Pragyan Rover of Chandrayaan-3 takes walk on moon, Imprints Tricolour and ISRO Logo on Lunar Surface

Pragyan rover of Chandrayaan-3 has rolled down on the Lunar surface on 24 August 2023. Moon rover Pragyan has ramped down from the Lander and took a walk on the moon. This signifies a giant leap in the Indian space programme. By rolling on the lunar surface, the six wheels of the rover have imprinted Indian tricolour and ISRO logo on the Moon crust. Showing to the world for time immemorial that India landed first near Lunar south pole. 

Indian Rover Imprints Tricolour and ISRO Logo on Lunar Surface

The rover’s six wheels have left an indelible mark on the lunar landscape, engraving both the Indian tricolour and the ISRO logo onto the Moon’s crust. This act stands as a perpetual testament, proclaiming India’s pioneering presence near the lunar south pole for generations to come.

Q.: What is the significance of the Indian tricolour and ISRO logo being imprinted on the Moon’s surface?

a) It marks the site for a future lunar colony
b) It symbolizes India’s claim on lunar resources
c) It showcases India’s pioneering presence near the lunar south pole
d) It represents a partnership with other space agencies

Ans : c) It showcases India’s pioneering presence near the lunar south pole

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