List of International and National Days 2025

This list includes some of the most widely recognized days and events celebrated internationally and in India. The list of Important International and National Days in India, organized month-wise are given below:

List of International and National Days in 2025


  • January 1: New Year’s Day
  • January 4: World Braille Day
  • January 6: World Day of War Orphans
  • January 9: Pravasi Bharatiya Divas
  • January 10: World Hindi Day
  • January 12: National Youth Day (Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda)
  • January 15: Army Day
  • January 26: Republic Day of India
  • January 30: Martyrs’ Day (Mahatma Gandhi’s Martyrdom Day)


  • February 2: World Wetlands Day
  • February 4: World Cancer Day
  • February 6: International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation
  • February 14: Valentine’s Day
  • February 21: International Mother Language Day
  • February 28: National Science Day


  • March 8: International Women’s Day
  • March 14: World Sleep Day
  • March 21: World Poetry Day
  • March 23: Martyrs’ Day (Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev’s Martyrdom Day)
  • March 24: World Tuberculosis Day


  • April 2: World Autism Awareness Day
  • April 7: World Health Day
  • April 22: Earth Day


  • May 1: International Workers’ Day
  • May 3: World Press Freedom Day
  • May 12: Mother’s Day
  • May 18: International Museum Day
  • May 23: World Turtle Day


  • June 5: World Environment Day
  • June 8: World Oceans Day
  • June 16: Father’s Day
  • June 21: International Yoga Day
  • June 23: World Bicycle Day


  • July 1: Canada Day
  • July 4: Independence Day (United States)
  • July 6: World Zoonoses Day
  • July 11: World Population Day
  • July 14: Bastille Day (France)


  • August 9: International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
  • August 15: Independence Day (India)
  • August 19: World Humanitarian Day
  • August 23: International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition


  • September 5: Teachers’ Day (India)
  • September 8: International Literacy Day
  • September 10: World Suicide Prevention Day
  • September 16: International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
  • September 21: International Day of Peace


  • October 2: Gandhi Jayanti (Mahatma Gandhi’s Birth Anniversary)
  • October 5: World Teachers’ Day
  • October 9: World Post Day
  • October 16: World Food Day
  • October 31: Halloween


  • November 1: All Saints’ Day
  • November 2: All Souls’ Day
  • November 14: Children’s Day (India)
  • November 16: International Day for Tolerance
  • November 19: World Toilet Day


  • December 1: World AIDS Day
  • December 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities
  • December 10: Human Rights Day
  • December 25: Christmas Day

Jharkhand GK PDF

Jharkhand GK PDF in Hindi : General Knowledge, General Awareness and Static GK PDF for free download. PDF Books, Notes are useful for JPSC, and all competitive exams.

झारखंड सामान्य ज्ञान

अध्याय – 1 झारखण्ड का इतिहास
परिचय प्राचीन इतिहास
पूर्व मध्य काल
सल्तनतकालीन झारखंड
मुगलकालीन झारखंड
उत्तर मुगलकालीन झारखंड
झारखंड में अंग्रेजों का प्रवेश
अंग्रेजों के विरूद्ध कुछ प्रारंभिक विद्रोह

अध्याय – 2 झारखंड तथा भारतीय स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन
झारखंड में 1857 के विद्रोह का प्रभाव
झारखंड में राष्ट्रीय चेतना का प्रसार
गाँधी युग तथा झारखंड
प्रांतो में कांग्रेसी मंत्रीमंडल का गठन
अंतरिम सरकार का गठन
स्वतंत्रता की प्राप्ति : 15 अगस्त, 1947
झारखंड में पृथक राज्य के लिए आंदोलन
झारखंड का राज्य के रूप में गठन

अध्याय – 3 झारखंड का भूगोल
स्थिति तथा विस्तार
भूगर्भिक संरचना
धरातलीय स्वरूप
अपवाह तंत्र
झारखंड की महत्वपूर्ण नदियाँ
प्रमुख जलप्रपात

अध्याय – 4 वन तथा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान
वन उत्पाद
राष्ट्रीय उद्यान
पक्षी विहार

अध्याय – 5 कृषि एंव सिंचाई
झारखंड का कृषि प्रदेश (प्रक्षेत्र)
सिंचाई परियोजनाएं

अध्याय – 6 ऊर्जा संसाधन
जल विद्युत परियोजना

अध्याय – 7 खनिज संसाधन
झारखंड में खनिज की उपलब्धता

अध्याय – 8 उद्योग
खनिज आधारित उद्योग
कृषि पर आधारित उद्योग
वन पर आधारित उद्योग
झारखंड की नयी औद्योगिक नीति – 2012
झारखंड में उद्योगों का स्वामित्व

अध्याय – 9 परिवहन
सड़क परिवहन
रेल परिवहन
वायु परिवहन
जल परिवहन

अध्याय – 10 जनसंख्या
जनसंख्या वितरण
साक्षरता दर

अध्याय – 11 जनजातियाँ
प्रजातीय समूह के आधार पर
आर्थिक क्रिया-कलाप के आधार पर
झारखंड की मुख्य जनजातियाँ

अध्याय – 12 राजव्यवस्था
प्रशासनिक ढाँचा
झारखण्ड लोक सेवा आयोग

अध्याय – 13 कला एंव संस्कृति
प्रमुख किले/राजप्रसाद
झारखंड के प्रमुख मंदिर
संगीत तथा नृत्य
महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति

अध्याय – 14 विविध
शिक्षा संस्था
अन्य पत्र-पत्रिकाएँ
झारखण्ड की महत्वपूर्ण योजनाएं

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Name : Jharkhand GK for JPSC
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Uttar Pradesh GK PDF

UP GK PDF Download

UP GK PDF : Book, Notes PDF in Hindi for free download. Uttar Pradesh General Knowledge and General Studies PDF for the preparation of UPSC, UPPSC, UPSSSC PET, UP Police and all competitive exams.

  1. उत्तर प्रदेश की स्थापना कब हुई थी? – 24 जनवरी 1950
  2. उत्तर प्रदेश के इतिहास में सुल्तान गरीब नवाज कौन थे? – इल्तुतमिश
  3. उत्तर प्रदेश के अवध क्षेत्र में स्थित हैं, जहां भगवान श्रीराम का जन्म हुआ था? – अयोध्या
  4. उत्तर प्रदेश में स्थित है, जहां भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने अपने बाल्यकाल काटा था? – मथुरा
  5. उत्तर प्रदेश के वाराणसी में स्थित है, जहां आदि कवि महर्षि वाल्मीकि ने रामायण रची थी? – वाल्मीकि आश्रम
  6. उत्तर प्रदेश की प्रमुख लोकनृत्य कौन-कौन से हैं? – रसलीला, नृत्य उत्सव, ठारी
  7. उत्तर प्रदेश में स्थित है, जहां प्रसिद्ध कवि सूरदास ने अपनी रचनाएं लिखी थीं? – काशी
  8. उत्तर प्रदेश की प्रमुख लोककला कौन-कौन सी हैं? – तुलसी संगीत, लखनवी चिकंगरी, वाराणसी बांस उद्योग
  9. उत्तर प्रदेश के किस शहर में नवाब असफ़ उद्दौला ने शानदार भव्य इमारतें बनवाई थीं? – लखनऊ
  10. उत्तर प्रदेश में स्थित सरस्वती शिखर वन्यजीव अभयारण्य किस जिले में स्थित है? – लखनऊ
  11. उत्तर प्रदेश में किस धर्म से सबसे अधिक लोग हैं? – हिंदू धर्म
  12. उत्तर प्रदेश की सबसे बड़ी नदी कौन सी है? – यमुना
  13. उत्तर प्रदेश में कुल कितने जिले हैं? – 75
  14. उत्तर प्रदेश का सबसे बड़ा जिला कौन सा है? – प्रयागराज
  15. उत्तर प्रदेश की राष्ट्रीय उद्यान की संख्या कितनी है? – 9
  16. उत्तर प्रदेश की प्रमुख सांस्कृतिक धरोहर कौन-कौन सी हैं? – ताज महल, वाराणसी के घाट, अयोध्या के राम जन्मभूमि मंदिर
  17. उत्तर प्रदेश का राष्ट्रीय उद्यान कहां स्थित है? – डुडवा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान
  18. उत्तर प्रदेश में स्थित जीतेंद्र महास्कंद पुरस्कार किसके लिए प्रदान किया जाता है? – विज्ञान और साहित्य
  19. उत्तर प्रदेश में स्थित सरस्वती महानदी किस नदी का संगम स्थल है? – यमुना
  20. उत्तर प्रदेश के पश्चिमी हिमालयी भाग में स्थित राष्ट्रीय उद्यान का नाम क्या है? – वनविहार राष्ट्रीय उद्यान
  21. उत्तर प्रदेश की सबसे ऊँची चोटी कौन सी है? – नंदा देवी
  22. उत्तर प्रदेश में किस खनिज को सबसे अधिक उत्पादित किया जाता है? – गंगा बालु
  23. उत्तर प्रदेश की अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डा का नाम क्या है? – चौधरी चरण सिंह अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डा, लखनऊ
  24. उत्तर प्रदेश की आधिकारिक भाषा क्या है? – हिंदी
  25. उत्तर प्रदेश की सबसे बड़ी बांध कौन सी है? – राजघाट सागर बांध
  26. उत्तर प्रदेश की प्रमुख पुरातत्व स्थल कौन-कौन से हैं? – वाराणसी के घाट, फतेहपुर सिकरी, सरनाथ, लखनऊ के इमामबाड़ा

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Name : UP GK PDF in Hindi -1
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  1. विश्व का सबसे बड़ा महाद्वीप कौन सा है? – एशिया
  2. विश्व की सबसे ऊँची चोटी कौन सी है? – माउंट एवरेस्ट
  3. भारतीय संविधान कब लागू हुआ? – 26 जनवरी 1950
  4. विश्व में सबसे लंबा नदी कौन सी है? – नील नदी
  5. विश्व का सबसे ऊँचा धार्मिक स्थल कौन सा है? – माउंट कैलाश
  6. विश्व की सबसे ऊँची मूर्ति कौन सी है? – स्टैच्यू ऑफ यूनिटी
  7. विश्व का सबसे छोटा देश कौन सा है? – वेटिकन सिटी
  8. पहली भारतीय महिला ओलम्पिक मेडलिस्ट कौन थी? – कर्णम मल्लेश्वरी
  9. प्रमुख बौद्ध स्थल बोधगया किस राज्य में स्थित है? – बिहार
  10. पहली भारतीय महिला अंतरिक्ष यात्री कौन थी? – कालपना चावला

Thanks for the visit and download GK PDF Download in Hindi for competitive exams.

Madhya Pradesh GK PDF

Madhya Pradesh GK PDF book for competitive exams in Hindi and English for free download. This General Knowledge PDF contains MP History, Culture, Geography, and other important information required for the general awareness of Govt jobs examinations.

