Author name: Tamanna

List of High Court in India in Hindi

भारत में उच्च न्यायालयों की सूची – List of High Court in India in Hindi, General Knowledge for preparation of competitive exams

भारत में उच्च न्यायालयों की सूची

इलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायालयप्रयागराजउत्तर प्रदेश
आंध्र प्रदेश उच्च न्यायालयअमरावतीआंध्र प्रदेश
बंबई उच्च न्यायालयमुंबईमहाराष्ट्र और गोवा
कलकत्ता उच्च न्यायालयकोलकातापश्चिम बंगाल
छत्तीसगढ़ उच्च न्यायालयबिलासपुरछत्तीसगढ़
दिल्ली उच्च न्यायालयनई दिल्लीदिल्ली
गौहाटी उच्च न्यायालयगुवाहाटीअसम, नागालैंड, मिजोरम और अरुणाचल प्रदेश
गुजरात उच्च न्यायालयअहमदाबादगुजरात
हिमाचल प्रदेश उच्च न्यायालयशिमलाहिमाचल प्रदेश
जम्मू और कश्मीर उच्च न्यायालयजम्मू और श्रीनगरजम्मू और कश्मीर
झारखण्ड उच्च न्यायालयरांचीझारखंड
कर्नाटक उच्च न्यायालयबेंगलुरुकर्नाटक
केरल उच्च न्यायालयकोच्चिकेरल
मध्य प्रदेश उच्च न्यायालयजबलपुरमध्य प्रदेश
मद्रास उच्च न्यायालयचेन्नईतमिलनाडु और पुडुचेरी
मणिपुर उच्च न्यायालयइंफालमणिपुर
मेघालय उच्च न्यायालयशिलांगमेघालय
उड़ीसा उच्च न्यायालयकटकओडिशा
पटना उच्च न्यायालयपटनाबिहार
पंजाब एवं हरियाणा उच्च न्यायालयचंडीगढ़पंजाब, और हरियाणा
राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालयजोधपुरराजस्थान
सिक्किम उच्च न्यायालयगंगटोकसिक्किम
तेलंगाना उच्च न्यायालयहैदराबादतेलंगाना
त्रिपुरा उच्च न्यायालयअगरतलात्रिपुरा
उत्तराखंड उच्च न्यायालयनैनीतालउत्तराखंड
List of High Court in India in Hindi

Nicknames of Cities in India in Hindi

The list of Nicknames of Cities in India and Old Names of Indian Cities in Hindi for GK and preparation of Competitive Exams.

भारतीय शहरों के उपनाम (Nicknames of Cities)

जैसलमेरगोल्डन सिटी
जयपुरगुलाबी शहर
जोधपुरसन सिटी
बेंगलुरूगार्डन सिटी
लखनऊनवाबों का शहर
कच्छफ्लेमिंगो सिटी
उदयपुरलेक सिटी
कोलकातामहलों का शहर

शहरों के पुराने तथा नए नाम

क्र०सं०नया नामपुराना नाम
9.कन्या कुमारीकेप कोमोरिन
15.डॉ अम्बेडकर नगरमहू
39.कलबुरगी (गुलबर्गा)एहसनाबाद

National Parks and Sanctuaries of India in Hindi

The List of all National Parks and Sanctuaries of India in Hindi. भारत के राष्ट्रीय उद्यान एंव अभ्यारण्य state wise list for General Knowledge useful for Competitive Exams.

भारत के राष्ट्रीय उद्यान एंव अभ्यारण्य

क्र:सं:  राष्ट्रीय उद्यान/अभ्यारण्यराज्यप्रमुख वन्यजीव प्राणी
1.पखुई वन्य जीवन अभ्यारण्यअरुणाचल प्रदेशहाथी, अजगर, हिरण, सांभर
2.मानस राष्ट्रीय उद्यानअसमहाथी, चीता, भालू, एक सींग वाला गेंडा, लंगूर, हिरण
3.काजीरंगा राष्ट्रीय उद्यानअसमचीता, एक सींग वाला गेंडा, हुन्गली सूअर, भैंसा
4.पाखाल वन्य जीव अभ्यारण्यआंध्र प्रदेशचीता, तेंदुआ, सांभर, भालू, जंगली सूअर
5.कावला वन्य जीव अभ्यारण्य  आंध्र प्रदेशचीता, तेंदुआ, सांभर, भालू, जंगली सूअर, चीतल
6.दुधवा राष्ट्रीय उद्यानउत्तर प्रदेशहाथी, बाघ, चीता, हिरण, नीलगाय, तेंदुआ
7.चन्द्रप्रभा अभ्यारण्यउत्तर प्रदेशचीता, भालू, नीलगाय, तेंदुआ, सांभर
8.जिम कॉर्बेट राष्ट्रीय उद्यानउत्तराखंडहाथी, बाघ, चीता, हिरण, भालू, नीलगाय, सांभर, जंगली सूअर
9.चिक्ला अभ्यारण्य  ओडिशाक्रेन, जलकौवा, पेलिवन,प्रवासी पक्षी
10.सिम्लिपाल अभ्यारण्यओडिशाहाथी, बाघ, चीता, तेंदुआ, सांभर, हिरण, मगरमच्छ, जलीय पक्षी
11.बन्दीपुर राष्ट्रीय उद्यानकर्नाटकहाथी, चीता, तेंदुआ, हिरण, चीतल, सांभर,
12.भद्रा अभ्यारण्यकर्नाटकभालू, हाथी, सांभर, तेंदुआ, हिरण
13.सोमेश्वर अभ्यारण्यकर्नाटकचीता, जंगली कुत्ता, हिरण, तेंदुआ, सांभर
14.तुंगभद्रा अभ्यारण्यकर्नाटकतेंदुआ, चीतल, काला हिरण, चौसिंगा और पक्षी
15.नागरहोल राष्ट्रीय उद्यानकर्नाटकचीता, हाथी, तेंदुआ, सांभर, भालू, चकोर, तीतर,
16.पेरियार अभ्यारण्यकेरलचीता, हाथी, तेंदुआ, सांभर, हिरण, भालू, नीलगाय, जंगली सूअर
17.राम्बिकुलम अभ्यारण्यकेरलचीता, हाथी, तेंदुआ, सांभर, हिरण, नीलगाय, जंगली सूअर
18.गिर राष्ट्रीय उद्यानगुजरातशेर, सांभर, तेंदुआ, जंगली सूअर
19.नल सरोवर अभ्यारण्य  गुजरातजल-पक्षी
20.भगवान् महावीर उद्यानगोवाहिरण, चूहा, साही, सांभर
21.डाचिगम राष्ट्रीय उद्यानजम्मू-कश्मीरतेंदुआ, काला भालू, लाल भालू, हिरण,
22.किश्तवार राष्ट्रीय उद्यानजम्मू-कश्मीरकाला हिरण, जंगली याक, तिब्बती गधा
23.पलामू अभ्यारण्य झारखंडहाथी, हिरण, तेंदुआ, सांभर, जंगली सूअर
24.दाल्मा वन्य जीव अभ्यारण्यझारखंडहाथी, हिरण, तेंदुआ, भालू, जंगली
25.हजारीबाग वन्य जीव अभ्यारण्यझारखंडचीता, भालू, तेंदुआ, चीतल, सांभर, जंगली सूअर
26.वेदांतगल अभ्यारण्य  तमिलनाडुजलीय पक्षी
27.इंदिरा गांधी अभ्यारण्य  तमिलनाडुहाथी, बाघ, चीतल, तेंदुआ, सांभर, रीछ, जंगली कुत्ता, लंगूर
28.मुदुमलाई अभ्यारण्य  तमिलनाडुहाथी, चीता, तेंदुआ, सांभर, हिरण, जंगली कुत्ते
29.अबोहर अभ्यारण्य  पंजाबजंगली सूअर, हिरण, नीलगाय, काला हंस, कबूतर
30.सुंदरवन राष्ट्रीय उद्यानपश्चिम बंगालबाघ, चीता, हिरण, मगरमच्छ
31.कैमूर वन्य जीव अभ्यारण्यबिहारबाघ, नीलगाय, घड़ियाल, सांभर, जंगली सूअर
32.कीबुल लामजाओ राष्ट्रीय उद्यानमणिपुरहिरण, जंगली बकरी, विभिन्न जल पक्षी
33.पेंच राष्ट्रीय उद्यानमध्य प्रदेशचीता, नीलगाय, सांभर, भालू, जंगली सूअर
34.कान्हा राष्ट्रीय उद्यानमध्य प्रदेशबाघ, चीतल, तेंदुआ, सांभर, बारहसिंघा
35.पंचमढ़ी अभ्यारण्यमध्य प्रदेशबाघ, तेंदुआ, सांभर, नीलगाय, चीतल, हिरण, भालू, जंगली भैंसा.
36.बांधवगढ़ राष्ट्रीय उद्यानमध्य प्रदेशबाघ, तेंदुआ, सांभर, भालू, चकोर
37.तंसा अभ्यारण्य  महाराष्ट्रतेंदुआ, सांभर, चौसिंगा, जंगली सूअर, चीतल, पक्षी
38.वोरिविली राष्ट्रीय उद्यानमहाराष्ट्रलंगूर, हिरण, सांभर, तेंदुआ, जंगली सूअर
39.डाम्फा अभ्यारण्यमिजोरमकोबरा, चीता, बिल्ली, फीजेंट
40.नोंगखाइलेम अभ्यारण्यमेघालयहाथी, चीता, बाघ, हिरण, सांभर, भालू
41.घाना पक्षी विहारराजस्थानसांभर, काला हिरण, जंगली सूअर, मुर्गा, घड़ियाल, साइबेरियन क्रेन.
42.रणथम्भौर अभ्यारण्य   राजस्थानचीता, बाघ, शेर, तेंदुआ, लक्कड़बग्घा, भालू, नीलगाय, सांभ
43.कुंभलगढ़ अभ्यारण्यराजस्थानचीता, नीलगाय, सांभर, भालू, नीलगाय
44.सुल्तानपुर झील अभ्यारण्यहरियाणाविभिन्न जल पक्षी
45.रोहिला राष्ट्रीय उद्यानहिमाचल प्रदेशकस्तूरी हिरण, भूरा भालू, पहाड़ी मुर्गा, पहाड़ी तेंदुआ

