Best Tourism Village Award for Dhordo Village by UN World Tourism Organization

Dhordo village in Kutch district of Gujarat has been recognized as one of the Best Tourism Villages by the United Nations World Tourism Organization.

  1. Dhordo, a small village with a population of less than 1000, is located in the Great Rann of Kutch and has harsh climatic conditions.
  2. Chief Minister Narendra Modi played a significant role in promoting tourism in Dhordo by making it a venue for the Rannotsav desert festival, held between November to February.
  3. The Rannotsav festival has greatly contributed to the economic upliftment of the people in Dhordo, allowing them to showcase their natural and cultural resources, handicrafts, cultural diversity, and culinary traditions.
  4. In 2022, Dhordo attracted more than 1 lakh visitors, including nearly 7400 foreign tourists, during Rannotsav.
  5. The state government, along with the participation of villagers, has taken various policy initiatives to conserve and sustainably use limited resources, including financial incentives for lodging construction.
  6. Dhordo’s efforts in preserving its local culture, cuisine, and landscapes have led to its recognition as the Best Tourism Village.

Q.: What recognition has Dhordo village in Gujarat received from the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)?

a) Cultural Heritage Site
b) Best Tourist Spot in Asia
c) Best Tourism Village
d) Natural Wonder of the World

Ans : c) Best Tourism Village

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