Important GK facts about Madhya Pradesh

  • During the British period, Madhya Pradesh was known as Central Provinces and Berar.
  • Madhya Pradesh came into existence on 1st November 1956, on the recommendation of the commission set up for the reorganization of Madhya Pradesh.
  • Thus Madhya Pradesh was formed on 1st November 1956, whose capital was kept at Bhopal.
  • Madhya Pradesh was bifurcated on 1 November 2000 and Chhattisgarh came into existence as the 26th state. With the transfer of 16 districts of Madhya Pradesh to Chhattisgarh, the area of ​​Madhya Pradesh was reduced to 308,252 sq km.
  • The economy of Madhya Pradesh is the 10th largest economy in India with a Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of ₹9.17 trillion (US$110 billion) and the 26th largest economy in the country with a per capita income of ₹109,372.
  • Madhya Pradesh ranks 23rd among Indian states in Human Development Index. Rich in mineral resources, Madhya Pradesh has the largest reserves of diamonds and copper in India.
  • 25.14% of its area is covered by forests. Its tourism industry has seen considerable growth, with the state topping the National Tourism Awards in 2010–11. In recent years, the state’s GDP growth has been above the national average. The GSDP of the state was recorded at 9.07 in 2019-20.

Download : Madhya Pradesh GK (English)

Madhya Pradesh GK PDF in English
Name : Madhya Pradesh GK
Medium : English
Compiled by : GK Now Team
PDF Pages : 44

Download : मध्य प्रदेश GK (Hindi)

Madhya Pradesh GK PDF in Hindi
Name : मध्य प्रदेश GK PDF
Medium : Hindi
Compiled by : GK Now Team
Number of pages : 40

Source of Information : https://mp.gov.in/

Thanks for visit and download the Madhya Pradesh GK PDF in Hindi and English, useful for competitive exams.

Karnataka GK PDF

Karnataka General Knowledge (GK), Books, Notes and MCQ Questions Answers PDF for competitive exams in Hindi and English for free download.

Important GK facts about Karnataka

Here are some Important General Knowledge facts about Karnataka :

  • Karnataka was formed on 1 November 1956 under the States Reorganization Act. Earlier it was called Mysore State.
  • It was renamed Karnataka in 1973. It is bordered by the Arabian Sea in the west, Goa in the northwest, Maharashtra in the north, Andhra Pradesh in the east, Tamil Nadu in the southeast and Kerala in the south.
  • The state is the eighth largest with 29 districts. Kannada is the official and most spoken language of the state.
  • There are 30 districts in the state of Karnataka—Bagalkote, Bangalore Rural, Bangalore Urban, Belgaum, Bellary, Bidar, Bijapur, Chamarajanagar, Chikballapur, Chikmagalur, Chitradurga, Dakshina Kannada, Davangere, Dharwad, Gadag, Gulbarga, Hassan, Haveri, Kodagu, Kolar, Koppal, Mandya, Mysore, Raichur, Ramanagara, Shimoga, Tumkur, Udupi, Uttara Kannada and Yadgir.
  • About 56% of the population of Karnataka is engaged in agriculture and allied activities.
  • 64.6% of the state’s total land, ie 1.23 crore hectares of land, is engaged in agriculture.
  • Awards -Karnataka Ratna Award (Literature, Art, Music, Social Work)

History :

  • Karnataka was ruled by Nanda, Maurya and Satavahana kings. After that, the Kadambas and Gangas of Banavasi had the authority.
  • The huge statue of Gomateshwara (Shravanbelgola) was made by Chamundaraya. Pulakeshin II ruled from Narmada to Kaveri. The Chalukyas built various temples.
  • Kannada literature flourished during this period. The Chalukya kings of Kalyani and their later Hoysala chieftains of Halebid built beautiful temples and encouraged literature and fine arts.
  • The Bahmani Sultans and the Adilshahs of Bijapur built grand buildings in the Indo-Saracenic style. With the arrival of the Portuguese, cultivation of tobacco, maize, chili, groundnut, potato, etc. started in the state.
  • After the defeat of Tipu Sullan (1799) and Peshwa (1818), Karnataka came under British rule.
  • After independence, the state of Mysore was formed in the year 1953 and various areas with a majority of Kannada speakers were integrated. In the year 1973, its name was changed to Karnataka.

Download : Karnataka GK

Karnataka GK PDF in English
Name : Karnataka GK
Medium : English
Source of PDF : https://www.karnataka.gov.in/english
PDF Pages : 49

Thanks for visit and free download the Karnataka GK PDF for state government jobs competitive exams.

Important Days in July 2023

List of Important Days in July 2023, with details and PDF download. This information is very useful for the preparation of upcoming UPSC, SSC, UPSSSC and other competitive exams.

List of Important Days in July 2023

1st July – Doctor’s Day (India)
All across India National Doctors’ Day is celebrated on 1st July in memory of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, physician and the 2nd Chief Minister of West Bengal. He was born on 1st July 1882 and died on the same date in 1962.

1st July – Chartered Accountants Day
Chartered Accountants Day or CA Day is celebrated every year on 1st July in India. It is also known as ICAI Foundation Day. The day is celebrated to commemorate the establishment of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) on 1st July 1949.

1st July – GST Day
GST Day is celebrated to commemorate the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST). GST Day was first celebrated on 1st July 2018 to mark the one year anniversary of the implementation of the new tax regime. GST was launched on the intervening night of 30th June and 1st July, 2017, at a function held in the Central Hall of Parliament.

2nd July – World UFO Day
World UFO Day is observed every year on 2 July to spread awareness about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). The main purpose of celebrating the day is to acknowledge the existence of UFOs. 2nd July was declared as the official World UFO Day by the World UFO Day organization. It is believed that the first World UFO Day was celebrated in 2001 by UFO researcher Haktun Akdogan.

2nd July – World Sports Journalists Day
World Sports Journalists Day is observed globally on 2 July every year. World Sports Journalists Day was established by the International Sports Press Association (AIPS) in 1994 to mark the 70th anniversary of the organization’s founding. AIPS was formed on 2 July 1924 during the Summer Olympics in Paris.

3rd July – International Plastic Bag Free Day
International Plastic Bag Free Day is held around the world on 3 July to spread awareness that a plastic bag free world is possible and that there are sound environmental alternatives to single-use plastic bags. The first International Plastic Bag Free Day was celebrated on 3 July 2008, when Rezero, a member of Zero Waste Europe (ZWE), started it.

4 July -USA Independence Day
Independence Day is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence, which was ratified by the Second Continental Congress on 4th July, 1776, to establish the United States of America. Congress voted to ratify independence, passed the Lee Resolution on 2nd July, and adopted the Declaration of Independence two days later on 4th July.

6 July – World Zoonoses Day
World Zoonoses Day is observed annually on 6 July to commemorate the first vaccination against zoonotic disease such as influenza, Ebola and West Nile virus. World Zoonoses Day was established on 6 July 1885 to educate and raise awareness about zoonotic diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. It is celebrated in the memory of French biologist Louis Pasteur, who administered the first dose of the first vaccine against rabies.

7 July – World Chocolate Day
World Chocolate Day, sometimes referred to as International Chocolate Day or just Chocolate Day, is an annual celebration of chocolate, which takes place globally on 7 July, which is believed by some to mark the introduction of chocolate to Europe in 1550. Celebrate anniversary. World Chocolate Day starts from 2009.

10 July- Nikola Tesla Day
Nikola Tesla Day, observed on 10 July, commemorates the life and legacy of Nikola Tesla, a renowned inventor, electrical engineer and physicist. Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, in Smiljan, part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (now Croatia).

11 July – World Population Day
In 1989, the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Program recommended that 11 July be observed by the international community as World Population Day, a day to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues.

12 July – Paper Bag Day
World Paper Bag Day is observed every year on 12 July to raise awareness about the importance of using paper bags instead of plastic bags. Francis Wooley, an American inventor, built the first paper bag machine in 1852. Later in 1871, Margaret E. Knight introduced another machine for making flat-bottom paper bags and gained fame as “The Mother of the Grocery Bag”. Improved paper bag design and manufacturing processes were developed over time by inventors Charles Stilwell and Walter Duebner in the years 1883 and 1912, respectively.

12 July- Malala Day
Every year on 12th July, the world celebrates Malala Yousafzai’s birthday. At the age of 17, Malala was the youngest ever recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. The day also honors the rights of children and women. He called for worldwide access to education at the United Nations. Since that day, the United Nations has designated 12th July as Malala Day.

14 July – Bastille Day
The National Day of France, also known as Bastille Day, is celebrated every year on 14th July. Known in French as La Fête Nationale or Le 14 Juillet, the day is celebrated with fireworks and parades. One of the most important days in the nation’s history, it marks the fall of the Bastille, a military fortress and political prison, which was then considered a symbol of the monarchy and the Arsenal.

15 July – World Youth Skills Day
In 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared 15 July as World Youth Skills Day, to celebrate the strategic importance of equipping young people with skills for employability, decent work and entrepreneurship.

15 July – Social Media Giving Day
Social Media Giving Day is observed every year on 15th July across the world. It was started by a non-profit organization called Givver.com, which has been raising funds through Twitter since 2013. The owner of Giver.com, Chris Somers, is also the founder of the popular American food chain Pie Pizzeria. On this special day, people are encouraged to donate through social networks.

17 July – World Day for International Justice
17 July is World Day for International Justice. It marks the anniversary of the adoption on 17 July 1998 of the ICC’s founding treaty, the Rome Statute, which seeks to protect people from genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression.

17 July – World Emoji Day
World Emoji Day is an annual unofficial holiday occurring on 17 July, intended to celebrate emoji; in the years since the initial observance, it has become a popular date for making product or other emoji-related announcements and releases.

18 July – International Nelson Mandela Day
Nelson Mandela International Day is an annual international day in honor of Nelson Mandela, observed each year on Mandela’s birthday, 18 July. The day was officially declared by the United Nations in November 2009, with the first United Nations Mandela Day being held on 18 July 2010.

20 July – World Chess Day
International Chess Day is celebrated annually on 20 July, the day the International Chess Federation was established in 1924. The idea of ​​celebrating this day as International Chess Day was proposed by UNESCO, and it has been celebrated as such since 1966. It was established by FIDE.

20 July – International Moon Day
International Moon Day is being celebrated for the first time on 20 July 2022. On December 9, 2021, the United Nations General Assembly recognized the proposal submitted by the Moon Village Association and several other groups within the organization. The application was submitted to the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) to celebrate International Moon Day.

22 July – Chandrayaan 2 launching date
India’s second mission to Moon, Chandrayaan-2 was launched on 22 July 2019 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota. The orbiter which was placed into the Moon’s orbit on 2 September 2019, carries 8 experiments to address many open questions on lunar science.

23 July – National Broadcasting Day
On this day in 1927, the first radio broadcast in the country was broadcast from the Bombay station under a private company, the Indian Broadcasting Company. Since 1927, radio has been an important part of people’s lives in India. All India Radio is truly serving to inform, educate and entertain the masses in line with its motto – ‘Bahujan Hitaya, Bahujan Sukhaya’.

24 July – Income Tax Day
On 24th July, 1860, Sir James Wilson introduced income tax for the first time in India. Wilson did this in 1857 to compensate for the damage done to the British rule during the First War of Independence. The first Income Tax Day was celebrated on 24th July 2010.

25 July – World Embryologist Day
On 25th July, 1978, Louise Joy Brown became the first baby girl to be born via in vitro fertilization (IVF). Since then, IVF has become a ray of hope for couples with infertility issues who dream of having a child. Therefore, Brown’s birthday, 25th July, is celebrated every year as World Embryologist’s Day.

26 July – Kargil Vijay Diwas
Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated every year in the memory of the brave sons of the country who sacrificed their lives while liberating the high peaks of Kargil from the occupation of Pakistan. Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated every year on 26 July to commemorate India’s victory over Pakistan in the 1999 Kargil War. During the war, the Indian Army repelled Pakistani infiltrators and succeeded in capturing Tiger Hill and other posts as part of “Operation Vijay”.