Indian Cities on River Banks GK in Hindi

The list of Important Indian Cities on River Banks, General Knowledge (GK) in Hindi for preparation of upcoming Competitive Exams. The state-wise list is given below.

भारत की नदियाँ और शहर

नदी का नामशहरराज्य
सरयूअयोध्याउत्तर प्रदेश
यमुनाआगराउत्तर प्रदेश
यमुनामथुराउत्तर प्रदेश
गंगाकन्नौजउत्तर प्रदेश
गंगा(प्रयागराज) इलाहाबादउत्तर प्रदेश
तुंगा नदीशिमोगाकर्नाटक
झेलमश्रीनगरजम्मू और कश्मीर
दमन गंगा नदीदमनदमन
यमुनानई दिल्लीदिल्ली
हुगलीकोलकातापश्चिम बंगाल
गिरना नदीमालेगांवमहाराष्ट्र

First in India GK in Hindi

First in India, General Knowledge (GK) in Hindi for Competitive Exams. List of First Appointments, First lady, and Technical achievements are compiled below.

भारत की पहली नियुक्तियाँ

पहले राष्ट्रपतिडॉo राजेन्द्र प्रसाद
पहले उपराष्ट्रपतिडॉo एस० राधाकृष्णन
पहले प्रधानमंत्रीपंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरु
पहले गृह मंत्रीवल्लभभाई पटेल
पहले रेल मंत्रीजॉन मथाई
पहले रक्षा मंत्रीसरदार बलदेव सिंह
पहले वित्त मंत्रीआर० षणमुगम चेट्टी
पहले विदेश मंत्रीजवाहरलाल नेहरु
पहले गवर्नर जनरल (भारतीय)सी राजगोपालाचारी
पहले गवर्नर जनरललॉर्ड माउन्टबेटन
भारत के पहले मुख्य न्यायाधीशहरिलाल जे कानिया
पहले मुख्य निर्वाचन आयुक्तसुकुमार सेन
पहले मुख्य सूचना आयुक्तवजाहत हबीबुल्ला
पहले केंद्रीय सतर्कता आयुक्तएन० श्रीनिवास राव
लोकसभा के पहले अध्यक्षजी० वी० मावलंकर
पहले मंत्रीमंडल सचीवएन० आर० पिल्लै
पहले थल सेना अध्यक्षजनरल राजेन्द्र सिंह जी
पहले वायु सेना अध्यक्षएयर मार्शल थॉमस एल्महशर्ट
पहले नौ सेना अध्यक्षवाइस एडमिरल आर० डी0 कटारी

भारत की प्रथम तकनिकी उपलब्धियाँ

भारत में प्रसारण की शुरुआत1927
ऑल इंडिया रेडियो की स्थापना1936
टेलीविजन की शुरुआत1959
रंगीन टीवी की शुरुआत1982
रेलवे की शुरुआत1853, 16 अप्रैल
पहली इलेक्ट्रिक ट्रेन1925, 23 फरवरी
डाक टिकट का पहला अंक1825, 25 मार्च
सबसे पहली टेलीग्राफ लाइन1851 (कलकत्ता और डायमंड हार्बर)
पहला अख़बार1781 जनवरी 29 हिक्की कलकत्ता गजेट
पहले परमाणु पावर स्टेशन तारापुर में कमीशन1969
पहला परमाणु परिक्षण किया1974, 18 मई
पहला उपग्रह1975, 19 अप्रैल
इंटरनेट भारत आया1995, 15 अगस्त (बीएसएनएल द्वारा प्रदान की)
पहली हवाई डाक भारत तथा विश्व में (बम्रौली से इलाहाबाद 6 मील)1911
भारत के पहले स्वदेश निर्मित पनडुब्बीशल्की
भारत के पहले अखबारी कागज कारखाना स्थापितनेपानगर (म. प्र.)

भारत में प्रथम महिला

भारत रत्न से सम्मानित होने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलाश्रीमती इंदिरा गाँधी
एक भारतीय राज्य की पहली महिला राज्यपालश्रीमती सरोजनी नायडु
राज्य की पहली महिला मुख्यमंत्रीश्रीमती सुचेता कृपलानी
देश की पहली केंद्रीय मंत्रीश्रीमती राजकुमारी अमृत कौर
भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस की पहली महिला अधक्षएनी बेसेंट
मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त बनने वाली पहली महिलाश्रीमती रमा देवी
उच्च न्यायालय की मुख्य न्यायाधीश नियुक्त होने वाली पहली महिलान्यायाधीश लीला सेठ
सुप्रीम कोर्ट की न्यायाधीश नियुक्त होने वाली पहली महिलान्यायाधीश एम फातिमा बीवी
लोक सभा के अध्यक्ष पद पर नियुक्त होने वाली पहली महिलाश्रीमती मीरा कुमार
संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासभा की पहली महिला अध्यक्षश्रीमती विजयलक्ष्मी पंडित
इंग्लिश चैनल तैर कर पार करने वाली पहली भारतीय महिला  आरती साहा
ओलम्पिक पदक जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलाकर्णम मल्लेश्वरी
एशियाड में पदक जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलाकमलजीत संधू
एवरेस्ट शिखर पर चढाई करने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलाबछेंद्री पाल
भारतीय सेना में शौर्य पुरस्कार प्राप्त करने वाली भारतीय महिला (अफगानिस्तान में बहादुरी के लिए सेना मेडल)मेजर मिताली मधुमिता
मिस एशिया पैसिफिक का ख़िताब जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलाजीनत अमान
मिस यूनिवर्स का ख़िताब जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलासुष्मिता सेन
मिस वर्ल्ड का ख़िताब जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलारीटा फारिया
मिस अर्थ का ख़िताब जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलानिकोल फारिया
एक जवान के रूप में प्रादेशिक सेना में शामिल होने वाली पहली भारतीय महिलाशांति टिग्गा
मुख्य सूचना आयुक्त का पद भार संभालने वाली पहली महिलादीपक संधू
केंद्रीय विदेश मंत्री का पद भार संभालने वाली पहली महिलाशुष्मा स्वराज (नोट: इससे पहले श्रीमती इंदिरा गाँधी ने प्रधान मंत्री रहते हुए विदेश मंत्री का अतिरिक्त प्रभार संभाला था)

