज्य की पहली महिला राज्यपालश्रीमती सरोजनी नायडु
राज्य की पहली महिला मुख्यमंत्रीश्रीमती सुचेता कृपलानी
देश की पहली केंद्रीय मंत्रीश्रीमती राजकुमारी अमृत कौर
भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस की पहली महिला अधक्षएनी बेसेंट
मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त बनने वाली पहली महिलाश्रीमती रमा देवी
उच्च न्यायालय की मुख्य न्यायाधीश नियुक्त होने वाली पहली महिलान्यायाधीश लीला सेठ
सुप्रीम कोर्ट की न्यायाधीश नियुक्त होने वाली पहली महिलान्यायाधीश एम फातिमा बीवी
लोक सभा के अध्यक्ष पद पर नियुक्त होने वाली पहली महिलाश्रीमती मीरा कुमार
संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासभा की पहली महिला अध्यक्षश्रीमती विजयलक्ष्मी पंडित
इंग्लिश चैनल तैर कर पार करने वाली पहली भारतीय महिला  आरती साहा
ओलम्पिक पदक जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलाकर्णम मल्लेश्वरी
एशियाड में पदक जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलाकमलजीत संधू
एवरेस्ट शिखर पर चढाई करने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलाबछेंद्री पाल
भारतीय सेना में शौर्य पुरस्कार प्राप्त करने वाली भारतीय महिला (अफगानिस्तान में बहादुरी के लिए सेना मेडल)मेजर मिताली मधुमिता
मिस एशिया पैसिफिक का ख़िताब जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलाजीनत अमान
मिस यूनिवर्स का ख़िताब जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलासुष्मिता सेन
मिस वर्ल्ड का ख़िताब जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलारीटा फारिया
मिस अर्थ का ख़िताब जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलानिकोल फारिया
एक जवान के रूप में प्रादेशिक सेना में शामिल होने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलाशांति टिग्गा
मुख्य सूचना आयुक्त का पद भार संभालने वाली पहली महिलादीपक संधू
केंद्रीय विदेश मंत्री का पद भार संभालने वाली पहली महिलाशुष्मा स्वराज (नोट: इससे पहले श्रीमती इंदिरा गाँधी ने प्रधान मंत्री रहते हुए विदेश मंत्री का अतिरिक्त प्रभार संभाला था)

भारतीय राज्यों की पहली महिला मुख्यमंत्री, राज्यपाल

असमसईदा अनवरा तैमुरश्री गुलाब चंद कटारिया
बिहारराबड़ी देवीश्री राजेंद्र विश्वनाथ अर्लेकर
दिल्लीसुषमा स्वराज 
गुजरातआनंदीबेन पटेलशारदा मुखर्जी
गोवा, दमन और दीवशशिकला काकोदकरश्री पी.एस. श्रीधरन पिल्लई
मध्य प्रदेशउमा भारतीसरला ग्रेवाल
ओडिशानंदिनी सत्पथी 
पंजाबराजिंदर कौर भट्टलश्री बनवारी लाल पुरोहित
राजस्थानवसुंधरा राजेप्रतिभा पाटिल
तमिलनाडुजानकी रामचन्द्रनफातिमा बीवी
उत्तर प्रदेशसुचेता कृपलानीसरोजिनी नायडु
पश्चिम बंगालममता बनर्जीपद्मजा नायडु

List of Famous Cities with Founders / Architect in Hindi

The list of Famous Indian Cities with their Founders / Architect (Designer) in Hindi for General Knowledge (GK). शहरों के संस्थापक/डिजाइनर

