UNESCO Recognition: The Ramcharitmanas, Panchatantra, and Sahṛdayāloka-Locana have been included in UNESCO’s Memory of the World Asia-Pacific Regional Register, affirming India’s rich literary and cultural heritage.
Significance: This recognition by UNESCO is a source of pride for India and emphasizes the importance of preserving diverse narratives and artistic expressions globally.
Literary Impact: These works, authored by Goswami Tulsidas, Pandit Vishnu Sharma, and Acharya Anandvardhan respectively, have deeply influenced Indian literature and culture, shaping moral values and artistic expressions.
Timelessness: The timeless nature of these literary masterpieces transcends geographical and temporal boundaries, leaving a lasting impact on readers and artists worldwide.
Role of IGNCA: The Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts played a crucial role in securing this recognition during the 10th meeting of the Memory of the World Committee for Asia and the Pacific in Ulaanbaatar.
Q: Which organization included the Ramcharitmanas, Panchatantra, and Sahṛdayāloka-Locana in its Memory of the World Asia-Pacific Regional Register?
c) WHO
d) World Bank
Ans : b) UNESCO
Q: Who authored the Ramcharitmanas?
a) Acharya Anandvardhan
b) Goswami Tulsidas
c) Pandit Vishnu Sharma
d) Ramesh Chandra Gaur
Ans : b) Goswami Tulsidas