भारतीय राज्यों की पहली महिला मुख्यमंत्री, राज्यपाल

असमसईदा अनवरा तैमुरश्री गुलाब चंद कटारिया
बिहारराबड़ी देवीश्री राजेंद्र विश्वनाथ अर्लेकर
दिल्लीसुषमा स्वराज 
गुजरातआनंदीबेन पटेलशारदा मुखर्जी
गोवा, दमन और दीवशशिकला काकोदकरश्री पी.एस. श्रीधरन पिल्लई
मध्य प्रदेशउमा भारतीसरला ग्रेवाल
ओडिशानंदिनी सत्पथी 
पंजाबराजिंदर कौर भट्टलश्री बनवारी लाल पुरोहित
राजस्थानवसुंधरा राजेप्रतिभा पाटिल
तमिलनाडुजानकी रामचन्द्रनफातिमा बीवी
उत्तर प्रदेशसुचेता कृपलानीसरोजिनी नायडु
पश्चिम बंगालममता बनर्जीपद्मजा नायडु

List of Famous Cities with Founders / Architect in Hindi

The list of Famous Indian Cities with their Founders / Architect (Designer) in Hindi for General Knowledge (GK). शहरों के संस्थापक/डिजाइनर

शहरों के संस्थापक/डिजाइनर सूचि

1.भोपालराजा भोज
2.चंडीगढ़ली कार्बुजिए – डिजाइनर
3.हैदराबादकुली कुतुब शाह
4.नई दिल्लीएडवर्ड लुटियन – डिजाइनर
5.जयपुरसवाई जय सिंह
6.भुबनेश्वरडॉ. ओटो कोलनिग्स बर्गर – डिजाइनर
7.फतेहपुर सीकरीअकबर
8.आगराबादल सिंह
9.नागपुरभक्त बुलंद
10.जौनपुरफिरोज शाह तुगलक (अपने पिता मोहम्मद बिन तुगलक या जौना खान के नाम पर)
11.अहमदाबादसुल्तान अहमद शाह
12.फरीदाबादशेख फरीद
13.भावनगरभावसिंहजी गोहिल
14.जोधपुरराव जोधा
15.बीकानेरराव बिका
16.जम्मूराजा जंबू लोचन
17.दुर्गापुरजोसेफ एलन स्टेन और बेंजामिन पोल्क – डिजाइनर
18.फिरोजपुरफिरोजशाह तुगलक

Monthly Current Affairs PDF July 2024 (English)

Monthly Current Affairs  PDF Edition July 2024 in English for UPSC, IAS, PCS, Civil Services, SSC CGL, CHSL, IBPS Banking and other Competitive Exams.

GK Now Monthly Current Affairs (English) Edition : July 2024

GK Now Monthly Current Affairs (English)

Edition : July 2024
(1 to 30 June 2024)
Medium : English
PDF Pages : 70
Download from the below google drive link:

Weekly Current Affairs PDF 23 June to 30 June 2024

Weekly Current Affairs Magazine (in English) PDF for the week from 23 June to 30 June 2024 for free download. This weekly Current affairs magazine consist One liners, detail news and MCQs for Competitive exams.

Economy Current Affairs.

  • 53rd GST Council meeting held on June 22, 2024, in New Delhi

International Current Affairs.

  • António Costa’s elected as the next President of the European Council.
  • International Solar Alliance (ISA) : Paraguay become the 100th country to join.
  • Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange released from UK Prison after deal with US Authorities.

National Current Affairs.

  • India becomes World’s Third-Largest Domestic Aviation Market.
  • Vikram Misri appointed as the new Foreign Secretary of India.
  • Extension of Intelligence Bureau Chief Tapan Kumar Deka for one-year.
  • India is hosting 64th International Sugar Organisation (ISO) Council meeting from June 25 to 27 in New Delhi
  • NEET (UG) Examination 2024; Director NTA removed, CBI to enquire into the alleged irregularities.

Polity Current Affairs.

  • Om Birla elected as the Speaker of the 18th Lok Sabha.
  • Rahul Gandhi appointed Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha.
  • First Session of the 18th Lok Sabha from June 24 to July 3, 2024.

Science and Technology Current Affairs.

  • DRDO handed over the Medium Range-Microwave Obscurant Chaff Rocket (MR-MOCR) to the Indian Navy 
  • ISRO successfully conducted the third and final landing experiment of its Reusable Launch Vehicle ‘Pushpak’

Sports Current Affairs.

  • Kiran Pahal qualified for the Paris Olympics in women’s 400m..
  • India reached the final of T20 World Cup after defeating England.
  • Harmanpreet Singh to Caption of Indain Hockey Team at Olympic 2024.
  • Men’s T20 World Cup: India Advanced to Semi-Finals by defeating Australia.

States Current Affairs.

  • Film City in Greater Noida: YEIDA and Babu Project sign Agreement.

Weekly Current Affairs MCQ: 23 June to 30 June 2024.

PDF : Weekly Current Affairs Magazine
Period : 23 June to 30 June 2024
Medium : English
 PDF Pages : 19

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 29 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 29 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 29 June 2024

Q: Who has been appointed as the new Foreign Secretary of India?
A) Vinay Mohan Kwatra
B) S. Jaishankar
C) Vikram Misri
D) Ruchira Kamboj

Ans : C) Vikram Misri
The Indian government appointed Vikram Misri as the new Foreign Secretary. Misri, a 1989-batch Indian Foreign Service officer, will succeed Vinay Mohan Kwatra on July 15, 2024.

Q: Who has been elected as the next President of the European Council?
A) Angela Merkel
B) Emmanuel Macron
C) António Costa
D) Pedro Sánchez

Answer: C) António Costa
António Costa’s was elected as the next President of the European Council on June 28,2024 in Brussels, Belgium. His will succeeding Charles Michel on December 1, 2024.

Q: Which country did India surpass to become the third-largest domestic aviation market?
A) Indonesia
B) Germany
C) Brazil
D) Japan

Ans : C) Brazil
India has become the world’s third-largest domestic aviation market, after the U.S. and China.

Daily Current Affairs : 29 June 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 27 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 27 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 27 June 2024

Q: Who was re-elected as the Speaker of the 18th Lok Sabha on 26 June 2024?
a) K. Suresh
b) Rahul Gandhi
c) Om Birla
d) Kiren Rijiju

c) Om Birla
BJP MP Om Birla was elected as the Speaker of the 18th Lok Sabha. He had previously served as the Speaker in the 17th Lok Sabha.

Q: What happens when the Medium Range-Microwave Obscurant Chaff Rocket (MR-MOCR) is fired?
a) It explodes on impact
b) It forms a microwave obscurant cloud in space
c) It releases flares
d) It emits a high-frequency sound

Ans : b) It forms a microwave obscurant cloud in space
The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) handed over the Medium Range-Microwave Obscurant Chaff Rocket (MR-MOCR) to the Indian Navy on 26 June 2024 in New Delhi.

Q: Who is the captain of the Indian men’s hockey team for the Paris 2024 Olympics?
a) PR Sreejesh
b) Manpreet Singh
c) Harmanpreet Singh
d) Hardik Singh

Ans : c) Harmanpreet Singh
Hockey India announced a 16-member Indian men’s hockey team for the Paris 2024 Olympics, scheduled from 26th July to 11th August.

Q: Which country became the 100th full member of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) in June 2024?
a) Spain
b) Paraguay
c) India
d) France

Ans : b) Paraguay
The ISA was co-founded by India and France during the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris. Paraguay has become the 100th country to join the International Solar Alliance (ISA) as a full member in New Delhi on 26 June 2024.

Daily Current Affairs : 27 June 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 26 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 26 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 26 June 2024

Q: India will face which team in the semi-final of the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup?
A) Australia
B) West Indies
C) England
D) New Zealand

Ans : C) England
India advanced to the semi-finals of the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup after defeating Australia by 24 runs on 24 June 2024 in St. Lucia. India will face England in the semi-final in Guyana on 27 June 2024.