शहरों के संस्थापक/डिजाइनर सूचि

1.भोपालराजा भोज
2.चंडीगढ़ली कार्बुजिए – डिजाइनर
3.हैदराबादकुली कुतुब शाह
4.नई दिल्लीएडवर्ड लुटियन – डिजाइनर
5.जयपुरसवाई जय सिंह
6.भुबनेश्वरडॉ. ओटो कोलनिग्स बर्गर – डिजाइनर
7.फतेहपुर सीकरीअकबर
8.आगराबादल सिंह
9.नागपुरभक्त बुलंद
10.जौनपुरफिरोज शाह तुगलक (अपने पिता मोहम्मद बिन तुगलक या जौना खान के नाम पर)
11.अहमदाबादसुल्तान अहमद शाह
12.फरीदाबादशेख फरीद
13.भावनगरभावसिंहजी गोहिल
14.जोधपुरराव जोधा
15.बीकानेरराव बिका
16.जम्मूराजा जंबू लोचन
17.दुर्गापुरजोसेफ एलन स्टेन और बेंजामिन पोल्क – डिजाइनर
18.फिरोजपुरफिरोजशाह तुगलक

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 4 July 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 4 July 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 4 July 2024

Q: How long does it take for the Aditya-L1 spacecraft to complete one revolution around the L1 point?

a) 92 days
b) 178 days
c) 365 days
d) 730 days

Ans : b) 178 days
The Aditya-L1 mission is an Indian solar observatory positioned at Lagrangian point L1. It was launched on September 2, 2023. The spacecraft takes 178 days to complete one revolution around the L1 point.

Q: What is the name of the joint military exercise between India and Mongolia, the 16th edition of which was conducted in July 2024??

a) Operation Desert Storm
b) Exercise Nomadic Elephant
c) Exercise Yudh Abhyas
d) Operation Blue Star

Answer: b) Exercise Nomadic Elephant
The 16th edition of the India-Mongolia Joint Military Exercise Nomadic Elephant began on July 3, 2024, at the Foreign Training Node in Umroi, Meghalaya. The exercise is scheduled from July 3 to July 16, 2024.

Q: Which country first incorporated three-dimensional hologram technology on its currency to combat counterfeiting?

a) United States
b) Japan
c) Germany
d) Canada

Ans : b) Japan
On July 3, 2024, Japan began issuing new 10,000 yen, 5,000 yen, and 1,000 yen banknotes. The new banknotes feature three-dimensional hologram technology to combat counterfeiting, the first such use on any country’s currency.

Q: Who has been appointed as the Chairperson of the National Medical Commission in July 2024?

a) Dr. Sanjay Behari
b) Dr. B.N. Gangadhar
c) Dr. Ramesh Kumar
d) Dr. Anil Mehta

Ans : b) Dr. B.N. Gangadhar
Dr. B.N. Gangadhar has been appointed as the Chairperson of the National Medical Commission for a period of 4 years. He was previously the President of the Medical Assessment and Rating Board.

Daily Current Affairs : 4 July 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Aditya-L1 spacecraft, has completed its first halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L1 point

India’s first solar mission, the Aditya-L1 spacecraft, has completed its first halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L1 point. ISRO conducted a station-keeping maneuver on July 3, 2024, to ensure a smooth transition into the second halo orbit.

The Aditya-L1 mission is an Indian solar observatory positioned at Lagrangian point L1. It was launched on September 2, 2023, and successfully inserted into its targeted halo orbit on January 6, 2024.

The spacecraft takes 178 days to complete one revolution around the L1 point. During its orbit, the Aditya-L1 spacecraft faces various perturbing forces that affect its trajectory, as explained by ISRO.

Q: How long does it take for the Aditya-L1 spacecraft to complete one revolution around the L1 point?

a) 92 days
b) 178 days
c) 365 days
d) 730 days

Ans : b) 178 days
The Aditya-L1 mission is an Indian solar observatory positioned at Lagrangian point L1. It was launched on September 2, 2023. The spacecraft takes 178 days to complete one revolution around the L1 point.