28 July – World Nature Conservation Day
World Nature Conservation Day is observed every year on 28th July. The main objective of this day is to spread awareness about the conservation of nature and biodiversity for a healthy environment which is essential for the flourishing of mankind. The origin of World Nature Conservation Day is still not known.

28 July – World Hepatitis Day
World Hepatitis Day is observed annually on 28 July to provide an opportunity to advance national and international efforts on hepatitis. Also, this day makes people aware about hepatitis disease and its consequences in the lives of people suffering from it. The World Hepatitis Alliance was established in 2007. In 2008, the first community-based World Hepatitis Day was observed.

29 July – International Tiger Day
International Tiger Day is observed every year on 29 July to promote the protection of the natural habitat of tigers, to spread awareness about the need for tiger conservation. This day is also known as Global Tiger Day. International Tiger Day was established in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit in Russia to raise awareness of the decline in wild tiger numbers, leaving them on the brink of extinction, and to encourage tiger conservation work.

30 July – International Friendship Day
Friendship Day (also known as International Friendship Day or Friends Day) is a day in many countries to celebrate friendship. Those who promote the day attribute the tradition of dedicating a day in honor of friends as originating in the United States in 1935.

31 July – World Ranger Day
On 31st July, World Ranger Day honors the dedication and important work rangers do every day around the world. In 2007, the International Rangers Foundation and The Thin Green Line Foundation celebrated the first World Ranger Day, the 15th anniversary of the founding of the International Rangers Foundation.

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PDF Pages : 6

Uttar Pradesh GK PDF

Uttar Pradesh GK PDF

Uttar Pradesh GK PDF in English and Hindi for free download. UP General Knowledge Notes and District Map are very useful for the preparation of upcoming UPSC, UPSSSC PCS, UPSSSC PET, UP Police and other competitive exams.

  • Uttar Pradesh was established in 1950. The state was formed on 24 January 1950 by the name of Uttar Pradesh and the reorganization of the state took place on 1 November 1956.
  • The administrative capital of Uttar Pradesh is Lucknow and the judicial capital is Prayagraj.
  • After the formation of the new constitution of India in 1950, the name of the United Provinces was changed to Uttar Pradesh.
  • On the basis of population, Uttar Pradesh is the largest state of India and fourth in terms of area.
  • It is located in the northern part of India and shares borders with Uttarakhand, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh and an international border with Nepal.
  • This state is spread over an area of ​​238566 square kilometers. The official language here is Hindi.
  • There are total 75 districts in Uttar Pradesh.
  • The number of Lok Sabha seats is 80 and the number of Rajya Sabha seats is 31.
  • Here the national animal is Barasingha, the national bird is Sarus Crane, the national tree is Ashoka and the national flower is Palash.
  • The city of Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh is called the Manchester of North India.
  • The first freedom struggle in Uttar Pradesh started on 10th May 1857 from Meerut.
  • The famous Buland Darwaza in Uttar Pradesh is located at Fatehpur Sikri.
  • For about 600 years, Uttar Pradesh was ruled only by the people of Muslim dynasty.

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Uttar Pradesh GK PDF in English

Name : Uttar Pradesh GK
Medium : English
By : Drishti IAS
PDF Pages : 23

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Name : UP GK Special PDF
Medium : Hindi
Uttar Pradesh General Knowledge with maps
Useful for UPPCS, UPSSSC PET, Lekhpal, UP SI
Number of pages : 13

उत्तर प्रदेश सामान्य अध्ययन by Paramount

Book Name : उत्तर प्रदेश सामान्य अध्ययन
लोक सेवा प्रारम्भिक परीक्षा के लिए
Language : Hindi
Level : SI UP Police, PCS, UPSSSC PET
Number of Pages : 83


PDF Name : UP District Map
Pages : 1

Bihar GK PDF Free Download

Bihar General Knowledge (GK), Books, Notes, MCQ Questions Answers, and District Map PDF for competitive exams in Hindi for free download. बिहार सामान्य ज्ञान (जीके), किताबें, नोट्स, एमसीक्यू प्रश्न उत्तर, और जिला मानचित्र पीडीएफ हिंदी में प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए मुफ्त डाउनलोड के लिए।

Important GK facts about Bihar

बिहार के बारे में कुछ महत्वपूर्ण सामान्य ज्ञान तथ्य इस प्रकार हैं:

  • बिहार का ऐतिहासिक नाम मगध है। बिहार की स्थापना वर्ष 1912 में हुई थी। बिहार देश के सबसे पुराने राज्यों में से एक है।
  • राज्य देश के पूर्वी भाग में स्थित है। अन्य भारतीय राज्य जो इसकी सीमाओं को छूते हैं, पश्चिम में यूपी, पूर्व में पश्चिम बंगाल और दक्षिण में झारखंड हैं।
  • यहाँ की प्रमुख भाषाएँ हिन्दी, उर्दू, मैथिली, भोजपुरी, मगधी, अंगिका आदि हैं।
  • यह क्षेत्रफल की दृष्टि से 12वां सबसे बड़ा और जनसंख्या के हिसाब से तीसरा सबसे बड़ा राज्य है।
  • यहां की राजधानी पटना है और बिहार का सबसे बड़ा शहर भी पटना है। बिहार की राजधानी पटना का ऐतिहासिक नाम पाटलिपुत्र है।
  • बिहार में स्थित प्राचीन शहर वैशाली को दुनिया का पहला गणतंत्र माना जाता है।
  • बिहार में 243 विधानसभा सीटें, 16 राज्यसभा सीटें और 40 लोकसभा सीटें हैं।
  • बिहार बुद्ध के जीवन से सबसे गहराई से जुड़े स्थानों में से एक है।
  • बिहार की अर्थव्यवस्था भारत के सभी राज्यों में सबसे खराब है, 2014 की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, बिहार अर्थव्यवस्था में सबसे आखिरी और भारत का सबसे गरीब राज्य भी है।
  • 2000 से पहले, बिहार और झारखंड एक ही राज्य थे। 15 नवंबर 2000 को, झारखंड को एक नए राज्य के रूप में दक्षिण बिहार से अलग कर बनाया गया था।
  • बिहार के सोनपुर का पशु मेला प्राचीन काल से ही पूरे विश्व में प्रसिद्ध है जो कार्तिक पूर्णिमा को लगता है। पुराने राजा-महाराजा इस मेले से युद्ध के लिए हाथी और घोड़े खरीदते थे।
  • इतिहास के सबसे बड़े आविष्कारों में से एक “जीरो (0)” का आविष्कार करने वाले आर्यभट्ट बिहार के रहने वाले थे। भारत के पहले राष्ट्रपति डॉ. राजेंद्र प्रसाद का जन्म भी बिहार में हुआ था।
  • यहाँ की जनसंख्या लगभग 10,38,04,637 है। बिहार में लगभग 5,41,85,347 पुरुष और लगभग 4,96,19,290 महिलाएं हैं।
  • बिहार का जनसंख्या घनत्व लगभग 1,102 प्रति वर्ग किमी है।
  • बिहार में हिंदू 83.2% और मुसलमान 16.5% हैं।
  • बिहार के प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थल महात्मा गांधी सेतु, महाबोधि मंदिर, नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय, विष्णुपद मंदिर, बोधगया मंदिर आदि हैं।
  • बिहार का प्रमुख पर्व सात है जो प्राचीन वैदिक काल से मनाया जा रहा है आज यह पर्व बिहार की संस्कृति का प्रतीक बन गया है।
  • वाल्मीकि राष्ट्रीय उद्यान भारत के बिहार राज्य के पश्चिम चंपारण जिले में एक बाघ अभयारण्य है। यह बिहार का एकमात्र राष्ट्रीय उद्यान है। वाल्मीकि राष्ट्रीय उद्यान में 898.45 किमी2 (346.89 वर्ग मील) जंगल शामिल हैं और भारत के 18वें टाइगर रिजर्व के रूप में और बाघों की आबादी के घनत्व के मामले में चौथे स्थान पर है।

Bihar GK at a Glance

1.Formation22 March 1912 (Bihar Diwas)
3.Location of High CourtPatna
4.Area Rank (Area)13
5.Population Rank (Population)3
6.State BirdHouse Sparrow
7.State AnimalIndian Bison (Gaur)
8.State TreePeepal (Ficus religiosa)
9.State FlowerKachnar (Phanera variegata)
10.First GovernorJairamdas Daulatram
11.First Chief MinisterSri Krishna Sinha
12.Number of Districts38
13.Largest DistrictWest Champaran
14.Number of MPs40
15.Number of MLAs243
16.Number of MLCs75
17.IIMsBodh Gaya
18.Countries of Equal Area (approximate)Hungary, Jordan
19.Official LanguagesHindi, Urdu

Bihar Complete GK PDF

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Name : Bihar GK PDF : बिहार सामान्य ज्ञान PDF
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 50

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Name : बिहार का इतिहास PDF
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 20

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Name : बिहार अर्थव्यवस्था PDF
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 9

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Name : बिहार राजव्यवस्था PDF
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 11

Download : Bihar Geography GK PDF

Name : बिहार भूगोल PDF
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 11

Bihar District Map

Name : Bihar District Map with Boundary
Number of PDF : 01

List of International Organisations and their Headquarters PDF

List of International Organisations and their Headquarters with established year PDF for competitive exams for free download. This GK PDF is very useful for General Awareness of students preparing for UPSC, SSC examinations.