Question: Who is the founder of WikiLeaks?
A) Julian Assange
B) Edward Snowden
C) Chelsea Manning
D) Glenn Greenwald

Answer: A) Julian Assange
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was released from a UK prison on June 24, 2024, ending a years-long legal battle. This came after he struck a plea deal with US authorities.

Q: Who was appointed as the Leader of Opposition (LoP) in the 18th Lok Sabha on 25 June 2024?
A) Mallikarjun Kharge
B) Sonia Gandhi
C) Rahul Gandhi
D) KC Venugopal

Ans : C) Rahul Gandhi

Q: Why was the position of Leader of Opposition vacant for 2014 to 2024?
A) No opposition party met the required minimum of 10% of the total Lok Sabha seats
B) The position was abolished
C) The ruling party opposed the appointment
D) There was a lack of eligible candidates

Ans : A) No opposition party met the required minimum of 10% of the total Lok Sabha seats
The position of LoP had been vacant since 2014, as no opposition party met the required minimum of 10% of the total Lok Sabha seats.

Daily Current Affairs : 26 June 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 25 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 25 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 25 June 2024

Q: What is a significant aspect of this first Session of the 18th Lok Sabha which began on June 24, 2024?
a) Introduction of a new voting system
b) First oath-taking ceremony in a newly built Parliament building
c) Introduction of a no-confidence motion against the Prime Minister
d) Farewell address by the outgoing President

Ans : b) First oath-taking ceremony in a newly built Parliament building
This session marked the historic first swearing-in ceremony of newly elected Members of 18th Lok Sabha, in the new Parliament building.

Q: Where is the 64th International Sugar Organisation (ISO) Council Meeting held in India ?
A) Mumbai
B) New Delhi
C) Bengaluru
D) Hyderabad

Ans : B) New Delhi
India hosted the 64th International Sugar Organisation (ISO) Council Meeting from June 25 to 27 in New Delhi.

Q: Which country is the largest consumer and second-largest producer of sugar?
A) Brazil
B) India
C) China
D) Thailand

Ans : B) India
Brazil is the largest producer of Sugarcane.

Q: Who has been given a one-year extension as the Chief of the Intelligence Bureau in June 2024?
A) Ajit Doval
B) Rajiv Jain
C) Tapan Kumar Deka
D) Arvind Kumar

Ans : C) Tapan Kumar Deka
The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet approved the extension of Intelligence Bureau Chief Tapan Kumar Deka for one-year until June 2025.

Daily Current Affairs : 25 June 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Weekly Current Affairs Quiz : 16 June to 22 June 2024

Weekly Current Affairs MCQs Questions from 16 June to 22 June 2024 for competitive exams.

Weekly Current Affairs MCQs : 16 June to 22 June 2024

Q: What is the primary reason for the Uttar Pradesh government implementing new policies for recruitment exams in June 2024?
A) To increase the number of candidates
B) To ensure exams are conducted in a free and fair manner
C) To reduce the duration of exams
D) To lower the exam fees

Ans : B) To ensure exams are conducted in a free and fair manner
The Uttar Pradesh Police constable recruitment exam was cancelled due to a leaked question paper, affecting over 48 lakh candidates.

Q: Which Indian documentary won the Golden Conch Award for Best Documentary in the international category at the 18th Mumbai International Film Festival?
A) Life In Loom
B) And, Towards Happy Alleys
C) The Golden Thread
D) 6-A Akash Ganga

Ans : C) The Golden Thread
“The Golden Thread,” an Indian documentary, directed by director Nishita Jain won the Golden Conch Award for Best Documentary in the international category during closing ceremony of 18th Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF) took place in Mumbai, on 21 June 2024.

Q: What is the purpose of the Joint CSIR-UGC-NET exam?
A) To determine eligibility for undergraduate admissions
B) To determine eligibility for junior research fellowships and PhD admissions in science courses
C) To assess eligibility for government jobs
D) To qualify for medical school admissions

Ans : B) To determine eligibility for junior research fellowships and PhD admissions in science courses
National Testing Agency (NTA) postponed the June 2024 exam of the Joint CSIR-UGC-NET on June 21, 2024, amid controversies regarding irregularities in the NEET-UG and UGC-NET exams.

Q: What did North Korea and Russia agree to provide under their newly signed pact during Putin visit to North Korea on 20 June 2024?
A) Economic assistance
B) Military assistance
C) Diplomatic support
D) Humanitarian aid

Ans : B) Military assistance
North Korea and Russia agreed to provide immediate military assistance if either faced armed aggression.

Q: Article 51 of the U.N. Charter, provides for the right of:
A) Economic sanctions
B) Collective self-defense actions
C) Environmental protection
D) Humanitarian intervention

Ans : B) Collective self-defense actions
North Korea and Russia signed “comprehensive strategic partnership” under UN Charter Article 51 to provide all available military help if other is attacked

Q: How high is the Chenab Rail Bridge above the Chenab River?
A) 250 meters
B) 300 meters
C) 359 meters
D) 400 meters

Ans : C) 359 meters
Chenab Rail Bridge stands at 359 meters (1,178 feet) above the Chenab River, making it the world’s highest railway bridge.

Q: Where was the main function for the 10th International Day of Yoga held in 2024?
A) New Delhi
B) Leh
C) Srinagar
D) Lucknow

Ans : C) Srinagar
The main function led by PM Modi was held at Sher-i-Kashmir International Conference Centre (SKICC) in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir.

Q. What is the new MSP for Paddy (Common) for the Marketing Season 2024-25?
A) Rs. 2183 per quintal
B) Rs. 2300 per quintal
C) Rs. 2203 per quintal
D) Rs. 2625 per quintal

Answer: B) Rs. 2300 per quintal
Union Cabinet on 19 June 2024, approved an increase in the Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for all mandated Kharif crops for the Marketing Season 2024-25.

Q.: What is the purpose of the UGC-NET exam conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) ?
A) University Grants Commission (UGC)
B) Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C)
C) National Testing Agency (NTA)

Answer: C) National Testing Agency (NTA)
The government has cancelled the UGC-NET June 2024 Examination. The National Testing Agency (NTA) conducted the UGC-NET June 2024 Examination on 18 June 2024

Q.: What is the purpose of the UGC-NET exam conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) ?
A) To determine eligibility for undergraduate admissions in Indian universities
B) To determine eligibility for ‘Assistant Professor’ and ‘Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor’ in Indian universities
C) To evaluate the performance of Indian university staff
D) To certify the quality of higher education institutions in India

Answer: B) To determine eligibility for ‘Assistant Professor’ and ‘Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor’ in Indian universities

Q: Who won the Gold medal in the men’s javelin throw at the World Athletics Continental Gold Tour in Finland on June 18, 2024?
a) Johannes Vetter
b) Thomas Röhler
c) Magnus Kirt
d) Neeraj Chopra

Answer: d) Neeraj Chopra
Neeraj Chopra is Olympic and World Champion in the men’s javelin throw

Q.: When do we celebrate the International Day of Yoga every year?
a) June 11
b) June 21
c) July 21
d) June 1

Ans : b) June 21
10th International Day of Yoga celebration on June 21, 2024,

Q: What is the theme for this year’s International Day of Yoga?
a) Yoga for Peace
b) Yoga for Health
c) Yoga for Self and Society
d) Yoga for the World

Ans : c) Yoga for Self and Society
PM Modi will participate in the 10th International Day of Yoga celebration in Srinagar on June 21, 2024

Q: Who is the first Indian to receive the prestigious ‘Nelson Mandela Lifetime Achievement Award’ from South Africa for his contribution to films?
a) Satyajit Ray
b) Vinod Ganatra
c) Mira Nair
d) Shyam Benegal

Ans : b) Vinod Ganatra
He was honored with the award at the 7th Nelson Mandela Children’s Film Festival for his contributions to children’s cinema.

Q: Who is the US National Security Advisor (NSA)?