16th edition of the India-Mongolia Joint Military Exercise Nomadic Elephant began in Meghalaya

The 16th edition of the India-Mongolia Joint Military Exercise Nomadic Elephant began on July 3, 2024, at the Foreign Training Node in Umroi, Meghalaya. The exercise is scheduled from July 3 to July 16, 2024.

It involves 45 Indian personnel from the Sikkim Scouts and other arms, and personnel from the 150 Quick Reaction Force Battalion of the Mongolian Army. This annual training event alternates between India and Mongolia; the previous edition was held in Mongolia in July 2023.

The exercise aims to enhance joint military capabilities for counter-insurgency operations under the UN mandate, focusing on semi-urban and mountainous terrain. The exercise fosters interoperability, camaraderie, and defense cooperation between India and Mongolia.

Q: What is the name of the joint military exercise between India and Mongolia, the 16th edition of which was conducted in July 2024??

a) Operation Desert Storm
b) Exercise Nomadic Elephant
c) Exercise Yudh Abhyas
d) Operation Blue Star

Answer: b) Exercise Nomadic Elephant
The 16th edition of the India-Mongolia Joint Military Exercise Nomadic Elephant began on July 3, 2024, at the Foreign Training Node in Umroi, Meghalaya. The exercise is scheduled from July 3 to July 16, 2024.

Japan launches new banknotes with three-dimensional hologram technology

On July 3, 2024, Japan began issuing new 10,000 yen, 5,000 yen, and 1,000 yen banknotes. This redesign is the first since 2004.

The new banknotes feature three-dimensional hologram technology to combat counterfeiting, the first such use on any country’s currency.

Japanese Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki stated that the new banknotes incorporate a universal design for the visually impaired and foreigners. The Bank of Japan announced that current banknotes will remain legal tender after the new bills are circulated.

Q: Which country first incorporated three-dimensional hologram technology on its currency to combat counterfeiting?

a) United States
b) Japan
c) Germany
d) Canada

Ans : b) Japan
On July 3, 2024, Japan began issuing new 10,000 yen, 5,000 yen, and 1,000 yen banknotes. The new banknotes feature three-dimensional hologram technology to combat counterfeiting, the first such use on any country’s currency.

Dr. B.N. Gangadhar appointed as the Chairperson of the National Medical Commission

Dr. B.N. Gangadhar has been appointed as the Chairperson of the National Medical Commission for a period of 4 years. He was previously the President of the Medical Assessment and Rating Board.

Dr. Sanjay Behari, the Director of Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, is appointed as the new President of the Medical Assessment and Rating Board.

Q: Who has been appointed as the Chairperson of the National Medical Commission in July 2024?

a) Dr. Sanjay Behari
b) Dr. B.N. Gangadhar
c) Dr. Ramesh Kumar
d) Dr. Anil Mehta

Ans : b) Dr. B.N. Gangadhar
Dr. B.N. Gangadhar has been appointed as the Chairperson of the National Medical Commission for a period of 4 years. He was previously the President of the Medical Assessment and Rating Board.

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 3 July 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 3 July 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 3 July 2024

Q: The tragic accident during the satsang of Bhole Baba that killed 121 people in July 2024 occurred in which district of Uttar Pradesh?

A) Aligarh
B) Agra
C) Hathras
D) Lucknow

Answer: C) Hathras
The stampede accident during the satsang of Bhole Baba on June2, 2024, in Ratibhanpur Mughalgarhi village, Sikandrarau tehsil, Hathras district, Uttar Pradesh, resulted in 121 deaths.

Q: Who was sworn in as the Netherlands’ new Prime Minister on June 2, 2024?

A) Mark Rutte
B) Jens Stoltenberg
C) Dick Schoof
D) Geert Wilders

Answer: C) Dick Schoof
Dick Schoof, former head of the Dutch Secret Service, was sworn in as the Netherlands’ new Prime Minister on June 2, 2024

Q: Where is the 13th edition of India-Thailand joint military Exercise MAITREE being conducted?

