World Day Against Child Labour : June 12

World Day Against Child Labour is observed on June 12 each year to raise awareness and mobilize efforts to end child labour globally. Initiated by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 2002, this day serves as a platform for governments, organizations, and individuals to address the issue and advocate for social justice.

History and Significance:

The ILO launched World Day Against Child Labour to highlight the extent of child labour worldwide and promote actions to eradicate it. With approximately 218 million children engaged in work, deprived of education, play, and basic rights, the day aims to shed light on their plight and rally support for their well-being.


The slogan for this year’s World Day is “Social Justice for All, End Child Labour!” This theme emphasizes the connection between social justice and the elimination of child labour, urging global cooperation to protect children’s rights and provide them with a brighter future.

Question : What is the theme of World Day Against Child Labour in 2023?
a) Education for All, End Child Labour!
b) Protecting Children, Protecting the Future!
c) Social Justice for All, End Child Labour!
d) Uniting Against Child Exploitation!

Ans : c) Social Justice for All, End Child Labour!

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