A) Antony Blinken
B) Jake Sullivan
C) Lloyd Austin
D) Kamala Harris

Ans : B) Jake Sullivan
Jake Sullivan, US National Security Advisor, met with External Affairs Minister Dr. S Jaishankar and Indian National Security Advisor Ajit Doval in New Delhi on 17 June 2024

Q: What annual meeting did Jake Sullivan attended with and Ajit Doval during India visit in June 2024 ?

A) Indo-US Defense Summit
B) Annual Trade and Economic Dialogue
C) Second annual meeting of the initiative on Critical and Emerging Technologies (iCET)
D) Global Climate Change Conference

Ans : C) Second annual meeting of the initiative on Critical and Emerging Technologies (iCET)
Sullivan and Doval attended the second annual meeting of the initiative on Critical and Emerging Technologies (iCET). They reviewed the entire spectrum of Indo-US strategic ties.

Q: What is the purpose of the US-India initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET)?

A) To promote cultural exchanges between the two countries
B) To elevate and expand the strategic technology partnership and defense industrial cooperation
C) To negotiate trade agreements
D) To address climate change issues

Ans : B) To elevate and expand the strategic technology partnership and defense industrial cooperation
The initiative aims to elevate and expand the strategic technology partnership and defense industrial cooperation between the governments, businesses, and academic institutions of the two countries.

Q: When will the new criminal laws Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita, Bharatiya Suraksha Sanhita, and Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam come into force?

A) January 1, 2024
B) April 1, 2024
C) July 1, 2024
D) October 1, 2024

Ans : C) July 1, 2024
New criminal laws Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita, Bharatiya Suraksha Sanhita, and Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam will come into force on July 1, 2024.

Q: What laws are being replaced by the new criminal laws on July 1, 2024?

A) Constitution of India
B) IPC, CrPC, and Indian Evidence Act
C) Consumer Protection Act
D) Right to Information Act

Ans : B) IPC, CrPC, and Indian Evidence Act
IPC, CrPC, and Indian Evidence Act are being replaced after consultation and Law Commission of India reports. Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPRD) and judicial academies are providing training.

Q: Which cities, apart from Mumbai, are hosting MIFF screenings this year?

A) Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, and Jaipur
B) Delhi, Chennai, Pune, and Kolkata
C) Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, and Chennai
D) Hyderabad, Kolkata, Chennai, and Ahmedabad

Ans : B) Delhi, Chennai, Pune, and Kolkata
The 18th edition of the Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF) was inaugurated in Mumbai on 15 June 2024.

Q: Who received the V. Shantaram Lifetime Achievement Award for 2024?

A) Madhur Bhandarkar
B) Randeep Hooda
C) Subbiah Nallamuthu
D) Divya Dutta

Ans : C) Subbiah Nallamuthu
Subbiah Nallamuthu, is an award-winning wildlife filmmaker.

Q: What is the name of the advanced aerial combat training exercise conducted four times a year by the US Air Force, which saw participation from the Indian Air Force, Republic of Singapore Air Force, Royal Air Force of the United Kingdom, Royal Netherlands Air Force, German Luftwaffe, and the US Air Force in June 2024?

A) Exercise Air Show
B) Exercise Friend Force
C) Exercise Green Sea
D) Exercise Red Flag

Ans : D) Exercise Red Flag
An Indian Air Force (IAF) contingent participated in Exercise Red Flag 2024 at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska from 4th to 14th June 2024.

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 23 & 24 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 23 & 24 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 23 & 24 June 2024

Q: Who was removed from the position of Director General of the National Testing Agency (NTA) in June, 2024 after irregularities in the NEET (UG) Examination 2024?
A) Pradeep Singh Kharola
B) Subodh Kumar Singh
C) Dr. K. Radhakrishnan
D) Dr. Randeep Guleria

Ans : B) Subodh Kumar Singh
Subodh Kumar Singh, Director General of the National Testing Agency (NTA), was removed from his position on June 23, 2024, amid controversy over the NEET examination. Pradeep Singh Kharola, Chairman and MD of India Trade Promotion Organisation, has been given additional charge of NTA’s Director General.

Q: What act has the Central Government enacted to prevent unfair means in public examinations?
A) Public Examination (Prevention of Cheating) Act, 2024
B) Public Examination (Prevention of Malpractices) Act, 2024
C) Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 2024
D) Public Examination (Integrity and Fairness) Act, 2024

Ans : C) Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 2024
The Central Government has enacted the Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 2024, to prevent unfair practices in public examinations.

Q: Who is the chairperson of the High-Level Committee of Experts constituted to ensure transparent, smooth, and fair conduct of examinations by the NTA. ?
A) Dr. Randeep Guleria
B) Prof. B. J. Rao
C) Dr. K. Radhakrishnan
D) Prof. Aditya Mittal

Ans : C) Dr. K. Radhakrishnan
A High-Level Committee of Experts chaired by former ISRO Chairman Dr. K. Radhakrishnan and includes six other prominent members has been formed to ensure transparent, smooth, and fair conduct of examinations by the NTA.

Q: Where was the third and final landing experiment of ISRO’s Reusable Launch Vehicle ‘Pushpak’ successfully conducted?

A) Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh
B) Aeronautical Test Range, Chitradurga, Karnataka
C) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Kerala
D) Indian Institute of  Science, Bangalore

Ans : B) Aeronautical Test Range, Chitradurga, Karnataka

Q: Who chairs the meetings of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council?
a) The President of India
b) The Prime Minister of India
c) The Union Finance Minister
d) The Governor of the RBI

Ans : c) The Union Finance Minister
The 53rd meeting of the GST Council, presided over by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, took place at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi on June 22 2024.

Q. How many tax rate slabs are currently recommended by the GST Council (as of June 2024)?
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five

Ans : c) Four
GST tax rates (currently 5%, 12%, 18%, and 28%).

Daily Current Affairs : 23 & 24 June 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Weekly Current Affairs PDF 16 June to 22 June 2024

Weekly Current Affairs Magazine (in English) PDF for the week from 16 June to 22 June 2024 for free download. This weekly Current affairs magazine consist One liners, detail news and MCQs for Competitive exams.

Art and Culture Current Affairs.

  • “The Golden Thread,” won the Golden Conch Award for Best Documentary in Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF)
  • Vinod Ganatra receives the ‘Nelson Mandela Lifetime Achievement Award’ for his contribution to films 
  • Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF) on 15 June 2024.

Important Days Current Affairs.

  • International Day of Yoga on June 21, 2024.

International Current Affairs.

  • North Korea and Russia sign pact to provide all available military help if other is attacked.
  • IAF participated in Exercise Red Flag 2024 at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska from 4th to 14th June 2024 

National Current Affairs.

  • National Testing Agency (NTA) postponed the Joint CSIR-UGC-NET.
  • 10th International Day of Yoga celebrated on 21 June 2024.
  • Chenab Rail Bridge: World’s highest railway bridge.
  • Government cancelled the UGC-NET June 2024 Examination; order CBI Enquiry.
  • Cabinet approves Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for Kharif Crops for Marketing Season 2024-25 
  • Jake Sullivan, US NSA, met with Indian NSA Ajit Doval

Polity Current Affairs.

  •  New criminal laws will come into force on July 1, 2024.

Sports Current Affairs.

  • Neeraj Chopra won the gold medal in the men’s javelin throw at the World Athletics Continental Gold Tour 

States Current Affairs.

  • New Recruitment Policy in Uttar Pradesh to Ensure Fair Competitive Exams.

Weekly Current Affairs MCQ: 16 June to 22 June 2024.

PDF : Weekly Current Affairs Magazine
Period : 16 June to 22 June 2024
Medium : English
 PDF Pages : 17

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 22 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 22 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 22 June 2024

Q: What is the primary reason for the Uttar Pradesh government implementing new policies for recruitment exams in June 2024?
A) To increase the number of candidates
B) To ensure exams are conducted in a free and fair manner
C) To reduce the duration of exams
D) To lower the exam fees

Ans : B) To ensure exams are conducted in a free and fair manner
The Uttar Pradesh Police constable recruitment exam was cancelled due to a leaked question paper, affecting over 48 lakh candidates.