A) Fort Vachiraprakan, Tak Province, Thailand
B) Umroi, Meghalaya, India
C) Bangkok, Thailand
D) New Delhi, India

Answer: A) Fort Vachiraprakan, Tak Province, Thailand
The 13th edition of India-Thailand joint military Exercise MAITREE is taking place from 1st to 15th July at Fort Vachiraprakan in Tak Province, Thailand.

Daily Current Affairs : 3 July 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Stampede at Bhole Baba’s “Satsang” in Hathras district of UP, 121 dead

The stampede accident during the satsang of Bhole Baba on June2, 2024, in Ratibhanpur Mughalgarhi village, Sikandrarau tehsil, Hathras district, Uttar Pradesh, resulted in 121 deaths. Seriously injured people are undergoing treatment in Aligarh.

  • Aligarh Division Commissioner Chaitra B. provided the information and confirmed that permission was given for the program.
  • Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath held a meeting with senior officials in Lucknow.
  • Ex gratia of Rs 2 lakh each to the families of the deceased and Rs 50 thousand each to the injured will be provided from the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund.

Q: The tragic accident during the satsang of Bhole Baba that killed 121 people in July 2024 occurred in which district of Uttar Pradesh?

A) Aligarh
B) Agra
C) Hathras
D) Lucknow

Answer: C) Hathras
The stampede accident during the satsang of Bhole Baba on June2, 2024, in Ratibhanpur Mughalgarhi village, Sikandrarau tehsil, Hathras district, Uttar Pradesh, resulted in 121 deaths.

Dick Schoof, sworn in as the Netherlands’ new Prime Minister

Dick Schoof, former head of the Dutch Secret Service, was sworn in as the Netherlands’ new Prime Minister on June 2, 2024, ending a seven-month political impasse.

  1. Coalition Government: Schoof leads a broad right-wing coalition cabinet, including Geert Wilders’ far-right Freedom Party (PVV), the Farmers Party (BBB), the liberal-conservative VVD, and the new anti-corruption party NSC. Wilders’ party won 37 out of 150 seats in the House of Representatives in the November elections.
  2. King Willem-Alexander: The ceremony was officiated by King Willem-Alexander at the royal Huis ten Bosch Palace in The Hague.
  3. Succeeding Mark Rutte: Schoof succeeds Mark Rutte, who will become NATO’s next secretary-general on October 1, 2024.

Q: Who was sworn in as the Netherlands’ new Prime Minister on June 2, 2024?

A) Mark Rutte
B) Jens Stoltenberg
C) Dick Schoof
D) Geert Wilders

Answer: C) Dick Schoof
Dick Schoof, former head of the Dutch Secret Service, was sworn in as the Netherlands’ new Prime Minister on June 2, 2024

13th edition of India-Thailand joint military Exercise MAITREE ; From 1st to 15th July in Thailand

Exercise Details: The 13th edition of India-Thailand joint military Exercise MAITREE is taking place from 1st to 15th July at Fort Vachiraprakan in Tak Province, Thailand.


  • Indian Army contingent: 76 personnel, mainly from the Ladakh Scouts and other arms and services.
  • Royal Thailand Army contingent: 76 personnel, mainly from 1st Battalion, 14 Infantry Regiment of 4 Division.


  • Foster military cooperation between India and Thailand.
  • Enhance combined capabilities in executing joint counter-insurgency and terrorist operations in jungle and urban environments under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.
  • Focus on high physical fitness, joint planning, and joint tactical drills.

Activities and Drills:

  • Sharing best practices in tactics, techniques, and procedures for joint operations.
  • Development of interoperability, bonhomie, and camaraderie.
  • Tactical drills include creating a Joint Operation Centre, establishing an Intelligence and Surveillance Centre, using drones and counter-drone systems, securing a landing site, small team insertion and extraction, special heliborne operations, cordon and search operations, room intervention drills, and demolition of illegal structures.