International Organisations and their Headquarters

Sr. No. Organization HeadquartersEstablished
1African Development Bank GroupAbidjan, Cote d’Ivoire1964
2African Union (AU)Addis Abab, Ethiopia2002
3Amnesty International (AI)London, United Kingdom1961
4Andean Community Lima, Peru1969
5Arctic CouncilTromso, Norway1996
6Asian Development Bank (ADB)Mandaluyong, Philippines1966
7Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)Queenstown, Singapore1989
8Association of Caribbean States (ACS)Port of Spain, Trinidad, Tobago1994
9Association of European Parliamentarians with Africa (AWEPA)Amsterdam, Netherlands1984
10Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)Jakarta, Indonesia1967
11Bank for International Settlements (BIS)Basel, Switzerland1930
12Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)Istanbul, Turkey1992
13Caribbean Community (CARICOM)Georgetown, Guyana1973
14Central American Bank for Economic Integration Tegucigalpa, Honduras1960
15Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)Lusaka, Zambia1994
16Commonwealth SecretariatLondon, United Kingdom1965
17Council of EuropeStrasbourg, France1949
18Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)Geneva, Switzerland1951
19Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS)Stockholm, Switzerland1992
20Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria1975
21European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)London, United Kingdom1991
22European Central Bank (ECB)Frankfurt, Germany1998
23European Free Trade Association (EFTA)Geneva, Switzerland1960
24European Space Agency (ESA)Paris, France1975
25European Union (EU)Brussels, Belgium1993
26Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)Rome, Italy1945
27G-15 SummitGeneva, Switzerland1990
28Group of Eight (G8)New York, USA1975
29Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)Washington, DC, USA1959
30Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)Djibouti, Djibouti1986
31International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)Vienna, Austria1957
32International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)Vienna, Austria1957
33International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)Paris, France1919
34International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)Montreal, Canada1947
35International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)Montreal, Canada1947
36International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)Geneva, Switzerland1863
37International Court of Justice (ICJ)The Hague, Netherlands1945
38International Development Association (IDA)Washington, DC, USA1960
39International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)Geneva, Switzerland1919
40International Finance Corporation (IFC)Washington, DC, USA1956
41International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)Rome, Italy1977
42International Labour Organization (ILO)Geneva, Switzerland1919
43International Labour Organization (ILO)Geneva, Switzerland1919
44International Maritime Organization (IMO)London, United Kingdom1948
45International Monetary Fund (IMF)Washington, DC, USA1944
46International Olympic Committee (IOC)Lausanne, Switzerland1894
47International Organization for Migration (IOM)Geneva, Switzerland1951
48International Organization for Standardization (ISO)Geneva, Switzerland1947
49International Peace Bureau (IPB)Geneva, Switzerland1891
50International Seabed Authority (ISA)Kingston, Jamaica1994
51International Service for Human Rights (ISHR)Geneva, Switzerland1984
52International Telecommunication Union (ITU)Geneva, Switzerland1865
53International Trade Centre (ITC)Geneva, Switzerland1964
54Inter-Parliamentary UnionGeneva, Switzerland1889
55Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)Geneva, Switzerland1994
56League of Arab StatesCairo, Egypt1945
57Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)Washington, DC, USA1988
58Nordic Council of MinistersCopenhagen, Denmark1971
59North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)Washington, DC, USA1949
60Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)Paris, France1961
61Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)Vienna, Austria1975
62Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)The Hague, Netherlands1997
63Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC)Kuwait, Middle East1968
64Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)Jeddah, Saudi Arabia1969
65Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)Vienna, Austria1960
66Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)Noumea, New Caledonia1947
67South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)Kathmandu, Nepal1985
68The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)Central Jakarta, Indonesia1961
69UN WomenNew York City, USA2010
70Unión LatinaParis, France1954
 United Cities & Local Governments (UCLG)Barcelona, Spain2004
71United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)New York City, USA1946
72United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)New York City, USA1965
73United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)Bangkok, Thailand1947
74United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)Beirut, Lebanon1973
75United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)Paris, France1945
76United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)Nairobi, Kenya1972
77United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP)Nairobi, Kenya1972
78United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)Rome, Italy1945
79United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)Bonn, Germany1994 (Signed in 1993)
80United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR)Geneva, Switzerland and New York City, USA1993
81United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)Geneva, Switzerland1950
82United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat)Nairobi, Kenya1978
83United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)Vienna, Austria1966
84United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)Geneva, Switzerland1980
85United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)Geneva, Switzerland1963
86United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW)Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic1975
87United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)Copenhagen, Denmark1973
88United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)Geneva, Switzerland and New York City, USA1991
89United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)Vienna, Austria1997
90United Nations Population Fund (UNPF)New York City, USA1969
91United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)Amman, Jordan1949
92United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)Amman, Jordan1949
93United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC)Turin, Italy2002
94United Nations University (UNU)Tokyo, Japan1973
95Universal Postal Union (UPU)Bern, Switzerland1874
96Western European Union (WEU)Paris, France1954
97World BankWashington, DC, USA1944
98World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA)Geneva, Switzerland and New York City, USA1946
99World Food Programme (WFP)Rome, Italy1961
100World Health Organization (WHO)Geneva, Switzerland1948
101World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)Geneva, Switzerland1967
102World Meteorological Organization (WMO)Geneva, Switzerland1950
103World Organization Against Torture (OMCT)Geneva, Switzerland1985
104World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)Madrid, Spain1974
105World Trade Organization (WTO)Geneva, Switzerland1995
106World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)Gland, Switzerland1961

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Number of PDF Pages : 4

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List of Presidents of India PDF

List of Presidents of India PDF for free download. This document with Name of Indian’s Presidents in chronical order with their tenure in office are very useful for improve the GK for competitive exams.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad (3 December 1884 – 28 February 1963) :

Dr. Rajendra Prasad was an Indian politician, lawyer, Indian independence activist, journalist and scholar, who served as the first President of India from 1950 to 1962. He joined the Indian National Congress during Indian independence.

 Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (5 September 1888 – 17 April 1975) :

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Om originally Radhakrishnaiah, was an Indian philosopher and politician. He served as the second President of India from 1962 to 1967. He was also the first Vice President of India from 1952 to 1962. He was India’s second ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1949 to 1952.

Dr. Zakir Hussain (8 February 1897 – 3 May 1969) :

Zakir Hussain Khan was an Indian educationist and politician who served as the third President of India from 13 May 1967 until his death on 3 May 1969. He served as its Vice-Chancellor from 1926 to 1948. He was against the policy of separate electorates for Muslims, and in 1946 the Muslim League, led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, vetoed a proposal by the Indian National Congress to include Hussain in India’s interim government.

Varahagiri Venkata Giri (10 August 1894 – 24 June 1980) :

Varahagiri Venkata Giri was an Indian politician and activist who served as the fourth president of India from 24 August 1969 to 24 August 1974. He also third vice president of India from 13 May 1967 to 3 May 1969. He is the first president to be elected as an independent candidate. He was succeeded by Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed as president in 1974. After the end of his full term, Giri was honoured by the Government of India with the Bharat Ratna in 1975. Giri died on 24 June 1980.

Mohammad Hidayatullah (17 December 1905 – 18 September 1992) :

Mohammad Hidayatullah OBE was the 11th Chief Justice of India serving from 25 February 1968 to 16 December 1970, and the sixth vice president of India, serving from 31 August 1979 to 30 August 1984. He had also served as the acting president of India from 20 July 1969 to 24 August 1969 and from 6 October 1982 to 31 October 1982 and from 25 July 1983 to 25 July 1983 and from 25 July 1984 to 25 July 1984. He is regarded as an eminent jurist, scholar, educationist, author and linguist.

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed (13 May 1905 – 11 February 1977) :

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was an Indian lawyer and politician who served as the fifth President of India from 1974 to 1977. Beginning a long association with the Indian National Congress in the 1930s, Ahmed was Finance Minister of Assam in the Gopinath Bordoloi ministry in 1939 and again under Bimala Prasad Chaliha from 1957 to 1966. He was made a cabinet minister by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1966 and was in charge of ministries including power, irrigation, industry and agriculture until 1974, when he was elected President of India.

Basappa Danappa Jatti (10 September 1912 – 7 June 2002) :

Basappa Danappa Jatti was the fifth Vice President of India, serving from 1974 to 1979. He was the acting President of India from 11 February to 25 July 1977. He also served as the Chief Minister of Karnataka. In a tumultuous political career spanning five decades, Jatti rose from a municipal councilor to the second highest office in India.

Neelam Sanjiva Reddy (19 May 1913 – 1 June 1996) :

Neelam Sanjiva Reddy was an Indian politician who served as the sixth president of India, serving from 1977 to 1982. Beginning a long political career with the Indian National Congress Party in the independence movement, he went on to hold several key offices in independent India — as Deputy Chief minister of Andhra state and the first Chief Minister of United Andhra Pradesh, a two-time Speaker of the Lok Sabha and a Union Minister— before becoming the Indian president.

Giani Zail Singh (5 May 1916 – 25 December 1994) :

Giani Zail Singh was an Indian politician from Punjab who served as the seventh president of India from 1982 to 1987. He was the first Sikh to become president. His political activism in the Praja Mandal, an organization allied with the Indian National Congress, saw him sentenced to solitary confinement between 1938 and 1943. He led the flag satyagraha and formed a parallel government in Faridkot State which were called off only after the intervention of Jawaharlal Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel. The stints in jail inspired him to change his name to Zail Singh.

Ramaswamy Venkataraman (pronunciation (4 December 1910 – 27 January 2009) :

Ramaswamy Venkataraman was an Indian lawyer, Indian independence activist and politician who served as a Union Minister and as the eighth president of India. He was elected as the seventh vice president of India and in 1987, he became the eighth President of India and served from 1987 to 1992. He was appointed as the member of the Constituent Assembly and the provisional cabinet. He was elected to the Lok Sabha four times and served as Union Finance Minister and Defence Minister. In 1984, He also served as a State minister under K. Kamaraj and M. Bhaktavatsalam.

Shankar Dayal Sharma (August 1918 – 26 December 1999) :

Shankar Dayal Sharma was an Indian lawyer and politician from the state of Madhya Pradesh who served as the ninth president of India, from 1992 to 1997. A member of the Indian National Congress party, Sharma was Chief Minister (1952–1956) of Bhopal State and served as a Cabinet Minister (1956–1971) in the government of Madhya Pradesh holding several portfolios. Twice elected to the Lok Sabha, Sharma served as Governor of Andhra Pradesh (1984-1985), Punjab (1985-1986) and Maharashtra (1986-1987) before being elected unopposed as the eighth Vice President of India in 1987.

Kocheril Raman Narayanan (27 October 1920 – 9 November 2005) :

Kocheril Raman Narayanan was an Indian statesman, diplomat, academic, and politician who served as the ninth vice president of India from 1992 to 1997 and tenth president of India from 1997 to 2002. He served as ambassador to Japan, the United Kingdom, Thailand, Turkey, China and the United States and was referred to by Nehru as “the best diplomat of the country”. Elected as vice president in 1992, Narayanan went on to become president in 1997. He was the first person from the Dalit community to hold either post.

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam BR (15 October 1931 – 27 July 2015) :

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam BR was an Indian aerospace scientist and statesman who served as the 11th president of India from 2002 to 2007. Kalam was elected as the 11th president of India in 2002 with the support of both the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and the then-opposition Indian National Congress. Widely referred to as the “People’s President”. he returned to his civilian life of education, writing and public service after a single term.

Prathibha Devisingh Patil (born 19 December 1934) :

Prathibha Devisingh Patil is an Indian politician and lawyer who served as the 12th president of India spanning from 2007 to 2012. She is the first woman to become the president of India. A member of the Indian National Congress, she previously served as the Governor of Rajasthan from 2004 to 2007, and was a member of Lok Sabha from 1991 to 1996.

Pranab Mukherjee (11 December 1935 – 31 August 2020) :

Pranab Mukherjee was an Indian politician and statesman who served as the 13th president of India from 2012 until 2017. In a political career spanning five decades, Mukherjee was a senior leader in the Indian National Congress and occupied several ministerial portfolios in the Government of India. Prior to his election as President, Mukherjee was Union Finance Minister from 2009 to 2012. He was awarded India’s highest civilian honour, the Bharat Ratna, in 2019, by his successor as president, Ram Nath Kovind.

Ram Nath Kovind (born 1 October 1945) :

Ram Nath Kovind is an Indian politician and lawyer who served as the 14th president of India from 2017 to 2022. He is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party. Prior to his presidency, he served as the 26th Governor of Bihar from 2015 to 2017. He also served as a Member of Rajya Sabha from 1994 to 2006. Before entering politics, he was a lawyer for 16 years and practiced in the Delhi High Court and the Supreme Court of India until 1993.

Droupadi Murmu (born 20 June 1958) :

Droupadi Murmu is an Indian politician and former teacher who is serving as the 15th and current President of India since 2022. She is the first person belonging to the tribal community and also the second woman after Pratibha Patil to hold the office. She is also the youngest person to occupy the post and the first President born in Independent India. She has also served as the 9th Governor of Jharkhand from 2015 to 2021. She has also previously served as a member of the Odisha Legislative Assembly from Rairangpur Assembly constituency from 2000 to 2009 and Minister of State (Independent Charge), Government of Odisha from 2000 to 2004.