Q: Which Indian documentary won the Golden Conch Award for Best Documentary in the international category at the 18th Mumbai International Film Festival?
A) Life In Loom
B) And, Towards Happy Alleys
C) The Golden Thread
D) 6-A Akash Ganga

Ans : C) The Golden Thread
“The Golden Thread,” an Indian documentary, directed by director Nishita Jain won the Golden Conch Award for Best Documentary in the international category during closing ceremony of 18th Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF) took place in Mumbai, on 21 June 2024.

Q: What is the purpose of the Joint CSIR-UGC-NET exam?
A) To determine eligibility for undergraduate admissions
B) To determine eligibility for junior research fellowships and PhD admissions in science courses
C) To assess eligibility for government jobs
D) To qualify for medical school admissions

Ans : B) To determine eligibility for junior research fellowships and PhD admissions in science courses
National Testing Agency (NTA) postponed the June 2024 exam of the Joint CSIR-UGC-NET on June 21, 2024, amid controversies regarding irregularities in the NEET-UG and UGC-NET exams.

Daily Current Affairs : 22 June 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 21 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 21 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 21 June 2024

Q: What did North Korea and Russia agree to provide under their newly signed pact during Putin visit to North Korea on 20 June 2024?
A) Economic assistance
B) Military assistance
C) Diplomatic support
D) Humanitarian aid

Ans : B) Military assistance
North Korea and Russia agreed to provide immediate military assistance if either faced armed aggression.

Q: Article 51 of the U.N. Charter, provides for the right of:
A) Economic sanctions
B) Collective self-defense actions
C) Environmental protection
D) Humanitarian intervention

Ans : B) Collective self-defense actions
North Korea and Russia signed “comprehensive strategic partnership” under UN Charter Article 51 to provide all available military help if other is attacked

Q: How high is the Chenab Rail Bridge above the Chenab River?
A) 250 meters
B) 300 meters
C) 359 meters
D) 400 meters

Ans : C) 359 meters
Chenab Rail Bridge stands at 359 meters (1,178 feet) above the Chenab River, making it the world’s highest railway bridge.

Q: Where was the main function for the 10th International Day of Yoga held in 2024?
A) New Delhi
B) Leh
C) Srinagar
D) Lucknow

Ans : C) Srinagar
The main function led by PM Modi was held at Sher-i-Kashmir International Conference Centre (SKICC) in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir.

Daily Current Affairs : 21 June 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 20 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 20 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 20 June 2024

Q. What is the new MSP for Paddy (Common) for the Marketing Season 2024-25?
A) Rs. 2183 per quintal
B) Rs. 2300 per quintal
C) Rs. 2203 per quintal
D) Rs. 2625 per quintal

Answer: B) Rs. 2300 per quintal
Union Cabinet on 19 June 2024, approved an increase in the Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for all mandated Kharif crops for the Marketing Season 2024-25.

Q.: What is the purpose of the UGC-NET exam conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) ?
A) University Grants Commission (UGC)
B) Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C)
C) National Testing Agency (NTA)

Answer: C) National Testing Agency (NTA)
The government has cancelled the UGC-NET June 2024 Examination. The National Testing Agency (NTA) conducted the UGC-NET June 2024 Examination on 18 June 2024

Q.: What is the purpose of the UGC-NET exam conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) ?
A) To determine eligibility for undergraduate admissions in Indian universities
B) To determine eligibility for ‘Assistant Professor’ and ‘Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor’ in Indian universities
C) To evaluate the performance of Indian university staff
D) To certify the quality of higher education institutions in India

Answer: B) To determine eligibility for ‘Assistant Professor’ and ‘Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor’ in Indian universities

Daily Current Affairs : 20 June 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Weekly Current Affairs Quiz : 09 June to 15 June 2024

Weekly Current Affairs MCQs Questions from 09 June to 15 June 2024 for competitive exams.

Weekly Current Affairs MCQs : 09 June to 15 June 2024

Q: Who won the World Junior Girls’ Chess Championship in 2024?
A) Beloslava Krasteva
B) Divya Deshmukh
C) Magnus Carlsen
D) Viswanathan Anand

Ans : B) Divya Deshmukh
Detail News

Q.: Where does the Hajj, an annual Muslim pilgrimage take place?
A) Jerusalem
B) Mecca
C) Medina
D) Cairo

Correct Answer: B Mecca
Detail News

Q: In which of the following locations and during what timeframe did the G7 Summit 2024 occur?
a) Tokyo, Japan in 03th to 05th April 2024
b) Apulia, Italy from June 13th to 15th, 2024
c) Berlin, Germany in 10th to 12th May 2024
d) Ottawa, Canada in 23th to 25th December 2023

Ans : b) Apulia, Italy from June 13th to 15th, 2024
Detail News

Q: What is the purpose of the NEET-UG examination conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA)?
A) For admissions into engineering courses
B) For admissions into MBBS, BDS, AYUSH, and related courses
C) For admissions into law courses
D) For admissions into management courses

Answer: B) For admissions into MBBS, BDS, AYUSH, and related courses
Detail News

Q: Who has been re-appointed as the National Security Advisor (NSA) in the Narendra Modi-led NDA government?
A) Rajiv Gauba
B) Amit Shah
C) Ajit Doval
D) S. Jaishankar

Answer: C) Ajit Doval
Detail News

Question: Who has been reappointed as the Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi?
A) Pramod Kumar Mishra
B) Amit Shah
C) Ajit Doval
D) S. Jaishankar

Answer: A) Pramod Kumar Mishra
Detail News

Q: Who has been elected Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh for the third time in 2024?
A) Kiren Rijiju
B) Nabam Tuki
C) Pema Khandu
D) Tapir Gao

Answer: C) Pema Khandu
Detail News

Q: Who became the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh on 12 June 2024?
A) Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy
B) Pawan Kalyan
C) N. Chandrababu Naidu
D) K. Chandrashekar Rao

Answer: C) N. Chandrababu Naidu
Detail News

Q: Around 40 Indians died, and 50 were injured in a fire at a labour housing facility in which country on June 12, 2024?
A) United Arab Emirates
B) Saudi Arabia
C) Kuwait
D) Qatar

Ans : C) Kuwait
Detail News

Q: Who has been elected as the new Chief Minister of Odisha?
A) Rajnath Singh
B) Kanak Vardhan Singh Deo
C) Mohan Charan Majhi
D) Pravati Parida

Answer: C) Mohan Charan Majhi
Detail News

Q: Who has been appointed as the next Chief of the Army Staff?
A) General Manoj C Pande
B) Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi
C) General Bipin Rawat
D) Lieutenant General Raj Shukla

Answer: B) Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi
Detail News

Q: The maritime exercise (JIMEX 24) conducted in June 2024 was between the navies of which countries?
A) India and China
B) India and Japan
C) Japan and South Korea
D) India and Australia

Answer: B) India and Japan
Detail News

Q: Who was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Sikkim for a second consecutive term on June 10, 2024?
A) Pawan Kumar Chamling
B) Prem Singh Tamang
C) Bhaichung Bhutia
D) Hemant Soren

Answer: B) Prem Singh Tamang
Detail News

Q: Which film will be the opening film of the 18th Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF)?
A) “The Journey of a Lifetime”
B) “Tales of the Heart”
C) “Billy and Molly, an Otter Love Story”
D) “Echoes of the Past”

Ans : C) “Billy and Molly, an Otter Love Story”
Detail News

Q: Who was sworn in as India’s Prime Minister for a rare third consecutive term?
A) Yogi Adityanath
B) Narendra Modi
C) Manmohan Singh
D) Amit Saha

Answer: B) Narendra Modi
Detail News

Q: Who did Carlos Alcaraz defeat to win his first French Open title?
a) Novak Djokovic
b) Roger Federer
c) Alexander Zverev
d) Rafael Nadal

Ans : c) Alexander Zverev
Detail News

Q: Who became the youngest man to win Grand Slam titles on all three surfaces (clay, grass, and hard court) at the age of 21?
a) Novak Djokovic
b) Roger Federer
c) Rafael Nadal
d) Carlos Alcaraz

Ans : d) Carlos Alcaraz
Detail News

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 19 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 19 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 19 June 2024

Q: Who won the Gold medal in the men’s javelin throw at the World Athletics Continental Gold Tour in Finland on June 18, 2024?
a) Johannes Vetter
b) Thomas Röhler
c) Magnus Kirt
d) Neeraj Chopra

Answer: d) Neeraj Chopra
Neeraj Chopra is Olympic and World Champion in the men’s javelin throw

Q.: When do we celebrate the International Day of Yoga every year?
a) June 11
b) June 21
c) July 21
d) June 1

Ans : b) June 21
10th International Day of Yoga celebration on June 21, 2024,

Q: What is the theme for this year’s International Day of Yoga?
a) Yoga for Peace
b) Yoga for Health
c) Yoga for Self and Society
d) Yoga for the World

Ans : c) Yoga for Self and Society
PM Modi will participate in the 10th International Day of Yoga celebration in Srinagar on June 21, 2024

Q: Who is the first Indian to receive the prestigious ‘Nelson Mandela Lifetime Achievement Award’ from South Africa for his contribution to films?
a) Satyajit Ray
b) Vinod Ganatra
c) Mira Nair
d) Shyam Benegal

Ans : b) Vinod Ganatra
He was honored with the award at the 7th Nelson Mandela Children’s Film Festival for his contributions to children’s cinema.

