Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched India’s first Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) at Sahibabad, Uttar Pradesh, on October 20, 2023.
- The launched RRTS Corridor’s priority section covers a 17-kilometer distance connecting Sahibabad to ‘Duhai Depot’ with stations at Ghaziabad, Guldhar, and Duhai.
- The first RAPIDX train, named ‘Namo Bharat,’ was flagged off by Mr. Modi, marking the launch of the RRTS in India.
- Prime Minister Modi interacted with co-passengers aboard the Regional Rapid Train, who shared their experiences and the positive impact of this train service on their lives.
- The RRTS service for the general public will become operational the day after the launch.
Q.: What is the name of India’s first RAPIDX train that was inaugurated by Prime Minister Modi to mark the launch of the RRTS in India?
a) Speedy Express
b) Rapid India
c) Namo Bharat
d) QuickRail One
Answer: c) Namo Bharat