Pedro Sánchez re-elected as President of the Government of Spain

Pedro Sánchez, the acting Socialist prime minister of Spain, secured a majority vote in the parliamentary session on November 16, 2023, to form a new government.

  1. Sánchez received the backing of 179 lawmakers out of 350 in the lower house of parliament, with opposition coming primarily from right-wing deputies.
  2. The vote followed almost two days of debate focusing on a controversial amnesty deal for Catalonia’s separatists, a key factor in securing support for Sánchez’s reelection.
  3. Sánchez was able to achieve the necessary majority by gaining the support of six smaller parties, enabling him to form another minority coalition government with the left-wing Sumar party.
  4. Spain’s national elections on July 23 resulted in a fragmented parliament, with the Popular Party receiving the most votes but failing to secure enough support to form a government.
  5. The Socialists, finishing second with 121 seats, now have the backing of 179 lawmakers through various agreements and pacts.
  6. The formation of the government will be a minority coalition, and it remains uncertain whether Sánchez can maintain the support of the smaller parties over the next four years.

Q.: Who was chosen by a majority of legislators to form a new government in Spain on November 16, 2023?

a) Emmanuel Macron
b) Pedro Sánchez
c) Edouard Philippe
d) Marine Le Pen

Ans: b) Pedro Sánchez

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