Daily Current Affairs : 19 June 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Weekly Current Affairs PDF 09 June to 15 June 2024

Weekly Current Affairs Magazine (in English) PDF for the week from 09 June to 15 June 2024 for free download. This weekly Current affairs magazine consist One liners, detail news and MCQs for Competitive exams.

Art and Culture Current Affairs.

  • 18th Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF) from June 15 to 21, 2024.

International Current Affairs.

  • G7 summit, from June 13th to 15th, 2024 in Apulia, Italy.

National Current Affairs.

  • Pramod Kumar Mishra reappointed as the Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi
  • Ajit Doval Reappointed as National Security Adviser (NSA).
  • NEET-UG Exam: Scorecards 0f 1,563 Students with Grace Marks Canceled, Re-Test on June 23.
  • Japan-India maritime exercise (JIMEX 24) commenced at Yokosuka, Japan.
  • Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi appointed as the next Army Chief.

Polity Current Affairs.

  • N. Chandrababu Naidu took the oath of office as Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh.
  • Pema Khandu elected Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh for the third term in a row..
  • Mohan Majhi to be the new Chief Minister of Odisha.
  • List of Ministers with Portfolios: Modi-3 (2024)
  • Narendra Modi sworn in as Prime Minister for his third consecutive term..

Sports Current Affairs.

  • Divya Deshmukh won the World Junior Girls’ Chess Championship.
  • ICC T20 World Cup: India defeated Pakistan by 6 runs.
  • Carlos Alcaraz wins his 1st French Open tittle.

States Current Affairs.

  • Prem Singh Tamang sworn in as the Chief Minister of Sikkim for a second consecutive term..

Miscellaneous Current Affairs.

  • Hajj, one of the largest religious gatherings in the world, began in Saudi Arabia.
  • Around 40 Indians died, 50 Injured in a fire at a labour housing facility in Kuwait.

Weekly Current Affairs MCQ: 09 June to 15 June 2024.

PDF : Weekly Current Affairs Magazine
Period : 09 June to 15 June 2024
Medium : English
PDF Pages : 22

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 15 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 15 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 15 June 2024

Q: Who won the World Junior Girls’ Chess Championship in 2024?
A) Beloslava Krasteva
B) Divya Deshmukh
C) Magnus Carlsen
D) Viswanathan Anand

Ans : B) Divya Deshmukh
Detail News

Q.: Where does the Hajj, an annual Muslim pilgrimage take place?
A) Jerusalem
B) Mecca
C) Medina
D) Cairo

Correct Answer: B Mecca
Detail News

Q: In which of the following locations and during what timeframe did the G7 Summit 2024 occur?
a) Tokyo, Japan in 03th to 05th April 2024
b) Apulia, Italy from June 13th to 15th, 2024
c) Berlin, Germany in 10th to 12th May 2024
d) Ottawa, Canada in 23th to 25th December 2023

Ans : b) Apulia, Italy from June 13th to 15th, 2024
Detail News

Daily Current Affairs : 15 June 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 14 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 14 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 14 June 2024

Q: What is the purpose of the NEET-UG examination conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA)?
A) For admissions into engineering courses
B) For admissions into MBBS, BDS, AYUSH, and related courses
C) For admissions into law courses
D) For admissions into management courses

Answer: B) For admissions into MBBS, BDS, AYUSH, and related courses
Detail News

Q: Who has been re-appointed as the National Security Advisor (NSA) in the Narendra Modi-led NDA government?
A) Rajiv Gauba
B) Amit Shah
C) Ajit Doval
D) S. Jaishankar

Answer: C) Ajit Doval
Detail News

Question: Who has been reappointed as the Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi?
A) Pramod Kumar Mishra
B) Amit Shah
C) Ajit Doval
D) S. Jaishankar

Answer: A) Pramod Kumar Mishra
Detail News

Daily Current Affairs : 14 June 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 13 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 13 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 13 June 2024

Q: Who has been elected Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh for the third time in 2024?
A) Kiren Rijiju
B) Nabam Tuki
C) Pema Khandu
D) Tapir Gao

Answer: C) Pema Khandu
Detail News

Q: Who became the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh on 12 June 2024?
A) Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy
B) Pawan Kalyan
C) N. Chandrababu Naidu
D) K. Chandrashekar Rao

Answer: C) N. Chandrababu Naidu
Detail News

Q: Around 40 Indians died, and 50 were injured in a fire at a labour housing facility in which country on June 12, 2024?
A) United Arab Emirates
B) Saudi Arabia
C) Kuwait
D) Qatar

Ans : C) Kuwait
Detail News

Daily Current Affairs : 13 June 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 12 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 12 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 12 June 2024

Q: Who has been elected as the new Chief Minister of Odisha?
A) Rajnath Singh
B) Kanak Vardhan Singh Deo
C) Mohan Charan Majhi
D) Pravati Parida

Answer: C) Mohan Charan Majhi
Detail News

Q: Who has been appointed as the next Chief of the Army Staff?
A) General Manoj C Pande
B) Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi
C) General Bipin Rawat
D) Lieutenant General Raj Shukla

Answer: B) Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi
Detail News

Q: The maritime exercise (JIMEX 24) conducted in June 2024 was between the navies of which countries?
A) India and China
B) India and Japan
C) Japan and South Korea
D) India and Australia

Answer: B) India and Japan
Detail News

Daily Current Affairs : 12 June 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 11 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 11 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 11 June 2024

Q: Who was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Sikkim for a second consecutive term on June 10, 2024?
A) Pawan Kumar Chamling
B) Prem Singh Tamang
C) Bhaichung Bhutia
D) Hemant Soren

Answer: B) Prem Singh Tamang
Detail News

Q: Which film will be the opening film of the 18th Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF)?
A) “The Journey of a Lifetime”
B) “Tales of the Heart”
C) “Billy and Molly, an Otter Love Story”
D) “Echoes of the Past”

Ans : C) “Billy and Molly, an Otter Love Story”
Detail News

Daily Current Affairs : 11 June 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Weekly Current Affairs Quiz : 01 June to 08 June 2024

Weekly Current Affairs MCQs Questions from 01 June to 08 June 2024 for competitive exams.