Previous Edition: The last edition was conducted at Umroi, Meghalaya, in September 2019.

Q: Where is the 13th edition of India-Thailand joint military Exercise MAITREE being conducted?

A) Fort Vachiraprakan, Tak Province, Thailand
B) Umroi, Meghalaya, India
C) Bangkok, Thailand
D) New Delhi, India

Answer: A) Fort Vachiraprakan, Tak Province, Thailand
The 13th edition of India-Thailand joint military Exercise MAITREE is taking place from 1st to 15th July at Fort Vachiraprakan in Tak Province, Thailand.

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 2 July 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 2 July 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 2 July 2024

Q: Who assumed the appointment of Vice Chief of Army Staff on July 1, 2024?

A) Lieutenant General Dinesh Singh
B) Lieutenant General NS Raja Subramani
C) Lieutenant General Manoj Mukund Naravane
D) Lieutenant General MM Naravane

Answer: B) Lieutenant General NS Raja Subramani
Lieutenant General NS Raja Subramani assumed the appointment of Vice Chief of Army Staff on July 1, 2024. Prior to this, he was the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Central Command based at Lucknow.

Q: When was Digital India officially launched by the Government of India?

A) August 15, 2014
B) January 26, 2015
C) July 1, 2015
D) October 2, 2015

Answer: C) July 1, 2015
Digital India program completed 9 years on July 1, 2024. It was officially launched by the Government of India on July 1, 2015.

Q: Who has been appointed as the Chief Secretary of Uttar Pradesh?

A) Rajendra Kumar Tiwari
B) Prashant Trivedi
C) Durga Shankar Mishra
D) Manoj Kumar Singh

Answer: D) Manoj Kumar Singh
Manoj Kumar Singh, a 1988-batch IAS officer of the Uttar Pradesh cadre, has been appointed Chief Secretary of Uttar Pradesh on 30 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 2 July 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Lieutenant General NS Raja Subramani takes over as Vice Chief of Army Staff

Lieutenant General NS Raja Subramani assumed the appointment of Vice Chief of Army Staff on July 1, 2024. Prior to this, he was the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Central Command based at Lucknow.

  • Commissioned into The Garhwal Rifles in December 1985.
  • Graduated from the National Defence Academy and Indian Military Academy.
  • Alumnus of Joint Services Command Staff College, Bracknell (UK), and National Defence College, New Delhi.
  • Awarded Param Vishisht Seva Medal, Ati Vishisht Seva Medal, Sena Medal, and Vishisht Seva Medal for distinguished service to the nation.

Q: Who assumed the appointment of Vice Chief of Army Staff on July 1, 2024?

A) Lieutenant General Dinesh Singh
B) Lieutenant General NS Raja Subramani
C) Lieutenant General Manoj Mukund Naravane
D) Lieutenant General MM Naravane

Answer: B) Lieutenant General NS Raja Subramani
Lieutenant General NS Raja Subramani assumed the appointment of Vice Chief of Army Staff on July 1, 2024. Prior to this, he was the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Central Command based at Lucknow.

Digital India program completed 9 years on July 1, 2024

Digital India program completed 9 years on July 1, 2024. It was officially launched by the Government of India on July 1, 2015.

The aim of the program is to transform India into a digitally empowered society. The program focuses on promoting technology adoption, improving online infrastructure, and enhancing e-governance services.

Digital India has made significant strides in:

  • Bridging the digital divide.
  • Empowering citizens through digital literacy.
  • Providing access to digital services.

Q: When was Digital India officially launched by the Government of India?

A) August 15, 2014
B) January 26, 2015
C) July 1, 2015
D) October 2, 2015

Answer: C) July 1, 2015
Digital India program completed 9 years on July 1, 2024. It was officially launched by the Government of India on July 1, 2015.