List of Presidents of India

Sr. No.NameStarting dateEnding dateProfiles
1Dr. Rajendra Prasad26th Jan, 195013th May, 1962He was the first President of republic of India.
2 Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan13th May, 196213th May, 1967He was the 2nd President of India.
3 Dr. Zakir Hussain13th May, 19673rd May, 1969He was the 3rd President of India.
4Varahagiri Venkata Giri3rd May, 196920th July, 1969He was acting President because of Hussain’s death.
5Mohammad Hidayatullah20th July, 196924th August, 1969He was acting President till Giri’s presidency.
6Varahagiri Venkata Giri24th August, 196924th August, 1974He was the 4th President of India.
7Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed24th August, 197411th February, 1977He was the 5th President of India.
8Basappa Danappa Jatti11th February, 197725th July, 1977He was a chief minister of the Mysore but got elected as President, After the death of Ahmed.
9Neelam Sanjiva Reddy25th July, 197725th July, 1982Reddy was the 6th President of India unopposed.
10Giani Zail Singh25th July, 198225th July, 1987He was the 7th President of India and was also a member of the Congress party.
11Ramaswamy Venkataraman25th July, 198725th July, 1992He was the 8th President of India. He was also a lawyer and a professional politician.
12Shankar Dayal Sharma25th July, 199225th July, 1997He was the 9th President of India, and he was also a member of the National Congress party of India.
13Kocheril Raman Narayanan25th July, 199725th July, 2002He was the 10th President of India and the best diplomat in India.
14 Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam25th July, 200225th July, 2007He was the 11th President of India, and he was a great scientist. He worked in ISRO and DRDO organizations.
15Pratibha Patil25th July, 200725th July, 2012She was the 12th President of India, and she was the first woman to Be President.
16Pranab Mukherjee25th July, 201225th July, 2017He was the 13th President of India, and he was also a senior leader of the National Congress party.
17Shri Ram Nath Kovind25th July, 201721st July, 2022He is the 14th President of India, and he is also ex-governor Of Bihar.
18Droupadi Murmu21st July, 2022WorkingShe is the 15th President of India and was a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party

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Number of PDF Pages : 5

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List of Prime Ministers of India PDF

List of Prime Ministers of India PDF for Competitive Exams General Knowledge (GK) paper for free download. All PM with photo and Bio for the General Awareness are compiled below :

List of Prime Ministers of India

Jawahar Lal Nehru

Jawahar Lal Nehru (14 November 1889 – 27 May 1964) :

Jawaharlal Nehru was an Indian anti-colonial nationalist, secular humanist, social democrat, statesman and author who was a central figure in India during the middle of the 20th century. He became the first Prime Minister of India, serving for 16 years.

Gulzarilal Nanda

Gulzarilal Nanda (4 July 1898 – 15 January 1998) :

Gulzarilal Nanda was an Indian politician and economist who specialised in labour issues. He was the Interim Prime Minister of India for two 13-day tenures following the deaths of Jawaharlal Nehru in 1964 and Lal Bahadur Shastri in 1966 respectively. Both his terms ended after the ruling Indian National Congress’s parliamentary party elected a new prime minister. He was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian award in 1997.

Lal Bahadur Shastri

Lal Bahadur Shastri (2 October 1904 – 11 January 1966) :

Lal Bahadur Shastri was an Indian politician and statesman who served as the 2nd Prime Minister of India from 1964 to 1966 and 6th Home Minister of India from 1961 to 1963. He promoted the White Revolution – a national campaign to increase the production and supply of milk – by supporting the Amul milk co-operative of Anand, Gujarat and creating the National Dairy Development Board.

Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi (19 November 1917 – 31 October 1984) :

Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi was an Indian politician and stateswoman who served as the third prime minister of India from 1966 to 1977 and from 1980 until her assassination in 1984. She was India’s first female prime minister and a central figure of the Indian National Congress. Gandhi was the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India, and the mother of Rajiv Gandhi, who succeeded her in office as the country’s sixth prime minister.

Morarji Ranchhodji Desai

Morarji Ranchhodji Desai (29 February 1896 – 10 April 1995) :

Morarji Ranchhodji Desai was an Indian independence activist and politician who served as the 4th Prime Minister of India between 1977 and 1979 leading the government formed by the Janata Party. During his long career in politics, he held many important posts in government such as Chief Minister of Bombay State, Home Minister, Finance Minister and 2nd Deputy Prime Minister of India.

Charan Singh

Charan Singh (23 December 1902 – 29 May 1987) :

Chaudhary Charan Singh served as the 5th prime minister of India between 28 July 1979 and 14 January 1980. Historians and people alike frequently refer to him as the ‘champion of India’s peasants. Charan Singh entered politics as part of the Indian independence movement inspired by Mahatma Gandhi.

Rajiv Gandhi

Rajiv Gandhi (20 August 1944 – 21 May 1991) :

Rajiv Gandhi was an Indian politician who served as the 6th prime minister of India from 1984 to 1989. He took office after the assassination of his mother, then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, to become the youngest Indian Prime minister at the age of 40.

Vishwanath Pratap Singh

Vishwanath Pratap Singh (25 June 1931 – 27 November 2008) :

Vishwanath Pratap Singh shortened to V. P. Singh, was an Indian politician who was the 7th Prime Minister of India from 1989 to 1990 and the 41st Raja Bahadur of Manda. He is India’s only prime minister to have been former royalty. He served as the Minister of Commerce from 1976 to 1977. In 1980, he became the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and was known for the encounter of the gang of Phoolan Devi.

Chandra Shekhar

Chandra Shekhar (17 April 1927 – 8 July 2007) :

Chandra Shekhar was an Indian politician who served as the 8th Prime Minister of India, between 10 November 1990 and 21 June 1991. He headed a minority government of a breakaway faction of the Janata Dal with outside support from the Indian National Congress. He was the first Indian Prime Minister who had never held any prior government office.

P. V. Narasimha Rao

P. V. Narasimha Rao (28 June 1921 – 23 December 2004) :

Pamulaparthi Venkata Narasimha Rao popularly known as P. V. Narasimha Rao, was an Indian lawyer, statesman and politician who served as the 9th prime minister of India from 1991 to 1996. He is known for introducing various liberal reforms to India’s economy. His ascendancy to the prime ministership was politically significant because he was the second holder of this office from a non-Hindi-speaking region and the first from South India (United Andhra Pradesh).

Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Atal Bihari Vajpayee (25 December 1924 – 16 August 2018) :

Atal Bihari Vajpayee was an Indian politician who served three terms as the 10th Prime Minister of India, first for a term of 13 days in 1996, then for a period of 13 months from 1998 to 1999, followed by a full term from 1999 to 2004. Vajpayee was one of the co-founders and a senior leader of the BJP. He was a member of the RSS, a Hindu nationalist volunteer organisation. He was the first Indian prime minister not of the INC to serve a full term in office. He was also a renowned poet and a writer.

H. D. Deve Gowda

H. D. Deve Gowda (born 18 May 1933) :

Haradanahalli Doddegowda Deve Gowda is an Indian politician who served as the 11th prime minister of India from 1 June 1996 to 21 April 1997.He was previously the 14th Chief Minister of Karnataka from 1994 to 1996. He presently is a Member of Parliament in the Rajya Sabha representing Karnataka. He is the national president of the Janata Dal (Secular) party.

Inder Kumar Gujral

Inder Kumar Gujral (4 December 1919 – 30 November 2012) :

Inder Kumar Gujral was an Indian diplomat, politician and freedom activist who served as the 12th prime minister of India from April 1997 to March 1998. He was the Minister of Information and Broadcasting during the emergency. In 1976, he was appointed the Ambassador of India to the Soviet Union. In 1996, he became the Minister of External Affairs in the Deve Gowda ministry, and developed the Gujral doctrine during this period.

Dr. Manmohan Singh

Dr. Manmohan Singh (born 26 September 1932) :

Manmohan Singh is an Indian politician, economist, academician and bureaucrat who served as the 13th Prime Minister of India from 2004 to 2014. He is the third longest-serving prime minister after Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi. A member of the Indian National Congress, Singh was the first Sikh prime minister of India. He was also the first prime minister since Jawaharlal Nehru to be re-elected after completing a full five-year term.

Narendra Damodardas Modi

Narendra Damodardas Modi (born 17 September 1950) :

Narendra Damodardas Modi is an Indian politician serving as the 14th and current prime minister of India since May 2014. Modi was the chief minister of Gujarat from 2001 to 2014 and is the Member of Parliament from Varanasi. He is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a right-wing Hindu nationalist paramilitary volunteer organisation. He is the longest serving prime minister from outside the Indian National Congress.

Prime Minister of India from 1947 to 2023
SR. No.Prime Minister NameTerm of OfficeParty Name
1Jawahar Lal Nehru15 Aug 1947 to 27-May-1964Indian National Congress
2Gulzarilal Nanda27 May 1964 to 9 June 1964Indian National Congress
3Lal Bahadur Shastri09-Jun-1964 to 11-Jan-1966Indian National Congress
4Gulzarilal Nanda11-Jan-1966 to 24 January 1966Indian National Congress
5Indira Gandhi24-Jan-1966 to 24-Mar-1977Indian National Congress
6Morarji Desai24-Mar-1977 to 28-Jul-1979Janata Party
7Charan Singh28-Jul-1979 to 14-Jan-1980Janata Party (Secular)
8Indira Gandhi14-Jan-1980 to 31-Oct-1984Indian National Congress
9Rajiv Gandhi31-Oct-1984 to 02-Dec-1989Indian National Congress
10Vishwanath Pratap Singh02-Dec-1989 to 10-Nov-1990Janata Dal
(National Front)
11Chandra Shekhar10-Nov-1990 to 21-Jun-1991Samajwadi Janata Party (Rashtriya)  
12P. V. Narasimha Rao21-Jun-1991 to 16-May-1996Indian National Congress (I)
13Atal Bihari Vajpayee16-May-1996 to 01-Jun-1996Bharatiya Janata Party
14H. D. Deve Gowda01-Jun-1996 to 21-Apr-1997Janata Dal
(United Front)
Inder Kumar Gujral
21 April 1997  to 19 March 1998Janata Dal
(United Front)
16Atal Bihari Vajpayee19-Mar-1998 to 22-May-2004Bharatiya Janata Party
17Dr. Manmohan   Singh22-May-2004 to 26-May-2014Indian National Congress
17Narendra Damodardas Modi26-May-2014  to IncumbentBharatiya Janata Party

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List of banks in India PDF Download

List of nationalised banks in India after merger, Public, Private, small sector bank, Payment bank and foreign bank with branch in India PDF for free download. This GK list of Government and merchant banks is very important for upcoming competitive exams.

Public Sector Banks (PSB)

There are 12 public sector banks.

SR. No.Anchor BankEstablishedHeadquartersBranches
1Union Bank of India1919Mumbai, Maharashtra9,315
2UCO Bank1943Kolkata, West Bengal3,087
3State Bank of India1955Mumbai, Maharashtra22,219
4Punjab National Bank1894New Delhi, NCT of Delhi10,769
5Punjab and Sind Bank1908New Delhi, NCT of Delhi1,526
6Indian Overseas Bank1937Chennai, Tamil Nadu3,217
7Indian Bank1907Chennai, Tamil Nadu5,744
8Central Bank of India1911Mumbai, Maharashtra4,608
9Canara Bank1906Bengaluru, Karnataka10,416
10Bank of Maharashtra1935Pune, Maharashtra2,022
11Bank of India1906Mumbai, Maharashtra5,084
12Bank of Baroda1908Vadodara, Gujarat8,310

Private-sector banks

At present, There are 21 private banks in India.