Weekly Current Affairs MCQs : 01 June to 08 June 2024

Q: What is the current policy repo rate (unchanged at 6.50% for the eighth consecutive time) as decided by the Reserve Bank of India on 7 June 2024?
a) 6.25%
b) 6.50%
c) 6.75%
d) 7.00%

Answer: b) 6.50%
Detail News

Q: What is the name of the mission in which Sunita Williams and Barry Wilmore were safely safely docked with the International Space Station (ISS) on June 7, 2024?
A. Starliner Test Flight
B. NASA Crew Mission
C. Boeing Crew Flight Test (CFT)
D. SpaceX Crew Mission

Ans : C. Boeing Crew Flight Test (CFT)
Detail News

Q: What is the International Space Station (ISS)?
A. A lunar base established by NASA
B. A collaborative spacecraft orbiting Earth, used for scientific research and international cooperation
C. A Mars rover developed by ESA
D. A space tourism station run by private companies

Ans : B. A collaborative spacecraft orbiting Earth, used for scientific research and international cooperation
Detail News

Q: Who is Sunil Chhetri?
A) An Indian cricketer
B) A Bollywood actor
C) An Indian footballer
D) A renowned chef

Answer: C) An Indian footballer
Detail News

Q: Who is expected to be elected as the leader of the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) MPs?
a) N Chandrababu Naidu
b) Nitish Kumar
c) Narendra Modi
d) Mukesh Dalal

Ans : c) Narendra Modi
Detail News

Q: Who is the Prime Minister of Bangladesh ?
a) Ranil Wickremesinghe
b) Pushpa Kamal Dahal
c) Sheikh Hasina
d) Mohamed Muizzu

Ans : c) Sheikh Hasina
Detail News

Q: When do we celebrate World Environment Day every year?
A) January 1
B) April 22
C) June 5
D) September 21

Correct Answer: C) June 5
Detail News

Q: What is the primary cause of ozone depletion in the Earth’s atmosphere?
A) Carbon dioxide (CO₂)
B) Methane (CH₄)
C) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
D) Nitrous oxide (N₂O)

Correct Answer: C) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Detail News

Q: Which gas is responsible for the greenhouse effect?
A) Oxygen (O₂)
B) Nitrogen (N₂)
C) Carbon dioxide (CO₂)
D) Argon (Ar)

Correct Answer: C) Carbon dioxide (CO₂)
Detail News

Q: Why is the participation of N Chandrababu Naidu and Nitish Kumar in the NDA meeting for formation of Govt is significant?
a) They are new members of the NDA.
b) Their parties’ support is crucial for the BJP to form the government.
c) They were absent from previous meetings.
d) They opposed the NDA leadership.

Answer: b) Their parties’ support is crucial for the BJP to form the government.
Detail News

Q: Who became the first to fly to space aboard the Boeing Starliner’s first-ever crewed mission in June 2024?
a) Neil Armstrong and Sunita Williams
b) Buzz Aldrin and Rakesh Sharma
c) Chris Hadfield and Kaplana Chawala
d) Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore

Answer: d) Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore
Detail News

Q: Which Lok Sabha seat set a record for the highest votes secured by NOTA in the 2024 elections?
A) Mumbai South
B) Indore
C) Bangalore North
D) Delhi Central

Ans : B) Indore
Detail News

Q: Which party won the most seats in the Odisha Assembly polls?
A) Congress
B) Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
C) Biju Janata Dal (BJD)

Ans : B) Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Detail News

Q: How many seats did the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) win in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections?
A) 240
B) 220
C) 200
D) 260

Ans : A) 240
Detail News

Q: How many seats did the Indian National Congress (INC) win in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections?
A) 75
B) 99
C) 120
D) 135

Ans : B) 99
Detail News

Q: What world record did India set in the recent Lok Sabha Polls 2024?
A) Most number of repolling instances
B) Highest number of Code of Conduct violation
C) Highest total number of boot capturing incidents
D) Highest total number of voters

Answer: D) Highest total number of voters
Detail News

Q: Who has been elected as the first woman President of Mexico?
A) Xochitl Galvez
B) Claudia Sheinbaum
C) Margarita Zavala
D) Rosario Robles

Answer: B) Claudia Sheinbaum
Detail News

Q: Which party won the majority in the Arunachal Pradesh Assembly elections held in April 2024?
A) Indian National Congress (INC)
B) Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
C) Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF)
D) Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM)

Ans : B) Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Detail News

Q: Which political party won the majority in the Sikkim Assembly elections held in April 2024?
A) Indian National Congress (INC)
B) Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
C) Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF)
D) Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM)

Ans : D) Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM)
Detail News

Q: In which category did Amit Pangal secure his Olympic quota?
A) Men’s 57 kg
B) Men’s 51 kg
C) Women’s 57 kg
D) Women’s 51 kg

Ans : B) Men’s 51 kg
Detail News

Q: What is the main objective of China’s Chang’e-6 mission?
A) To establish a moon base
B) To retrieve the world’s first rock and soil samples from the moon’s far side
C) To conduct a manned mission to the moon
D) To explore the moon’s surface for water

B) To retrieve the world’s first rock and soil samples from the moon’s far side
Detail News

Q: Who became the first Indian male to qualify for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games?
A) Vasile Cebotari
B) Nikhat Zareen
C) Nishant Dev
D) Lovlina Borgohain

Answer: C) Nishant Dev
Detail News

Q: Which institution received the 2024 Nelson Mandela Award for Health Promotion from the WHO?
C) IIT Bengaluru

Answer: B) NIMHANS
Detail News

Q: Which countries are co-hosting the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024?
A) India and England
B) Australia and New Zealand
C) West Indies and United States
D) South Africa and Sri Lanka

Answer: C) West Indies and United States
Detail News

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 09 & 10 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 09 & 10 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 09 & 10 June 2024

Q: Who was sworn in as India’s Prime Minister for a rare third consecutive term?
A) Yogi Adityanath
B) Narendra Modi
C) Manmohan Singh
D) Amit Saha

Answer: B) Narendra Modi
Detail News

Q: Who did Carlos Alcaraz defeat to win his first French Open title?
a) Novak Djokovic
b) Roger Federer
c) Alexander Zverev
d) Rafael Nadal

Ans : c) Alexander Zverev
Detail News

Q: Who became the youngest man to win Grand Slam titles on all three surfaces (clay, grass, and hard court) at the age of 21?
a) Novak Djokovic
b) Roger Federer
c) Rafael Nadal
d) Carlos Alcaraz

Ans : d) Carlos Alcaraz
Detail News

Daily Current Affairs : 09 & 10 June 2024 in Hindi Click Here

Weekly Current Affairs PDF 01 June to 08 June 2024

Weekly Current Affairs Magazine (in English) PDF for the week from 01 June to 08 June 2024 for free download. This weekly Current affairs magazine consist One liners, detail news and MCQs for Competitive exams.

Economy Current Affairs.

  • RBI keep Repo Rate unchanged at 6.5%, Ups FY25 GDP forecast to 7.2%.

Environment Current Affairs.

  • World Environment Day- June 5.

International Current Affairs.

  • Claudia Sheinbaum elected as the first woman President of Mexico.

National Current Affairs.

  • India set a world record with 64.2 crore voters in the Lok Sabha Polls.

Polity Current Affairs.

  • Lok Sabha 2024 Results: BJP Emerges Triumphant with 240 Seats.
  • Andhra Pradesh and Odisha State Assembly Results.
  • New Record: NOTA (None of the Above) option received over 2 lakh votes in Indore.
  • Assembly Election Result: BJP and SKM retain power in Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim respectively 

Science and Technology Current Affairs.

  • Indian-origin NASA astronaut Sunita Williams becomes first woman to pilot new Spacecraft on maiden crewed test flight.

Sports Current Affairs.

  • Sunil Chhetri’s Farewell Match Ends in Goalless Draw Against Kuwait.

Weekly Current Affairs MCQ: 01 June to 08 June 2024  

PDF : Weekly Current Affairs Magazine
Period : 01 June to 08 June 2024
Medium : English
PDF Pages : 20

Daily Current Affairs MCQ : 08 June 2024

Daily Current Affairs : 08 June 2024, MCQ questions with detail explanation and extra fact for the preparation of competitive exams.

Daily MCQs : 08 June 2024

Q: What is the current policy repo rate (unchanged at 6.50% for the eighth consecutive time) as decided by the Reserve Bank of India on 7 June 2024?
a) 6.25%
b) 6.50%
c) 6.75%
d) 7.00%

Answer: b) 6.50%
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Q: What is the name of the mission in which Sunita Williams and Barry Wilmore were safely safely docked with the International Space Station (ISS) on June 7, 2024?
A. Starliner Test Flight
B. NASA Crew Mission
C. Boeing Crew Flight Test (CFT)
D. SpaceX Crew Mission

Ans : C. Boeing Crew Flight Test (CFT)
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Q: What is the International Space Station (ISS)?
A. A lunar base established by NASA
B. A collaborative spacecraft orbiting Earth, used for scientific research and international cooperation
C. A Mars rover developed by ESA
D. A space tourism station run by private companies

Ans : B. A collaborative spacecraft orbiting Earth, used for scientific research and international cooperation
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