Manoj Kumar Singh takes over as Uttar Pradesh chief secretary

Manoj Kumar Singh, a 1988-batch IAS officer of the Uttar Pradesh cadre, has been appointed Chief Secretary of Uttar Pradesh on 30 June 2024. He replaced Durga Shankar Mishra.

Manoj Kumar Singh has discharged important administrative responsibilities, including as the district magistrate of Lalitpur, Gautam Buddh Nagar, Pilibhit, Moradabad and Aligarh and as the divisional commissioner of Moradabad. Singh is considered a prominent face in Adityanath’s team.

Q: Who has been appointed as the Chief Secretary of Uttar Pradesh?

A) Rajendra Kumar Tiwari
B) Prashant Trivedi
C) Durga Shankar Mishra
D) Manoj Kumar Singh

Answer: D) Manoj Kumar Singh
Manoj Kumar Singh, a 1988-batch IAS officer of the Uttar Pradesh cadre, has been appointed Chief Secretary of Uttar Pradesh on 30 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 1 July 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 1 July 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 1 July 2024

Q.Which two Indian cricket players announced their retirement from international T20 cricket after winning the 2024 T20 World Cup?

A) Virat Kohli and MS Dhoni
B) Rohit Sharma and Shikhar Dhawan
C) Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma
D) KL Rahul and Hardik Pandya

Ans : C) Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma
Both announced their retirement from international T20 cricket after India’s victory over South Africa in the 2024 T20 World Cup final in Barbados.

Q.Which player holds the record for the most centuries in T20 internationals?

A) Virat Kohli
B) Rohit Sharma
C) Chris Gayle
D) David Warner

Ans : B) Rohit Sharma
Rohit Sharma’s T20I career record: 4,231 runs in 159 matches, the highest run-scorer in the format, with five centuries.

Q: When the three new criminal laws in India came into force?

A) June 30, 2024
B) July 1, 2024
C) August 1, 2024
D) January 1, 2024

Ans : B) July 1, 2024
The three new criminal laws in India—Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023; Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023; and Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023— come into force with effect from 1 July 2024.

Q: Which of the following is NOT one of the three new criminal laws in India?

A) Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023
B) Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023
C) Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023
D) Bharatiya Dand Adhiniyam, 2023

Ans : D) Bharatiya Dand Adhiniyam, 2023
The three new criminal laws in India are :
Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023;
Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023; and
Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023

Q: Which team did India defeat to win the ICC Men’s T20 Cricket World Cup 2024?

A) England
B) Australia
C) South Africa
D) New Zealand

Ans : C) South Africa
India won the ICC Men’s T20 Cricket World Cup 2024 on 29 June 2024 at Kensington Oval. India defeated South Africa by seven runs.

Q: Who was named Player of the Match in the 2024 T20 World Cup final?

A) Rohit Sharma
B) Virat Kohli
C) Hardik Pandya
D) Jasprit Bumrah

Ans : B) Virat Kohli
Virat Kohli scored 76 runs in final and named Player of the Match.

Q: Who was named Player of the Tournament in the 2024 T20 World Cup?

A) Rohit Sharma
B) Virat Kohli
C) Jasprit Bumrah
D) Hardik Pandya

Ans : C) Jasprit Bumrah
Jasprit Bumrah was named Player of the Tournament, with 15 wickets in eight games and an economy rate below six.

Daily Current Affairs : 1 July 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma announce retirement from international T20 cricket after winning T20 World Cup 2024

Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma announced their retirement from international T20 cricket after India’s victory over South Africa in the 2024 T20 World Cup final in Barbados.

Virat Kohli’s T20I career record: 4,188 runs in 125 matches, an average of 48.69, with 38 half-centuries and one century.

Rohit Sharma’s T20I career record: 4,231 runs in 159 matches, the highest run-scorer in the format, with five centuries.

Rohit Sharma won two T20 World Cup titles: one as a player in 2007 and another as captain in 2024.