SR. No. Bank NameEstablishedHeadquartersBranches
1Yes Bank2004Mumbai, Maharashtra1,070
2Tamilnad Mercantile Bank1921Thoothukkudi, Tamil Nadu509
3South Indian Bank1929Thrissur, Kerala935
4RBL Bank1943Mumbai, Maharashtra435
5Nainital Bank1922Nainital, Uttarakhand160
6Kotak Mahindra Bank2003Mumbai, Maharashtra1,604
7Karur Vysya Bank1916Karur, Tamil Nadu811
8Karnataka Bank1924Mangaluru, Karnataka905
9Jammu & Kashmir Bank1938Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir957
10IndusInd Bank1994Mumbai, Maharashtra2,015
11IDFC First Bank2015Mumbai, Maharashtra707
12IDBI Bank1964Mumbai, Maharashtra1,884
13ICICI Bank1994Mumbai, Maharashtra5,266
14HDFC Bank1994Mumbai, Maharashtra5,608
15Federal Bank1931Kochi, Kerala1,272
16Dhanlaxmi Bank1927Thrissur, Kerala245
17DCB Bank1930Mumbai, Maharashtra352
18CSB Bank1920Thrissur, Kerala512
19City Union Bank1904Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu702
20Bandhan Bank2015Kolkata, West Bengal1,147
21Axis Bank1993Mumbai, Maharashtra4,594

Small sector banks

SR. No. Bank NameEstablishedHeadquartersBranches
1AU Small Finance Bank2017Jaipur, Rajasthan396
2Capital Small Finance Bank2016Jalandhar, Punjab47
3Equitas Small Finance Bank2016Chennai, Tamil Nadu412
4ESAF Small Finance Bank2017Thrissur, Kerala575
5Fincare Small Finance Bank2017Bangalore, Karnataka919
6Jana Small Finance Bank2018Bangalore, Karnataka718
7North East Small Finance Bank2017Guwahati, Assam
8Shivalik Small Finance Bank2021Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh46
9Suryoday Small Finance Bank2017Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra477
10Ujjivan Small Finance Bank2017Bangalore, Karnataka464
11Unity Small Finance Bank2021
12Utkarsh Small Finance Bank2018Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

Payments banks

SR. No.Bank NameEstablishedHeadquartersBranches
1Airtel Payments Bank2017New Delhi, Delhi
2Fino Payments Bank2017Mumbai, Maharashtra410 Branches
3India Post Payments Bank2018New Delhi, Delhi650 Branches
4Jio Payments Bank2018Mumbai, Maharashtra
5NSDL Payments Bank2018Mumbai, Maharashtra
6Paytm Payments Bank2017Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Foreign banks with branches in India.

List of notable banks which are incorporated outside India and are operating branches in India :

  •  Australia
    • Australia & New Zealand Banking Group
    • Westpac
  •  Bahrain
    • Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait
  •  Bangladesh
    • AB Bank
    • Sonali Bank
  •  Canada
    • Bank of Nova Scotia
  •  China
    • CTBC Bank
    • Bank of China
    • Industrial & Commercial Bank of China
  •  Denmark
    • Saxo Bank
  •  England
    • Barclays
    • HSBC Bank India
    • Standard Chartered Bank
  •  France
    • BNP Paribas
    • Société Générale
    • Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank
  •  Germany
    • Deutsche Bank
  •  Japan
    • Mizuho Corporate Bank
    • MUFG Bank
    • Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
  •  Netherlands
    • ABN AMRO
    • Rabobank
  •  Qatar
    • Doha Bank
    • Qatar National Bank
  •  Russia
    • Sberbank
  •  Scotland
    • NatWest Group
    • Royal Bank of Scotland
  •  Singapore
    • United Overseas Bank
  •  South Africa
    • FirstRand Bank
  •  South Korea
    • Industrial Bank of Korea
    • KEB Hana Bank
    • Kookmin Bank
    • Shinhan Bank
    • Woori Bank
  •  Sri Lanka
    • Bank of Ceylon
  •  Sweden
    • Handelsbanken
  •  Switzerland
    • Credit Suisse
  •  Thailand
    • Krung Thai Bank
  •  United Arab Emirates
    • Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank
    • Emirates NBD
    • First Abu Dhabi Bank
  •  United States of America
    • American Express
    • Bank of America
    • Citibank India
    • JPMorgan Chase

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Medium : English
Number of PDF Pages : 6

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First in World GK PDF

First in World GK PDF for Competitive Exams for free download. List of 1st Male and Female achieved any thing specific important for Static General Knowledge / Studies are provided below:

First in World Male 

S.NoFirst in World Male Names 
 1First Amercian President to visit IndiaDwight David Eisenhower
 2First blind man to scale Mount EverestEric Weihenmayer
 3First Chief of Air StaffAir Marshal Sir Thomas Elmhirst
 4First Chief of Army StaffGeneral Maharaj Rajendra Singh Ji
 5First country to win football World cupUruguay
 6First Cricketer to get Padma BhushanC Naidu
 7First Ethnic-Indian Prime Minister of Fiji Mahendra Choudhary
First European invader of Indian soilAlexander, The Great
 9First European to visit chinaMarcopolo
 10First Field Marshal of India SHFJ Manekshaw
11 First Governor-General of IndiaWilliam Bentinck
 12First Home Minister of IndiaSardar Vallabhbhai Patel
 13First Indian Air Chief MarshalAir Marshal Subroto Mukerjee OBE
 14First Indian Air Chief MarshalSubroto Mukherjee
15 First Indian Commander-in-Chief of IndiaGeneral Cariappa
 16First Indian Naval ChiefVice Admiral R D Katari
 17First Indian Pilot JRD Tata
 18First Indian to get Grammy Award Pandit Ravishankar
 19First Indian to get Nobel Prize in Physics CV Raman
 20First Indian to Receive Bharat Ratna AwardDr Radhakrishnan
21 First Indian to score triple century in Test CricketVirendra Sehwag
 22First Indian to swim across the English Channel Mihir Sen
 23First Indian to win Nobel PrizeRabindranath Tagore
 24First Judge of International Court of JusticeDr Nagendra Singh
 25First man to climb Mount Everest twiceNawang gombu
 26First man to climb Mt. EverestSherpa Tenzing, Edmund Hillary
 27First man to draw the map on earthAnexemander
 28First man to fly an aeroplaneWrite Brothers
 29First man to go into space Major Yuri Gagarin
 30First man to hit double century in One Day International MatchSachin Tendulkar
 31First man to reach north poleRobert Peary
 32First man to reach south pole Ronald Amundsen
 33First man to set foot on the moon Neil Armstrong
 34First man to walk in spaceAlexia Leonov
 35First man to win Nobel prize for ChemistryJacobus Henricus van ‘t Hoff
 36First man to win Nobel prize for EconomicsRagnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen (Neth
 37First man to win Nobel prize for LiteratureSully Prudhomme
 38First man to win Nobel prize for MedicalEmil von Behring
 39First man to win Nobel Prize for PhysicsWilhelm Röntgen (Germany)
 40First Muslim President of IndiaDr Zakir Hussain
 41First person of Indian origin to get Nobel Prize in MedicineHargobind Khurana
 42First Person to get Param Vir ChakraMajor Somnath Sharma
 43First person to reach Mountt Everest without oxygenSherpa Anga Dorjee
 44First person to receive Jnanpith AwardG. Sankara Kurup
 45First person to receive Jnanpith AwardSir Shankar Kurup
 46First person to receive Magsaysay AwardAcharya Vinoba Bhave
 47First person to receive Stalin PrizeSaifuddin Kitchlew
 48First person to sail around the worldFerdinand Magellan
 49First person to stay in Rashtrapati BhawanLord Ircoin
 50First President of Indian RepublicDr. Rajendra Prasad
 51First President of the Republic of ChinaDr Sun Yat-Sen
 52First President of the U.S.A.George Washington
53 First Prime Minister of Great Britain Sir Robert Walpole
 54First Prime Minister of India who resigned before the full term Morarji Desai
 55First Russian (Soviet) Prime Minister tovisit IndiaNikolai Bulganin
 56First secretary general of United Nations Trygve Lie 
 57First UN Deputy Secretary GeneralLouise Frechette
 58Governor of Reserve Bank of India Sir Osborne smith
 59Governor-General of independent IndiaLord Lewis Mountbatten
 60India’s first man in spaceRakesh Sharma
 61Pakistan’s first Governor GeneralMahammed Ali Jinnah
 62President of National CongressVyomesh Chand Bannerjee
 63Sports person to receive Bhatat RatnaSachin Tendulkar
 64The First Indian to join ICSStyandra Nath Tagore
 65The First man to introduce printing press in indiaJames Hicky

List : First in World (Female) 

S.No    First in World FemaleName
 1First woman Air Vice MarshalP Bandopadhyaya
 2First woman Airline Pilot Durga Banerjee
 3First woman Ambassador CB Muthamma
 4First woman Asian Games Gold Medal WinnerKamaljit Sandhu
 5First woman chairman of Union Public Service CommissionRose Millian Bethew
 6First woman Chairperson of Indian Air LinesSushma Chawla
 7First woman Chief Minister of an Indian State Sucheta Kripalani
8First woman cosmonaut in spaceValentina Tereshkova (USSR)
 9First woman Director General of PoliceKanchan C Bhattacharya
 10First woman Director General of PoliceKanchan C Bhattacharya
 11First woman Governor of a State in free IndiaSarojini Naidu
 12First woman Honours GraduateKamini Roy
 13First woman in the world to cross the Strait of GibralterArti Pradhan
 14First woman IPS Officer Kiran Bedi
 15First woman JudgeAnna Chandy
 16First woman Judge in Supreme CourtFatima Beevi
 17First woman Lawyer Cornelia Sorabjee
 18First woman lieutenant GenaralPuneeta Arora
 19First woman Minister in GovernmentRajkumari Amrit Kaur
 20First woman Olympic Medal winnerKarnaam Malleshwari
 21First woman Pilot in Indian Air ForceHarita Kaur dayal
 22First woman President of a countryMaria Estela Peron
 23First woman President of Indian National CongressMrs Annie Besant
 24First woman President of UN General Assembly Vijaya Laxmi Pandit 
 25First woman Prime MinisterIndira Gandhi
 26First woman Prime Minister in the worldS Bhandar nayake 
 27First woman Prime Minister of any Muslim countryBenazir Bhutto (Pakistan)
 28First woman Prime Minister of England Margaret Thatcher
 29First woman space touristMrs Anousheh Ansari
 30First woman Speaker of a state AssemblyShanno Devi
 31First woman to become Miss WorldReita Faria
 32First woman to chair US Central Bank ‘ Federal Reserve’Janet Yellen
 33First woman to climb Mount EverestJunko Tabei (Japan)
 34First woman to climb Mount Everest twiceSantosh Yadav
 35First woman to cross English channelAarti Saha
 36First woman to reach Antarctica Caroline Michaelson
 37First woman to reach the North pole Mrs Fran Phipps
 38First woman to receive Ashoka ChakraNirja Bhanot
 39First woman to receive Bharat RatnaMrs Indira Gandhi
 40First woman to receive Jnanpith AwardAshapurna Devi
 41First woman to receive Noble PrizeMother Teresa
 42First woman to set foot on North pole Ann Bancroft, USA
 43First women chief Justice of High CourtLeela Seth

List of First in World (Other Categories) 

S.NoFirst in World Country 
1First City to be attacked with atom bomb Heroshima 
2First country to host the modern Olympic gamesGreece
3First Country to issue paper currency China
4First country to launch Artificial satellite in the spaceRussia
5First Country to make a constitutionUnited States of America
6First Country to make education compulsory Prussia
7First Country to Print BooksChina
8First country to send a man to the moonU.S.A.
9First country to send human to MoonUnited States of America
10First Country to Start Civil Services CompetitionChina
11First country to win the World Cup FootballUruguay (1930)
12First Space Ship landed on MarsViking-I (July.1976)
13First Space shuttle launched Columbia 
14The first country to host NAM summitBelgrade (Yugoslavia)

Download : First in World GK PDF

List of Male, Female and other categories
Publisher : gknow.in
Medium : English
PDF Pages : 4

Rajasthan GK PDF Download

Rajasthan GK PDF : General Knowledge in Hindi and English for free download. Updated GK notes with new District Map for competitive exam.

