PM Narendra Modi receive ‘The Grand Cross of the Order of Honour’ from the Greek government

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has become the first Foreign Head of the Government to receive ‘The Grand Cross of the Order of Honour’ from the Greek government. Greek President Katerina N. Sakellaropoulou conferred the Award to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 25, 2023, in Athens.

  1. This award is given to Prime Ministers and distinguished individuals who have contributed to enhancing Greece’s stature due to their prominent positions.
  2. The Order of Honour was established in 1975.
  3. The discussions between Prime Minister Modi and the Greek Prime Minister during the visit were extensive and led to significant and productive outcomes.

Q.: Who became the first Foreign Head of the Government to receive ‘The Grand Cross of the Order of Honour’ from the Greek government?

A) Angela Merkel
B) Emmanuel Macron
C) Narendra Modi
D) Boris Johnson

Answer: C) Narendra Modi

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