Which two Indian cricket players announced their retirement from international T20 cricket after winning the 2024 T20 World Cup?

A) Virat Kohli and MS Dhoni
B) Rohit Sharma and Shikhar Dhawan
C) Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma
D) KL Rahul and Hardik Pandya

Ans : C) Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma
Both announced their retirement from international T20 cricket after India’s victory over South Africa in the 2024 T20 World Cup final in Barbados.

Which player holds the record for the most centuries in T20 internationals?

A) Virat Kohli
B) Rohit Sharma
C) Chris Gayle
D) David Warner

Ans : B) Rohit Sharma
Rohit Sharma’s T20I career record: 4,231 runs in 159 matches, the highest run-scorer in the format, with five centuries.

Three new criminal laws came into force on July 1, 2024

The three new criminal laws in India—Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023; Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023; and Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023— come into force with effect from 1 July 2024. These laws were passed by the Parliament during the winter session in 2023.

Key provisions

  • Report incidents online, file FIRs at any police station, and provide victims with a free copy of the FIR.
  • Individuals arrested have the right to inform a person of their choice about their situation.
  • Investigations for offenses against women and children must be completed within two months of recording information.
  • Forensic experts must visit crime scenes for serious offenses to collect evidence.
  • Summons can now be served electronically to expedite legal processes and reduce paperwork.

Training for police and investigating authorities has been conducted to ensure a smooth transition. Awareness programs, news bulletins, discussions, and informational websites have been utilized to inform the public. Course modules on the new laws have been included in schools and higher education institutes.

Q: When the three new criminal laws in India came into force?

A) June 30, 2024
B) July 1, 2024
C) August 1, 2024
D) January 1, 2024

Ans : B) July 1, 2024
The three new criminal laws in India—Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023; Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023; and Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023— come into force with effect from 1 July 2024.

Q: Which of the following is NOT one of the three new criminal laws in India?

A) Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023
B) Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023
C) Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023
D) Bharatiya Dand Adhiniyam, 2023

Ans : D) Bharatiya Dand Adhiniyam, 2023
The three new criminal laws in India are :
Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023;
Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023; and
Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023

India won the ICC Men’s T20 Cricket World Cup 2024

India won the ICC Men’s T20 Cricket World Cup 2024 on 29 June 2024 at Kensington Oval. India defeated South Africa by seven runs.

India posted a total of 176 for 7 in 20 overs, the highest score in a men’s T20 World Cup final. Virat Kohli scored 76 runs and Axar Patel scored 47 runs.

South Africa scored 169 runs for 8 wickets. Heinrich Klaasen scored 52 runs.

Hardik Pandya took three wickets. Jasprit Bumrah and Arshdeep Singh took two wickets each.

  • Virat Kohli was named Player of the Match.
  • Jasprit Bumrah was named Player of the Tournament, with 15 wickets in eight games and an economy rate below six.

This victory marked India’s second T20 World Cup win, the first being in 2007.

Q: Which team did India defeat to win the ICC Men’s T20 Cricket World Cup 2024?

A) England
B) Australia
C) South Africa
D) New Zealand

Ans : C) South Africa
India won the ICC Men’s T20 Cricket World Cup 2024 on 29 June 2024 at Kensington Oval. India defeated South Africa by seven runs.

Q: Who was named Player of the Match in the 2024 T20 World Cup final?

A) Rohit Sharma
B) Virat Kohli
C) Hardik Pandya
D) Jasprit Bumrah

Ans : B) Virat Kohli
Virat Kohli scored 76 runs in final and named Player of the Match.

Q: Who was named Player of the Tournament in the 2024 T20 World Cup?

A) Rohit Sharma
B) Virat Kohli
C) Jasprit Bumrah
D) Hardik Pandya

Ans : C) Jasprit Bumrah
Jasprit Bumrah was named Player of the Tournament, with 15 wickets in eight games and an economy rate below six.

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