Rajasthan New District 2023 Map

Maps of Rajasthan : All 50 District with 19 new
Medium : Hindi

Rajasthan Map 2023 : All 50 District
Medium : English

Rajasthan General Knowledge PDF

Name : Rajasthan General Knowledge
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 201

Download : Rajasthan District

Name : Rajasthan District GK Notes
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 49

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राजस्थान एक परिचय
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 49

Download : Rajasthan Notes PDF By NIRMAN IAS

Name : Rajasthan (GK) NIRMAN IAS
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 19

Download : Rajasthan Update Complete (GK) PDF

Name : Rajasthan Update (GK) Complete
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 310

Download : Rajasthan General Knowledge PDF By Geetanjali

Name : Rajasthan (GK) Geetanjali PDF
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 87

Download : Rajasthan (GK) PDF By Sikhwal Publication

Name : Rajasthan (GK) Sikhwal Publication
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 98

Download : Rajasthan History, Art & Culture (GK) PDF

Name : Rajasthan (GK) History, Art & Culture
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 116

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Name : Rajasthan (GK) History Complete Notes
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 80

Download : Rajasthan History Art & Culture (GK) in English PDF

Name : Rajasthan (GK) History Art & Culture
Medium : English
Number of pages : 142

List of Sports Stadiums in India PDF

List of Sports Stadiums in India PDF for free download. State wise details of existing stadium name with, city, state, games and capacity are very important for competitive exams.

List of Sports Stadiums in India

Stadium nameCityStateGamesCapacity
Dr. Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy ACA-VDCA Cricket StadiumVisakhapatnamAndhra PradeshCricket26,736
Indira Gandhi Stadium, VijayawadaVijayawadaAndhra PradeshCricket25,000
NTR StadiumGudivadaAndhra PradeshMulti-purpose stadium20,000
YS Raja Reddy StadiumKadapaAndhra PradeshCricket15,000
Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Cricket StadiumGuwahatiAssamCricket40,000
Indira Gandhi Athletic StadiumGuwahatiAssamAthletics, Football30,737
Jawaharlal Nehru StadiumGuwahatiAssamSports complex15,000
Satindra Mohan Dev StadiumSilcharAssamFootball22,000
Moin-ul-Haq StadiumPatnaBiharCricket25,000
Patliputra Sports ComplexPatnaBiharFootball20,000
Rajendra StadiumSiwanBiharFootball15,000
International Hockey StadiumRajnandgaonChhattisgarhHockey30,000
Shaheed Veer Narayan Singh International Cricket StadiumRaipurChhattisgarhCricket65,000
Ambedkar StadiumDelhiDelhi NCRFootball35,000
Arun Jaitley StadiumDelhiDelhi NCRCricket41,820
Dhyan Chand National StadiumDelhiDelhi NCRHockey20,000
Jawaharlal Nehru StadiumDelhiDelhi NCRAthletics, Football60,000
Chhatrasal Stadium Chennai Jawaharlal Nehru StadiumDelhi ChennaiDelhi NCR Tamil NaduSports complex Athletics,  Football16,000
Bhausaheb Bandodkar GroundPanajiGoaCricket10,000
Campal Indoor ComplexCampalGoaSports complex4,000
Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Indoor StadiumTaleigãoGoaMulti-purpose stadium4,000
Dr. Rajendra Prasad StadiumMargaoGoaCricket5,000
Duler StadiumMapusaGoaFootball10,000
Fatorda StadiumMargaoGoaFootball19,000
Tilak Maidan StadiumVasco da GamaGoaFootball12,000
CB Patel International Cricket StadiumSuratGujaratCricket35,000
IPCL Sports Complex GroundBarodaGujaratCricket15,000
Madhavrao Scindia Cricket GroundRajkotGujaratCricket15,000
Moti Bagh StadiumBarodaGujaratCricket18,000
Narendra Modi StadiumAhmedabadGujaratCricket132,000
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel StadiumAhmedabadGujaratCricket50,000
Saurashtra Cricket Association StadiumRajkotGujaratCricket33,000
The ArenaAhmedabadGujaratmulti-purpose stadium20,000
Chaudhary Bansi Lal Cricket StadiumRohtakHaryanaCricket10,000
Mahabir StadiumHisarHaryanaSports complex25,000
  Tau Devi Lal Stadium  Gurgaon  Haryana  Football, Cricket12,000(Football),
7,000 (Cricket)
HPCA Cricket StadiumDharamshalaHimachal PradeshCricket25,000
Bakhshi StadiumSrinagarJammu and KashmirFootball30,000
Sher-i-Kashmir StadiumSri NagarJammu and KashmirCricket12,000
Birsa Munda Athletics StadiumRanchiJharkhandAthletics35,000
Birsa Munda Football StadiumRanchiJharkhandCricket10,000
JRD Tata Sports ComplexJamshedpurJharkhandAthletics, Football40,000
JSCA International Cricket StadiumRanchiJharkhandCricket39,000
Keenan StadiumJamshedpurJharkhandCricket19,000
Gangotri Glades Cricket GroundMysoreKarnatakaCricket15,000
M. Chinnaswamy StadiumBengaluruKarnatakaCricket40,000
Mangala StadiumMangaloreKarnatakaFootball20,000
Sree Kanteerava StadiumBengaluruKarnatakaAthletics, Football24,000
Visvesvaraya StadiumMandyaKarnatakaFootball20,000
Calicut Medical College StadiumKozhikodeKeralaFootball12,000
Chandrasekharan Nair StadiumThiruvananthapuramKeralaAthletics,  Football25,000
EMS StadiumKozhikodeKeralaAssociation, football50,000
Fort MaidanPalakkadKeralaFootball10,000
Greenfield International StadiumThiruvananthapuramKeralaSports complex55,000
Jawaharlal Nehru StadiumKochiKeralaCricket, Football40,000
Lal Bahadur Shastri StadiumKollamKeralaAthletics, Football40,000
Maharaja’s College StadiumKochiKeralaAthletics, Football15,000
Rajiv Gandhi Indoor StadiumKochiKeralaMulti-purpose10,000
Thrissur Municipal Corporation  StadiumThrissurKeralaFootball15,000
Aishbagh StadiumBhopalMadhya PradeshHockey10,000
Captain Roop Singh StadiumGwaliorMadhya PradeshCricket18,000
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Football StadiumNeemuchMadhya PradeshFootball10,000
Holkar Cricket StadiumIndoreMadhya PradeshCricket30,000
Nehru StadiumIndoreMadhya PradeshCricket25,000
TT Nagar StadiumBhopalMadhya PradeshFootball20,000
Ravi Shankar Shukla Stadium Rajiv Gandhi International StadiumJabalpur HyderabadMadhya Pradesh TelanganaFootball Cricket15,000
Brabourne StadiumMumbaiMaharashtraCricket50,000
Dadaji Kondadev StadiumThaneMaharashtraFootball30,000
Guru Gobind Singh StadiumNandedMaharashtraCricket30,000
Indira Gandhi StadiumSolapurMaharashtraCricket30,000
Jawaharlal Nehru StadiumPuneMaharashtraCricket25,000
Maharashtra Cricket Association StadiumGahunje, Pune districtMaharashtraCricket37,406
Vidarbha Cricket Association StadiumNagpurMaharashtraCricket45,000
Vivekananda Nagar Indoor Sports ComplexNagpurMaharashtraSports complex5,000
Wankhede StadiumMumbaiMaharashtraCricket33,108
Yashwant StadiumNagpurMaharashtraFootball50,000
Khuman Lampak Main StadiumImphalManipurFootball30,000
Indira Gandhi Stadium, KohimaKohimaNagalandFootball20,000
Nagaland Cricket Association StadiumChümoukedimaNagalandCricket10,000
Indira Gandhi ArenaDelhiNCRSports complex14,348
Barabati StadiumCuttackOdishaCricket45,000
Biju Patnaik Hockey StadiumBhubaneswarOdishaSports complex15,000
East Coast Railway StadiumBhubaneswarOdishaCricket1,720
Jawaharlal Nehru Indoor StadiumCuttackOdishaGymnastics10,000
Veer Surendra Sai StadiumSambalpurOdishaCricket20,000
Dhruv Pandove Cricket StadiumPatialaPunjabCricket10,000
Guru Gobind Singh StadiumJalandharPunjabFootball22,000
Guru Nanak StadiumLudhianaPunjabFootball30,000
Guru Nanak StadiumKapurthalaPunjabHockey10,000
International Hockey StadiumAjitgarhPunjabHockey13,648
Lajwanti StadiumHoshiarpurPunjabFootball20,000
Punjab Cricket Association IS Bindra StadiumMohaliPunjabCricket26,000
Sector 42 StadiumChandigarhPunjabHockey30,000
War Heroes StadiumSangrurPunjabHockey10,000
Gandhi GroundUdaipurRajasthanMulti-purpose10,000
Sawai Mansingh StadiumJaipurRajasthanCricket23,185
Barkatullah Khan StadiumJodhpurRajiasthanCricket40,000
Baichung StadiumNamchiSikkimFootball30,000
Jorethang GroundJorethangSikkimFootball10,000
Paljor StadiumGangtokSikkimFootball30,000
Anna StadiumTiruchirappalliTamil NaduSports Complex20,000
Jawaharlal Nehru StadiumCoimbatoreTamil NaduCricket30,000
MA Chidambaram StadiumChennaiTamil NaduCricket50,000
Mahatma Gandhi stadiumSalemTamil NaduCricket35,000
MGR Race Course StadiumMaduraiTamil NaduHorse racing, Kabaddi10,000
Salem Cricket Foundation StadiumSalemTamil NaduCricket5,000
GMC Athletic StadiumHyderabadTelanganaAthletics, Cricket30,000
Lal Bahadur Shastri StadiumHyderabadTelanganaCricket30,000
Maharaja Bir Bikram College StadiumAgartalaTripuraCricket30,000
Dr Sampurnanda StadiumVaranasiUttar PradeshCricket, Hockey, Football10,000
Dr. Akhilesh Das StadiumLucknowUttar PradeshCricket20,000
Ekana International Cricket StadiumLucknowUttar PradeshCricket50,000
Green Park StadiumKanpurUttar PradeshCricket33,000
KD Singh Babu StadiumLucknowUttar PradeshCricket50,000
Major Dhyanchand Hockey Stadium, LucknowLucknowUttar PradeshHockey10,000
Saifai International Cricket StadiumSaifaiUttar PradeshCricket43,000
Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket StadiumDehradunUttarakhandCricket25,000
DY Patil StadiumKolkataWest BengalFootball40,000
Eden GardensKolkataWest BengalCricket66,000
Jadavpur StadiumKolkataWest BengalFootball12,000
Kalyani StadiumKalyaniWest BengalFootball20,000
Kanchenjunga StadiumSiliguriWest BengalFootball40,000
Kishore Bharati KriranganKolkataWest BengalFootball12,000
Mela GroundKalimpongWest BengalFootball10,000
Mohammedan Sporting GroundKolkataWest BengalFootball15,000
Mohun Bagan GroundKolkataWest BengalFootball22,000
Netaji Indoor StadiumKolkataWest BengalIndoor sports12,000
Rabindra Sarobar StadiumKolkataWest BengalAthletics, Football18,000
Vidyasagar KriranganBarasatWest BengalFootball15,000
Vivekananda Yuba Bharati KriranganKolkataWest BengalAthletics, Football85,000

Download : List of Sports Stadiums in India

Compiled by : gknow.in
Medium : English
Number of pages : 07

Important cities on river banks in India PDF

List of important cites located in rivers banks in India PDF in Hindi and English for free download. Riverside cities with state are compiled for preparation of competitive exams.

भारत में नदी किनारे के महत्वपूर्ण शहर

नयी दिल्लीयमुनादिल्ली
श्रीनगरझेलमजम्मू और कश्मीर
वडोदराविश्वामित्री, माही, नर्मदागुजरात
इलाहाबादगंगा, यमुना और सरस्वती के संगम परउत्तर प्रदेश
कानपुरगंगाउत्तर प्रदेश
कानपुर छावनीगंगाउत्तर प्रदेश
वाराणसीगंगाउत्तर प्रदेश
मिर्जापुरगंगाउत्तर प्रदेश
फतेहगढ़गंगाउत्तर प्रदेश
फर्रुखाबादगंगाउत्तर प्रदेश
कन्नौजगंगाउत्तर प्रदेश
शुक्लगंजगंगाउत्तर प्रदेश
चकेरीगंगाउत्तर प्रदेश
मथुरायमुनाउत्तर प्रदेश
आगरायमुनाउत्तर प्रदेश
औरैयायमुनाउत्तर प्रदेश
इटावायमुनाउत्तर प्रदेश
जौनपुरगोमतीउत्तर प्रदेश
लखनऊगोमतीउत्तर प्रदेश
अयोध्यासरयूउत्तर प्रदेश
गोरखपुरराप्तीउत्तर प्रदेश
गयाफल्गु (नीरंजना)बिहार
ग्वालियरचंबलमध्य प्रदेश
उज्जैनशिप्रामध्य प्रदेश
अष्टपार्वतीमध्य प्रदेश
जबलपुरनर्मदामध्य प्रदेश
कोलकाताहुगलीपश्चिम बंगाल
राजमुंदरीगोदावरीआंध्र प्रदेश
कुरनूलतुंगभद्राआंध्र प्रदेश
विजयवाड़ाकृष्णाआंध्र प्रदेश
नेल्लोरपेन्नारआंध्र प्रदेश
मंगलौरनेत्रावती, गुरुपुराकर्नाटक 
शिमोगातुंगा नदीकर्नाटक 
कराडकूम, अडयारमहाराष्ट्र
पुणेमुला, मुथामहाराष्ट्र
मालेगांवगिरना नदीमहाराष्ट्र
चेन्नईकूम, अडयारतमिलनाडु
तिरुनेलवेली थामिराबरानी तमिलनाडु
दमनदमन गंगा नदीदमन


Name : भारत में नदी किनारे के महत्वपूर्ण शहर
Compiled by : gknow.in
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 3

Important cities on river banks in India

New DelhiYamunaDelhi
SrinagarJhelumJammu and Kashmir
VadodaraVishwamitri, Mahi, NarmadaGujarat
AllahabadAt the confluence of Ganga, Yamuna and SaraswatiUttar Pradesh
KanpurGangesUttar Pradesh
Kanpur CantonmentGangesUttar Pradesh
VaranasiGangesUttar Pradesh
MirzapurGangesUttar Pradesh
FatehgarhGangesUttar Pradesh
FarrukhabadGangesUttar Pradesh
kannaujGangesUttar Pradesh
ShuklaganjGangesUttar Pradesh
ChakeriGangesUttar Pradesh
MathuraYamunaUttar Pradesh
AgraYamunaUttar Pradesh
AuraiyaYamunaUttar Pradesh
etawahYamunaUttar Pradesh
JaunpurGomtiUttar Pradesh
LucknowGomtiUttar Pradesh
AyodhyaSarayuUttar Pradesh
GorakhpurRaptiUttar Pradesh
GayaFalgu (Niranjana)Bihar
GwaliorChambalMadhya Pradesh
UjjainShipraMadhya Pradesh
AshtaParvatiMadhya Pradesh
JabalpurNarmadaMadhya Pradesh
KolkataHooghlyWest Bengal
rajahmundryGodavariAndhra Pradesh
KurnoolTungabhadraAndhra Pradesh
VijayawadaKrishnaAndhra Pradesh
NellorePennarAndhra Pradesh
MangaloreNetravati, GurupuraKarnataka
ShimogaTunga RiverKarnataka
KaradKrishna, KoynaMaharashtra
PuneMula, MuthaMaharashtra
MalegaonGirna RiverMaharashtra
TiruchirappalliKaveriTamil Nadu
ErodeKaveriTamil Nadu
ChennaiCooum, AdyarTamil Nadu
MaduraiVaigaiTamil Nadu
CoimbatoreNoyyalTamil Nadu
tirunelveliThamirabaraniTamil Nadu
DamanDaman Ganga RiverDaman

Download : List of important cities on River Banks

Compiled by : gknow.in
Medium : English
Number of pages : 3

Punjab GK PDF Download

Punjab General Knowledge (GK) Notes, Questions and MCQs for Competitive Exams, PDF for free download. We have compiled the study material PDF for the preparation of Punjab Government jobs examinations.

Punjab General Knowledge

Here are some important points about the General Knowledge of Punjab that might be helpful for competitive exams:


Punjab is a state located in the northern part of India. It shares borders with the states of Haryana, Rajasthan, and Himachal Pradesh, as well as the country of Pakistan.


Punjabi is the official language of the state.


The capital of Punjab is Chandigarh, which is a Union Territory and also serves as the capital of Haryana.


The state is known for its five rivers: Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab, and Jhelum.


Punjab is known as the ‘Granary of India’ due to its high agricultural production. The state is a major producer of wheat, rice, and other crops.


Punjab has a growing industrial sector with a focus on textiles, food processing, and engineering goods.


Punjab is the birthplace of Sikhism and is home to many important Sikh shrines, including the Golden Temple in Amritsar.


Some of the major festivals celebrated in Punjab include Baisakhi, Lohri, and Diwali.


Punjab has a rich history, with a legacy of ancient civilizations like the Indus Valley Civilization and the Vedic period. The state has also played an important role in India’s struggle for independence.


Punjab has produced many famous athletes, including Milkha Singh, the Flying Sikh, and Harbhajan Singh, a famous cricketer.

This is just a brief overview of some important points about the General Knowledge of Punjab. However, to prepare for competitive exams, you should also study in depth about the state’s economy, geography, politics, culture, and current affairs. Further, we are providing the Punjab GK PDF download links for free download from google drive.

Punjab General Knowledge (GK) PDF

Name : Punjab General Knowledge
Source : https://punjab.gov.in/know-punjab/
Compiled by : gknow.in
Medium : English
Number of pages : 6

Download : Punjab GK Notes

Name : Punjab GK Notes
Medium : English
Number of pages : 17

Download : Punjab GK Question Answers

Name : Punjab GK Question Answers
Medium : English
Number of pages : 6

Download : Punjab General Knowledge Questions

Name : Punjab General Knowledge Questions
Medium : English
Number of pages : 4

Download : Punjab General Knowledge MCQs

Name : Punjab General Knowledge MCQs
Medium : English
Number of pages : 5

Download : Punjab General Knowledge Questions

Name : Punjab General Knowledge
Medium : English
Number of pages : 5

Himachal Pradesh GK PDF

Himachal Pradesh GK PDF : General Knowledge, Books, Notes and MCQ Questions Answers PDF for competitive exams in Hindi and English for free download.

Important GK facts about Himachal Pradesh

Here are some important General Knowledge facts about Himachal Pradesh:

  1. Himachal Pradesh is a state in northern India, bordered by Jammu and Kashmir to the north, Punjab to the west, Haryana to the south-west, Uttarakhand to the south-east, and Tibet to the east.
  2. The capital of Himachal Pradesh is Shimla, which was the summer capital of British India.
  3. Himachal Pradesh is known for its scenic beauty, as it is home to the Himalayas, lush valleys, and picturesque lakes.
  4. Himachal Pradesh has 12 districts, which are further divided into sub-divisions, tehsils, and blocks.
  5. The state has a population of around 7 million people, with a literacy rate of 83.8%.
  6. The official language of Himachal Pradesh is Hindi, but other languages such as Punjabi, Pahari, and English are also spoken.
  7. Himachal Pradesh has a strong economy, with tourism, agriculture, and horticulture being the major contributors.
  8. The state is famous for its handicrafts, including shawls, carpets, and woodcarvings.
  9. Himachal Pradesh has a number of famous tourist destinations, including Shimla, Manali, Dharamshala, and Dalhousie.
  10. Himachal Pradesh has several important wildlife reserves, including the Great Himalayan National Park, Pin Valley National Park, and Renuka Wildlife Sanctuary.
  11. The state has several famous temples, including the Jwalamukhi Temple, the Chamunda Devi Temple, and the Hadimba Temple.
  12. The highest peak in Himachal Pradesh is the Reo Purgyil, which has an elevation of 6,816 meters.
  13. The state is also known for its colorful festivals, including the Kullu Dussehra, the Shimla Summer Festival, and the Minjar Fair.
  14. Himachal Pradesh is also home to several notable personalities, including the Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore, who wrote several poems and plays while staying in the state.
  15. Himachal Pradesh was formed as a separate state on 25th January 1971, after being carved out of the state of Punjab.

डाउनलोड : हिमाचल सामान्य ज्ञान बुक पीडीऍफ़

बुक का नाम : हिमाचल सामान्य ज्ञान – एक परिचय
लेखक : आर गुप्ता
पब्लिकेशन : रमेश पब्लिकेशन
हिंदी माध्यम छात्रों के लिए
पीडीऍफ़ पेज : 151

Download : Himachal GK Book PDF

Book Name : Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
Writer : R Gupta and Dr Syed
Publication : Ramesh
Medium : English
PDF Pages : 263

MCQ Questions in Hindi

PDF Name : Himachal GK Important questions
Medium : Hindi
PDF Pages : 41

One Liner PDF in Hindi

PDF Name : हिमाचल प्रदेश सामान्य ज्ञान महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न
Medium : Hindi
PDF Pages : 12

Himachal GK Question Answer PDF

PDF Name : Questions for Competitive Exams
Medium : Hindi
Number of PDF Pages : 12

HP GK MCQ for Competitive Exams

PDF Name : Himachal Pradesh GK MCQs
Medium : Hindi
PDF Pages : 59

Thanks for visit and download the Himachal Pradesh GK PDF for Competitive Exams.

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